Considering It


I've been considering for a while now to try out 29s again. I had a 29 Lock who I was very good with. That account got hacked and I never really tried 29s again, that was almost a year ago.

Couple Questions:

-What days are games?

-How Competitive is the bracket?

-Are the games even?

-What classes are OP and which are very under powered?

-How is gearing and how does 29s look for MoP?


P.S - Sorry for having a space between everything, just for some reason when its all together it bothers me :D
I've been considering for a while now to try out 29s again. I had a 29 Lock who I was very good with. That account got hacked and I never really tried 29s again, that was almost a year ago.

Couple Questions:

-What days are games?

-How Competitive is the bracket?

-Are the games even?

-What classes are OP and which are very under powered?

-How is gearing and how does 29s look for MoP?


P.S - Sorry for having a space between everything, just for some reason when its all together it bothers me :D

- Games are Sundays and Tuesdays, starting at 9pm EST and going until 2am or so (last night anyway)
- The bracket is actually very competitive, the level of coordination is rarely seen in 19 pugs
- Uhhh, the games are pretty even, but we often see 1 team win 3-0 and then lose 0-3 the next game - its pretty weird
- OP classes.. uhhh... Ret pallys, Hunters (Nothing else gives me much trouble, but I play feral so might want to ask others)
- Gearing is ok, some items like DMH and Charged Gears can be a bitch - other than that, quite easy. --- 29s also only get 1 talent point, much like 19s. But the few changes to classes and the 30% resil bonus and stuff makes me think things will be ok.
SSB64 covered most of the main points. I'll add in more opinions:

The bracket can be decently competitive when players work to keep sides balanced.

While some games do steamroll, most are pretty even (unless that changed in the last four weeks -- I've been recently absent)

Hunters, rogues, ret paladins and mages bring the strongest dps. Paladins and priests bring the strongest heals. Warlocks struggle with dps, but bring good control to the field if supported well. Same for warriors.

Compared to other brackets in which I play, 29s are actually one of the easiest brackets for which to gear. Some BoEs can be hard to find, but most gear comes from a combination of quests, instance drops (including satchel loot), and BoAs. As for MoP, it's hard to say. Some gear will likely get grandfathered from Scarlet Monastery, and the BoA legs and rings will step up to take a greater role in replacing some gear. MoP will affect lower brackets more than upper brackets, so it'll be hard to estimate until we see the prepatch in action.

I hope this helps!
Nirise shouldn't you be on the wow forums posting blatant obvious lies about the bracket in a vain immature attempt to get less people playing 29s and more playing that awful bracket you call 49s?

I can't believe in a time where we are trying to get more people playing 29s you would go on a public forum and post things like "49s are more competitive than 29s" and "29s game have started late every night" both of which are incredibly false especially seeing as you haven't played 29s or 49s in quite sometime, but still pass your uninformed opinion off as fact.

At no point in the 49s bracket history has it EVER been more competitive than 29s, it was not that long ago that the horde went the span of almost an entire month without winning a game at 49 and I'm not making that up... not a single game, how is that competitive? The 49 bracket harbors players that aren't very good, thus they need to rely on the awful class balance that exists in the bracket to look good, 49s are filled with keyboard turning players that crutch on 2 shotting people as sub rogues/frost mages. Nobody likes getting killed by s-keyers that ambush/evisc you or shatter you for your entire health bar.

Truth is 29s are farrr superior to 49s, not that it's hard to accomplish seeing as 49s is the worst bracket in the entire game. It has the worst class balance and the worst competition outside of maybe 80s, iv'e been in xp on games while leveling that were more competitive than most the games you see at 49. Just Sunday night we had a game at 29 that ended with a 0-0 score with simultaneous flag returns and other games that were 1-1, 2-1 etc THAT sound competitive to me, not sure about you. When was the last time you could say that about 49s? almost all games are 3-0 blowouts with the vast majority of them coming from alliance.

and to the point about games starting late, yeah we went a stretch a few weeks back where games started late but even when they did they still lasted multiple hours, but the past 2 weeks games have started on time or at least only had to wait 10 mins for first pop and games have lasted until the am, just on sunday games lasted until almost 1am, my time. so I q for 49s last night and only because roguenine asked so nicely (<3) and games started 1 hour and 30 minutes late and not only that we only got 2 games, one of which was played 8h vs 5a with only roguenine sitting out of the game on his horde, yeah.. high quality bracket

your post bashing 29s and trying to promote 49s was the most disgusting thing ive seen posted on the wow forums in sometime, gratz

Wow. That is a stratospheric response to a single comment. To be sure we're on the same page, this is the post you're talking about, yes?

49s Mon/Thurs/Sat -->9 PM est<-- Que up! - Forums - World of Warcraft

I don't recall any other recent posts I made that would evoke this kind of reaction, but then, I didn't expect that kind of reaction from the above post, either.

I was about to start a big argument, but then I realized that's not what this is about.

You make it sound like I betrayed 29s and went on a smear campaign with the purpose of promoting 49s. If that's how you took what I said, I can see why you would launch such a vitriolic attack. For me to promote 29s, and then actively sabotage them for the sake of another bracket -- that would be one of the most underhanded, dirtiest, two-faced things a player could do, and I'd likely have the same reaction you did if roles were reversed.

That's not what I did. If my comments came off as disparaging 29s, then I apologize for misleading you, and I should have been more clear. I really did sit in queues with no pops, and I got whispers from other players about where games were. If 29s got games during those times like Dont claimed, then so much the better -- and I said so in that thread. Can you see why I questioned him?

As for competitive level, yes, I do feel 49s are currently more competitive. But that doesn't take away from everything 29s accomplished this year. We had to get over a history of complaining and past expectations to get the bracket moving again after three false starts, and 29s finally did it. Moreover, 29s have had a *lot* of fun, close games. We have work yet to do when it comes to communication. Up until I left for my revamp, both factions still struggled with focus fire, still struggled with quickly mobilizing offenses, and most importantly didn't have much in the way of callouts on vent. You and others understandably ragequit more than once over 29s refusal to work together and cross-cover each other. But these are the right problems to have -- most other brackets haven't stepped up to this level.

More than most brackets, 29s have players that know their classes and how to use them. I would put 29s against any lower or upper bracket any day of the week. So now the challenge is working together, and 29s struggle with that. So do 49s, but 49s step up more often to get chatter and field reports going. The much higher burst makes communication more critical, and anything less than comfortable with your setup leads to death for you and your team. The survivability of 29s is more forgiving.

To be more specific, then, I think 49s are more competitive because players gel as a team more often. Not often, just more often. That doesn't mean 29s suck -- far from it, 29s offer some of the best XP-off games in WoW right now. But 29s can get even better, and most player frustrations point to communication as the next step up.

If you want to get into specifics about particular brackets, we can take that to another thread. But if I misled you (or anyone) with my comments, then I take responsibility for that and I apologize for making 29s appear less than they are. That was not my intention, and 29s deserve much better than that for the strides they made and continue to make this year. I'm always forthright about my opinions, and you can continue to rely on that -- no bracket escapes my analysis when I invest time in that bracket. Clarity is just as important, and if that's where I came up short in what I said, then thank you for calling me out on it.

Hopefully this brings you some context, and some justice. If I can clarify further, do ask.

I tried 49's once dieing as a prot warrior in under 3 seconds is not fun. I honestly don't know why anyone would want to play 49's.

As for competitive level, yes, I do feel 49s are currently more competitive.

stopped reading here, have a nice day

edit: call me when horde wins a legit 10v10 wsg match at 49, ill be waiting for a while im sure

double edit: horde side teamspeak might as well not even exist, its completely silent 100% of the time
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Ive only played 49's one night for 2 games and alliance won both while i was getting 2 shot buy some gy camping rogue all game. I enjoy 29's most nights but the pure disparity in the strength of other class vs what i chose to play pisses me off there sometimes too. Every bracket ive played in people gravitate torwards op classes and the winning side. i beleive 29's to be the most balanced bracket currently and enjoy it when i can stand dieing alot.
The difference between 49s and 29s isn't much. At 29 hunters are more Op than they are at 49, and other classes at 49 can hold their own better against hunters, which inadvertently causes them to do more damage = "this bracket is too bursty yada yada yada". The two games i got in were 3-0 alliance and then 3-0 horde, sounds pretty competitive ;).

They're pretty similar tbh lol.
games were awful 2night, doesnt change the fact they have been competitive for the past 2 weeks

roguenine i played my hunter for one game because i afk'd my prot pally to switch spec to holy, and couldnt get into next game cuz of deserter, so i played my only other horde i have which is a hunter

horde hadnt won any games up to that point...

and alliance had 2 hunters and 3 rogues in that 3 horde hunter game...
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TL:DR Version 29s>49s
Some nights are poor. But the nights when we have 6+ on each side and good communication are only rivaled by RBGs.

Frequently we can get games where Fird is healing FC with Nikeyz and R9 calling targets/CC and Zelpher/Peach are healing Franchi with me calling targets/CC. These games are spectacular.

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