Most beautiful places for F2P


Hey guys :)
I was wondering what you thought the prettiest place was in WoW that F2p's could get to without teleports. Post screenshots if you can, and maybe even directions if you can be bothered. We may even have a picnic in the most beautiful place in wow if people are up for it!
rutheran village
Nagrand, as unoriginal as it is, will always be my first choice for best-looking zone. I'm also partial to Mulgore (the view from TB more specifically), and oddly enough, Tanaris. Something about the whole music/atmosphere of the place which gives you that little tingle.
I like you.
Best looking places: Feralas and un'Goro (but haven't been to the new Desolace yet, so that might be quite nice too).

What can I say, it's the druid in me.

They should never be despoiled by PVP, though.
I know It's been said but I would say nagrand. There is a this place over on the far left of the map by the ogre caves that has a pretty big floating rock that if you turn the camera you can see the moon and all the stars behind you. Wanted to do a SS from my server but not enough people ever on but maybe a good place for an AP summoning for a SS :)
no screenshots posted yet? i guess ill go first :)

mushrooms ftw?
Guess where these are. :)







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