The fall of WT, on video.

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The video has been uploaded thanks to the agonist, i'm not gonna post it because i don't have the rights too, because i didn't ask but yeah, it's on his channel xAgonistx - YouTube
This video contains content from INgrooves, AdRev for a 3rd Party and EMI, one or more of whom have blocked it in your country on copyright grounds.
um...i don't know what to say, i just tested the video again and it works!
From what I understand, he found out after uploading it to Youtube that it wasn't available to watch in the US due to some of the music having copyright problems, and will upload a version that US players can watch soon (hopefully).
Yes I hope it's uploaded soon, he can just use a different website if he doesn't want to change anything.
Lokah, I love the lights sig. But on topic, I could watch it, and it was pretty awesome watching waw tawent's demise.
Lokah, I love the lights sig. But on topic, I could watch it, and it was pretty awesome watching waw tawent's demise.

I always tried to envision lokah as her sig.

Just like I envision myself as the grand master wiz
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