Natsu - Disengage Hunter Fun - Part 1


Hey guys! exams finished for the semester so many videos to make and have fun with, first one ive done in months let me know what you think, also accepting sony vegas tips always looking to improve, i warn you once i uploaded it to youtube the quality got pretty bad which is annoying but enjoy it none the less :)
Natsu - Disengage Hunter Fun - Part 1 - YouTube
show the wsg clips where you die in mid air off the horde tun becasue you faced a team who arent complete idiots.
yay disengage fun!

I generally don't do it with teams as your put it who aren't complete idiots especially if I no I'm over extending my team mates, lets keep the trolling/flaming to a minimum kai not interested
Seems i have under estimated you bro, awesome vid, mad skill and slaying horde as you should be, keep it up bro, i long wait for the day where you, puss and i are in a bg together dominating again (;

>has 10 abilities
>still clicks call pet
>pet isnt a monkey


obviously call pet is a srs ability to use mid fight my bad indeed

10 abilities ? not sure what ur on bout here cuz when i do a quick count of abilities i use in combat i have at least 20 that are keybound, call pet obv not one cuz lol why? i like to go into a fight with it already out /shrug

pet isnt a monkey /shrug stun isnt that much of a must for me i enjoy the agil buff from my tiger

i find it funny people cant watch things and just enjoy it and must analysis every detail, maybe its just me
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obviously call pet is a srs ability to use mid fight my bad indeed

10 abilities ? not sure what ur on bout here cuz when i do a quick count of abilities i use in combat i have at least 20 that are keybound, call pet obv not one cuz lol why? i like to go into a fight with it already out /shrug

pet isnt a monkey /shrug stun isnt that much of a must for me i enjoy the agil buff from my tiger

i find it funny people cant watch things and just enjoy it and must analysis every detail, maybe its just me

well played! and quiet educating, fact of the matter being that i had no idea the tiger you used gave an agility buff, lol
once again...

Natsù the Showoff! (;

I like farming you but good to know u pwn Scrubs :D and you know your jumps. Make more vids i get bored while i sit in the computer lab in college

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