How does this happen to me... :(

Somtimes i just wonder why bad things happen to good peoples

I think i might go p2p just because i've been grinding it for ever on my old main

Also if you are alliance and on AP what do you think about me? am i annoying?

p.s. My stuff is keybinded i changed it to show now keybinds

Also i messed up in the pic and it said i recived down there :/

Check my sig and click the pic to goto my armory and you can see i got it not cropped
Also, all the fishing drops have been increased by a large margin in the new quests compared to the ones in Dal. I have both rods, the cooking recipe, the pet and the blue hat. I got most of them within a few tries and the rods after a couple weeks. Compare that to 300+ fishing dailies in LK and getting neither rod. Even the hat was kind of difficult to get back then.
I got the fishing pole on either the first or second fishing daily. I would suspect that I will get it again at some point since I did sell it to the vendor for some mad coinage !
225 First Aid

375 Cooking

375 Fishing
I don't think you're annoying

But your UI is hideous imho >.>

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