Monk Macros


Hey everyone,

as some may know ive posted about monks b4 as i have made one and been truelly enjoying the play and feel of it. all links will take you too

currently as brewmaster for FC i have only made 2 macros to help utilized stance switching.


#showtooltip Dizzying Haze
/cast Stance of the Black Ox
/cast Dizzying Haze -


#showtooltip Roll
/cast Stance of the Fierce Tiger -
/cast Roll -

pretty much explains itself. if in SotFT will switch to SotBO and next clickk will use Dizzying Haze
next will if not already put you in SotFT and use roll, for that extra booost in speed.

pretty much the only 2 i currently use tho im planning on adding these to most of my BO stance abilities,

i also have 2 rolls, one macro'd for FT stacne the other not. i like options.

please add to what i have always lookin for great helps to get better

edit: one more

#showtooltip Tiger's Lust
/cast [target=focus(or name of person] Tiger's Lust
/cast Tiger's Lust

/cast [no modifier] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:shift, target=mouseover] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:ctrl, target=focus] Tiger's Lust

this is the talent ofc. will cast tigers on you if you have enemy targeted. friend if targeted and no Focus, or on Focus target. if you can use Tiger's Lust before your trinket as it has only a 30s CD but does require 1 Chi.

2 Clash Macros
35sec CD and 6 sec stun.

#showtooltip clash
/cast [target=mouseover, exists] [nodead] [target=target] clash

#showtooltip clash
/cast [target=focus] clash

The /stopcasting is used to halt Dizzying Haze. the 2 are slightly different. first gives you free control over who to Clash with, and the other is for your focus target. Very effective when a healer is present or draggin a person to your group or away from their group to isolate. same idea really.

~Xstie - Priest
~Xhayden - Monk
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#showtooltip Tiger's Lust
/cast [target=focus(or name of person)] [URL=""]Tiger's Lust -[/URL]
/cast [URL=""]Tiger's Lust -[/URL]


/cast [no modifier] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:shift, target=mouseover] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:alt, target=player] Tiger's Lust
/cast [modifier:ctrl, target=focus] Tiger's Lust
Gives you more free control on how to use Tiger's Lust.
You really shouldn't need any macros for monk unless it's for healing/Tiger's Lust/Clash. Anything else is just redundant, considering monks are very simple and don't exactly have a very large array of skills.
You really shouldn't need any macros for monk unless it's for healing/Tiger's Lust/Clash. Anything else is just redundant, considering monks are very simple and don't exactly have a very large array of skills.

True, but some people want to try to take it to the next level. Let them give it a shot. If it works, we will most likely follow it, right?
True, but some people want to try to take it to the next level. Let them give it a shot. If it works, we will most likely follow it, right?

Honestly the time spent trying out and getting used to redundant macros would be better spent honing your skills and perfecting your gameplay.
Honestly the time spent trying out and getting used to redundant macros would be better spent honing your skills and perfecting your gameplay.

monks and most other classes have low amounts of skills at this lvl. i have personally found that having the Roll macro above is easier to use then clicking/keybinding both singlely. instaed i have 2, one for switching to Tiger and the other stays tank. mostly used when i had momentum.

the clash macros are great, i will be using them when i log later. macro's dont un hone skills. they simply ad a varient on how to use that skill for said purpose.i also do the same thing for when i play a druid. i will macro growl with bearstance for those quick tuants in dung or quick form in BGs. same thing with cat.

last part of wallofcrittext. i feel i have more fingers to use when playing toons and think they could be used to make playin said class that much more effectively. sometimes you want to use an ability but not another. Lifeblood and frostbolt on myh mage, not EVERYTIME LB is up do i wanna use it therefore 2 macros. and not everytime do i want my pet to attack. try some of these macros out on shinobi. add some or critique other macros to make them better.

i play with a keybind setup as such, AQTG123456 MB5 MB4 and shift of all of these. therefore mod macros are tough for me to get used to or use.

notorious, ill add that to my list for options!
Will be nice to see someone play monk who actually uses macros for a change. Also, grats on your return back to the Union, Sneaky. Hopefully we can get things sorted out accordingly.
I never left the Union...what are you on about?

And I use macros on my's just that they don't need very many.
Guys, guys - Sneaky, you're on probation; watch yourself. Hass, you're more than welcome to return to your previous position.

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