Highest max crit on F2P

I've been hit by a f2p feral druid for 1.2k dmg. No flag debuff, and as far as I know he didnt have zerking.
That's rediculous to the point that it's hard to believe but you wouldn't make that up. Crazy o.o

I got a good laugh out of it too.

Funny part is, when I said it in BG Chat; someone said "ive done higher on my feral".

I dont believe that part
I've been hit by a f2p feral druid for 1.2k dmg. No flag debuff, and as far as I know he didnt have zerking.

Dis was me


One of these days imma hope in wsg and grab zerking /afk and test out my 5 CP crit on some weak ass clothie... Hey shau you busy later?
I believe i hit someone in wsg for 800+ with TV at 3 holy power without zerk and no debuff, im sure there are people who have hit higher with TV though

I've been 1 shotted by a TV before, but was by a 24 w/ Crusader proc. Honestly TV and FB(cat form) has some weird scaling.
i've been globaled by aimed shot on my mage.

24 rogues can ambush/white hit/evis kill me in an effective global

24 pallys have white hit/TV globaled me
You're certainly correct but i think scaling in general has some issues that should be addressed especially with MOP around the corner
Blizz haven't fixed it in seven years. They certainly aren't going to start because they're putting stupid pandas into the game.
I've hit 1300 + Aimed Shot in some game before that Alliance vs Horde premade that never happened. Beserker + 420 HP Warlock + buffs + whatever else I had = sexyyy
today i hitted 1153 with a templars verdict with 3 charges with only the 75 ap buff from cologne and the 20 ap buff from darkmoon firewater. they seem to stack. i didn't die in that bg cause i had 4X smitten and i lookedat my recount: i had an average of templars verdict crit of 970 dmg!! the less effective one was a 890 dmg one i guess. my highest without buffs was in that bg just a bit over 1K. I'm not yet fully geared so i could get it up to 2.6K with zerking and all the stuff and a 10stack debuff and i dont know what else on a clothie. maybe even a bit more.
I really dont know why or how but i got 1600 with 5 Combo point ferocious bite to a lvl 85 !! in gurubashi arena (my friend) i think it was something to do with a spell that increases the damage taken ? idk

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