Looking for 19 twink guild (Oceanic/US)


The Title says it all. I've been looking for a decent 19 twink guild for a long time.

All my 85s are on Saurfang, so that would be the most preferable option, but I'm willing to make a twink on any server as long as it's US/Oceanic. I have had a lot of experience with twinks, and have been playing for 4 and a half years, I'm quite a good pvper with my 85 Mage being gear capped for pvp. Just if you could leave a comment below about your guild and the requirements as well as some general info on what you guys offer. Also willing to make any class that the guild needs.


Yeah unfortunately, that's why I'm looking for a guild on these forums. Although the time difference is a bit of a pain for the US servers.
The only active 19 guild was mine on Dath'Remar but I have since made the journey to Bleeding Hollow.

edit: on Oceanic realms.

edit 2: I do believe there is a very very very low activity guild on Frostmourne.
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YO IM From new zealand and i run a guild on horde BH let me know if u wanna come play for us ya wog

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