Sooo, 19s dead...


Jøldal Förebild
19 barely pops and I don't feel like spending all my evenings in queues anymore so 24 here I come. I got 3 19s I could lvl. I got agm on 2 of them and I can't get them on my own so If I lvl a new toon it will be a char without an agm.

So, what class do the bracket need? You can see my current twinks in my sig, worth lvling any of them?


Edit: Horde or Ally btw?
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horde for quick pops. stay 20 unless its a class that gets a game breaking ability at 24. i went 24 on my mage for fingers of frost, but i stayed 20 on my shammy cuz frost shock wont change much.

make a 20 a lot of fun : ) we are 5 man premading 24/7 on Spinebreaker Alliance! you are very welcome! : )

are you p2p on spinebreaker?
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+ for 20 lvl

i play horde and ally, after 5.1 pops instant-5min for all "colors"

20 lvl Gnome Mistweaver Monk - good choise ))

sorry for my broken english
go horde if u want instant p0ps eu

horde for quick pops.

After MoP hit, Ally queues are a lot shorter now. I play both factions and a lot of times, Ally is shorter than Horde.

Even if the Horde queue is shorter, Ally's will still be less than 5 minutes.

Horde does have advantages but I wouldn't say the queue is one of them anymore.

(I'm talking about Eu, though)
After MoP hit, Ally queues are a lot shorter now. I play both factions and a lot of times, Ally is shorter than Horde.

Even if the Horde queue is shorter, Ally's will still be less than 5 minutes.

Horde does have advantages but I wouldn't say the queue is one of them anymore.

(I'm talking about Eu, though)

US is different, intant horde queues, alliance has to wait around 6 minutes, which is weird because there are more ally twinks than horde...
19 barely pops and I don't feel like spending all my evenings in queues anymore so 24 here I come. I got 3 19s I could lvl. I got agm on 2 of them and I can't get them on my own so If I lvl a new toon it will be a char without an agm.

So, what class do the bracket need? You can see my current twinks in my sig, worth lvling any of them?


Edit: Horde or Ally btw?

Horde and Ally queue are pretty short and i would say atm ally queues are faster then hordequeues(like some ppl that actually play the bracket said in this thread (broken).

At lvl24 any class is good since u are rolling in a bracket full of trials.

U could lvlup ur Protpally cuz it does good damage but its not OP. and its very needy FC on alliance. ( i also had 1, CripzAvenger he only misses Caverndeep Trudgers)
Fdruid also do amazing burst and really high crits with FB.
Mage its the less powerfull but haves great cc utility.

OR u can make a trial. ( Best Option) :)
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After MoP hit, Ally queues are a lot shorter now. I play both factions and a lot of times, Ally is shorter than Horde.

Even if the Horde queue is shorter, Ally's will still be less than 5 minutes.

Horde does have advantages but I wouldn't say the queue is one of them anymore.

(I'm talking about Eu, though)

weird, never experienced ally havin faster queues than horde
I'm leaning towards lvling my 19 mw monk and stay at 20, I have to doublecheck what spells I would get at 24 tho, if they are awesome I might go 24 instead. :)

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