Alpha and Omega
wht i say now
u have bested me in fair battle
lets kiss and make up k
wht i say now
u have bested me in fair battle
lets kiss and make up k
my body is yours
ok lets recap this thread:
page 1 - on topic posts
page 2-16 - EU drama with like 3 on topic statements
page 17-18 - US people start trolling and naming US players even tought the threadname clearly says "[EU]"
TBH Hiphopatus is the best reurner I have seen in a while.
guysguysguys, let this shitty thread die, Farley is no longer among us, we've been reduced to a heap of trash.
Click for United States - Click Click Click - - Click game if u r a bad clicker u shud go practice im just sayin' yo.
If you judge this by the played:returns ratio, I win ;<id defo say the best is ceríal he has 310 wsgs played and 307 flag returns Statistics - Game Guide - World of Warcraft