Why Aerie Peak?


Why did everyone migrate to or begin on Aerie Peak? Half the people on AP are undergeared (I used to have a F2P Alli).

I'm on a nothing server but the F2Ps on my server can go 2v10 against AP Horde

I guess my question is just: Why Aerie Peak?
I don't how it began on AP, but it happened. Why Aerie Peak? To play with other people. There are always people on to ask questions if you need, And to chat with.

It is a large community on AP, and the majority are there for the community, not necessarily just because that's where the most skilled people are. Although, there are veeeery skilled people on AP who have been glads etc in end game arena.

The main thing that makes this game fun is the fact that you are playing with thinking people, in Battlegrounds, and on AP, you get to see lots of people roaming around the world for the same purpose as you. You also get to do arenas quite often on AP, against the opposite faction too. What more do you want? An AGM? then have a lonely time by yourself on some no name server. I've left pvp servers for this one, and i haven't looked back. I recommend everyone else do the same.
I think the original F2P's were EU or something. But free trial was only available to NA when it started, they chose AP because it had the best Ping or whatever. They were the first solid community so everyone followed suit.

I read that on these forums, but I'm not sure if it's correct exactly. Don't quote me on it. I read it when I was a lurker and it was just the most believable explanation I read at the time so It's the one I'm going with.
I don't how it began on AP, but it happened. Why Aerie Peak? To play with other people. There are always people on to ask questions if you need, And to chat with.

It is a large community on AP, and the majority are there for the community, not necessarily just because that's where the most skilled people are. Although, there are veeeery skilled people on AP who have been glads etc in end game arena.

The main thing that makes this game fun is the fact that you are playing with thinking people, in Battlegrounds, and on AP, you get to see lots of people roaming around the world for the same purpose as you. You also get to do arenas quite often on AP, against the opposite faction too. What more do you want? An AGM? then have a lonely time by yourself on some no name server. I've left pvp servers for this one, and i haven't looked back. I recommend everyone else do the same.

I cant argue against that. Very well said, I just might come back to AP
Once upon a time there were some players from the EU who thought it would be nice to have some sort of community server for F2P wich could bring EU and US together. It was a good way for EU to meet people from the US wich we allready met here on Twinkinfo. One guy checked all the servers because he knew that back in classic and tbc there was no way he could play @ US because having high latency, so he checked it out. When he came to Aerie Peak and saw that this server was not to populated and his latency was way below 100 ping for home and world he proposed this to the other players from the EU. They all checked out this server and confirmed not having high latency on this server either. They started to promote that server here on Twinkinfo and a community server was born with EU and US players on 1 server. They all lived happily ever after.

I (we) did this with love for EU and US twinking. No need to thank me (us; Atychiphobia, Medanx, Invictusa and Artholin) for that :p
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Just because they're on AP doesnt mean that theyre anywhere remotely skilled or geared, but I cant live without people to talk to now. Ive been happy there since November, cant imagine rolling on a dead server now.
Just because they're on AP doesnt mean that theyre anywhere remotely skilled or geared, but I cant live without people to talk to now. Ive been happy there since November, cant imagine rolling on a dead server now.
But w don't want you @ Aerie Peak :(
Let's ask an easier question, Why not AP?

Every MMO revolves around community.
The bigger the community is, the better (even though @ fishing tournament its sometimes quite difficult to read all the stuff ppl write, since like 20 ppl are chatting in 1 channel :)

If you're not into interacting with others, go play Neverwinter nights or similar :)
Once upon a time there were some players from the EU who thought it would be nice to have some sort of community server for F2P wich could bring EU and US together. It was a good way for EU to meet people from the US wich we allready met here on Twinkinfo. One guy checked all the servers because he knew that back in classic and tbc there was no way he could play @ US because having high latency, so he checked it out. When he came to Aerie Peak and saw that this server was not to populated and his latency was way below 100 ping for home and world he proposed this to the other players from the EU. They all checked out this server and confirmed not having high latency on this server either. They started to promote that server here on Twinkinfo and a community server was born with EU and US players on 1 server. They all lived happily ever after.

I (we) did this with love for EU and US twinking. No need to thank me (us; Atychiphobia, Medanx, Invictusa and Artholin) for that :p

I should save this quote for the future =)
Just because people are from AP, does not mean they are part of this community. They may have heard that it's the place to be, but if they won't install the addon then they're not going to be able to take part, and won't get half the help that those who do, do (they also don't get any 'encouragement' to gear up if they don't have the community 'encouraging' them to gear up;)).
A few people in the beginning of F2P came to AP. They found the server to be fairly sparsely populated and got themselves some AGMs. Ping wasn't so bad based on the servers location being a factor too. Now, why did it actually become the largest place for F2Ps? Simple, it was the first. There's a number of other communities, most smaller, but had they started at the same time, who knows which would have taken off?

Originally, horde F2P were just plain bad. I think my first 100+ WSG games were wins, and easy wins that almost without exception, were GY farm fests. Lots of people gearing up, everyone wanted honor. AB was much the same for a long time, even after horde stopped sucking so much at WSG. So on AP there was much more incentive to group together hordeside. As a result, AP is basically the horde F2P server. Ally much less so. AP has all kinds of people, from skilled and geared to absolute trash, and everything in between.

There are much better alliance communities of F2Ps than AP, but since most people do well as alliance without the need to group together, there has been less incentive for communities to form like they have with AP horde. Also, once somewhere becomes the default goto place that everyone knows, it's difficult to change that.

That's basically it. Some of that is my opinion of course, but that's pretty much how it happened.
Also, a lot of people on AP have f2p 20s with AGMs on other servers, and most of them simply stopped playing those other characters because you get into the "feel" of having a community pretty quickly, and there are lots of ppl online 24 hours a day. not having that global chat once you've gotten used to it, its just not as fun playing on empty servers.
Yeah I went with Aerie peak for the community, I even moved one of my 85s over there so I can still be a part f the community when I'm playing my 85.

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