I'm not trying to disparage the argument of ranking as much as trying to point out Adeus' delusions of grandeur. Everyone likes rankings in every setting of competition. There's no shame in that. It becomes a problem when you start thinking that your little league team is really special when they won the league championship (and there's only 10 teams in the league in the entire country). What takes it a step farther is when you then have to verbalize that you are the best little league team in the country (out of 10) to everybody. I understand that being "the best 19 guild" might seem like a big deal because it's something you're invested in, but trying to make the case that you're a big deal in WoW twinking means squat in the larger scope of the world.
There's a reason why until recently a "best of" thread wasn't allowed on TI...it's because it always turned into people arguing that they were way more special than they really were. And then other people who thought that they were even more special came in and started arguing they were more special...and so on. Ahhhhh...the cycle of e-peen over things that really don't matter in life. A bit of humility could really go a long way around here. I don't know why the staff allows those types of threads all of a sudden...it's certainly not up to me anymore, but it is awful interesting that 2 regular benefactors of these kinds of threads are now on the staff. Hmmm...
P.S. Dorigon, I'd take your post a lot more serious if you weren't wearing that ridiculous hat in your avatar pic. I kid, I kid.

You're a solid dude, but I had to make the joke.

Also all the "you's" in my post aren't really directed at you....they're general "you's".