Im glad you are that mad, that you present me a wall of text. Its a pleasure for me.
Its not only the "bruv" its you behavior at all that makes me laughing. Again if you dont get it. I dont mind if you think im bad, i think the same about you. But im not starting threads about it like you did. Thats why you are a mad kiddie.
Ppl dont like you cause you are a little dick with a big mouth, shit talking ppl for no reason. Try to compare a prot fc with a hpally lol, that really shows what a noob u are. Two completely different playstyles. I wouldnt say you > me but thats just my opinion and i wouldnt epeen like this cause you know, im not that cute little boy like you are.
First i wanted to pick up gear stay a bit horde cause of queues and then go back alliance. But now its pretty nice to see you raging in bg so i will stay and will show everyone my bad playstyle. But always i have you in bg, i will let you fc cause i want to see your big balls dude.
what i dont understand the first part of your text, "im glad you are that mad, that you present me a wall of text" 1st of all iam not close to mad, and if you dont like my attitude in bgs why do u even bother fight back , this is how iam in bg chatts beacuse playing with scrubs like you that actully talk like u know anything is in bgs , its sad how low the average level of level 19 is, i guess u even joined 19 community in cata, and most of the people ive played with (half of the 19 bracket) knows i say what i think about people and ofc sometimes i take it over the edge and get to mad even tho i know i gonna get mad when i join 19 bgs i do it anyway beacuse i wanna help my friends , and today i did that mistake to join a 19 bg and obv you were in it , and you know what, you are the guy that makes me wanna move Alliance and i know no1 on the Alliance side wants me there