I'm not very much into wpvp and I'm fairly sure no1 in this bracket (that can make any pvp list on here) has more then 1k wpvp hks so imo better to not list them at all so some botters don't start creeping in here (besides the ones that already are lol). Atleast you can filter out the wpvp botters, not much you can do with the bg bots.
My question is: Is there anyway for me to be on both the character only (on lil) and the account wide achieves on one of my alts? Atleast this way I'd be #1 in one of the acheivement listies![]()
I think HKs inside a BG are a better metric, although I'm open to reverting back to total HKs again if that's what most people want to see.
You can list as many characters as you like in the character-only achievements. For account-wide achievements (Pure F2P) only one of your linked characters will be listed (by default I choose the one with the most HKs). The same character cannot appear in both PvE rankings.
You can list as many characters as you like in the character-only rankings, but you must enable the display of only character achievements in the Interface Display options. The "Pure F2P" rankings is an account-wide achievement ranking, and is why only one character can be listed in that ranking. If you want a different one of your linked F2P characters listed in the Pure F2P rankings send me a PM with the URLs for the currently ranked character, and the one you want listed instead.When you said by default, does that mean I can request a different character to be added? Odds are the toon with the most character only achievements is going to have the most honorable kills as well, meaning we'd have to start over on another toon otherwise to be on both lists. How do you or the system know what toons belongs to the same account anyway?
Probably but if it doesn't work, just get off the account wide list and compete on the character only list the way achievements are meant to be made; without the cheating DKs no matter how annoying it may be to repeatedly get achievements on them.
Hmm well I don't have a problem with this, but your druid needs a lot of gear. Probably prereq for listing alt in Pure F2P should be that it's mostly BiS. You should go character-only anyways to get listed at the top of the page ;o).Made lil toon only ^-^ I'd be in first with 3710 but if I can't get this toon or another one of my random alts on the account wide one as well to maintain my place in that ranking I'll just swap lil back to account wide ones
Hmm well I don't have a problem with this, but your druid needs a lot of gear. Probably prereq for listing alt in Pure F2P should be that it's mostly BiS. You should go character-only anyways to get listed at the top of the page ;o).
WoLK raids are CO achievs, isnt that also cheating for you?
Do you really want to get into an argument on ICC raid achievements over DK ones? Well fine.
Only a small amount of people made Deathknights in that short time slot where you could make one, where as anyone can still get ICC achievements if they have a P2P help them. Anyways, it's not as much of an exploit because it's similar to Starcraft II's new spawning policy (another game by Blizzard) where a starter edition Starcraft II player can be invited into a group with a player who bought the game to get more privileges.
The other thing is, ICC and other grandfathered achievements are only a small amount of achievements compared to the ones level 55 DKs can get over a level 20, PLUS they don't need to try as hard to get achievements we could get because they can just use a level 55 character to get them. People who made DKs can STILL get that large amount of achievements available from levels 21 to 55, despite Blizzard "Fixing" this issue so that most of us can't. For them, the achievement's aren't even grandfathered.
cheating = grandfathered?
there alot more achievs that had limited time to be done like Stood in the Fire or Hallowed tittle, so ppl got it, it doesnt makes them cheaters.
DK bug was here for long time, longer then halloween.
and ICC, ToC... etc bugs probably arent going to be here forever... i hope not.
And WoLK raids achievs are around 700 achievs points which is alot.
now what i get from it, is that u dont like the fact that alot of ppl have an advantage over you, in this case a big advantage.
But you have CO ranking now, pretty shity and uncomplete but still a ranking.
Theres more ppl that used DK bug then ppl who did WoLK raids.
You missed my point, grandfathered isn't cheating, but DK achievements for people who made them aren't even grandfathered since they can still make more DKs. If they were truly grandfathered I wouldn't care as much. Also, I heard DKs could only be made for a week by people who didn't have a character of at least level 55 too, how long could we make them then?
IF ICC ToC and RS (I don't even have ToC and RS achievements yet) get grandfathered, no one will be able to get them anymore, and they still aren't as big as the DK bug especially because you could use a level 55 character to do ALOT of your dirty work instead of the level 20 character you are supposed to be using, P2P help or not.
You're also welcome to your opinion on how I'm doing but as the CO rankings are listing now, I would actually be number 2. I know that will change, but I haven't been playing nearly as long as some people here. The achievements that I'm missing mostly require P2P help or a seriously long time of playing such as Breadwinner anyway. Remember that any achievements that are account wide don't count for CO achievements even if your character did them by themself, yet anyway.
I'm not very much into wpvp and I'm fairly sure no1 in this bracket (that can make any pvp list on here) has more then 1k wpvp hks so imo better to not list them at all so some botters don't start creeping in here (besides the ones that already are lol). Atleast you can filter out the wpvp botters, not much you can do with the bg bots.
My question is: Is there anyway for me to be on both the character only (on lil) and the account wide achieves on one of my alts? Atleast this way I'd be #1 in one of the acheivement listies![]()
Idk if anybody knows for sure how long DK bug was here, i guess since nemessis was new players servers ( which is a long time).
It only got discovered after and then lots of ppl started making DKs cuz of [MENTION=14017]Holypowah[/MENTION] thread that revelead how to.
But it was longer then a 1week or 2.
Yes DK bug gives alot more then 700achievs, but u cant expect or want to have same numbers of achievs from diferent bugs.
Idc if theres and CO ranking and Acc-wide ranking, but i would prefer to have only acc-wide and the players that were showing CO were on the list with that symble. like be4
Tell me, is there someone on the rank, that seems Wpvp farming hks with bots?
I personally have 316HKs from Wpvp, and i would like wpvp and bgpvp HKs together.
[MENTION=1027]lofi[/MENTION] should i make thread to see if ppl want it together or not?
Idk about EU but US is filled with botters.. Some people bot bgs and ruin the bgs however some (admittingly so) bot wpvp and get all their boas before even stepping foot in a bg. Botting in wpvp is 5 times easier then in bgs and imo should stay out. I have 207 wpvp hks and I enjoy a gank here and there sometimes but like normal you'd have to think about the people who would abuse it and run a bot system all day and night to get 10k hks in a day