Deciding on a Class (Help!)


Well I've done an extensive amount of twinking, but I've literally never touched the nineteen bracket between early Burning crusade and now, so I was wondering if there was any guide to picking a class or if anyone had some well backed opinions?

I think I'll just end up making a level 1 of each class and seeing what skills they all get at/before 19 and trying to decide which I like best, I was learning towards a Rogue for a while but I can't imagine them not being a dime a dozen like they were back in BC.

Any help is appreciated! ^_^
Don't make a druid/resto shaman/paladin?

Anything else would be wonderful, more variety makes for way more fun BGs.

Demo/Destro 'locks are awesome fun.
Well geez, with everyone recommending Warlocks you're kinda tying my hands > w <
I'll look into them first before I go through and see what other classes have at 19 ^_^
Thanks for your inputs guys.

I'll consider healing but I rolled a priest back in BC as my 19 as well as being a healer on my main in raids as well as pvp, and I continued to heal for most of WotLK too before I gave up on stereotypes and rerolled PvE Bear PvP Cat. I'm a bit burnt on healing but I wont ignore the option completely

Aww what the lump, warlocks don't have sacrifice anymore? T-T


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tell that to a wotlk lock ^^

soooooo OP

I'm talking about today, not Wrath. Even if VW still gave sacrifice today, imp provides so much more damage (and the passive health boost) that I'd generally use it as long as reliable healers are in my game.

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