Your favourite flag returner? [EU]

ok lets recap this thread:
page 1 - on topic posts
page 2-16 - EU drama with like 3 on topic statements
page 17-18 - US people start trolling and naming US players even tought the threadname clearly says "[EU]"

I think best flag returner on alliance is Zimt, on horde is spouink(somethin like dat)
and the best person to cap flags is farley#
Okay guys, back to topic. Got some good answears but alot of trolling. Make a top 3 list with your favourite flag returner.
Played a few wsg's recently.. and I gotta say normally not many are faster at clicking the flags than me(sry for ego, but it's just my experience :p) for return when in close range, but noticed Cerial as well outclicking me^^. And as allways Lejn dude and Redrum.
It's a somewhat nice feeling to think yer I totally returned that flag, and then noticing some1 ells name. Good surprises:)

Fun how all are rogues^^

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