It's been awhile, guys.


Hi there!

I've been away from twinking and raiding end-game since Sunwell, I'm looking to come back as twinking seems to have a taken a new direction and the competition has arisen.

I'm making an Enhancement Shaman on Frostmourne Alliance and I'm looking forward to games with you all c:

Any tips? :3
Wb bro!
welcome back dear, i will encourage you to check the "tips 'n tricks" thats stickied, may have some shaman tips. also, stay away from hunters.
Enhance shaman suffer from mobility and lack of viable burst damage @ 19. They don't get Stormstrike until 29, so you only get Lava Lash and Primal Strike (lol primal strike). Aside from that you have at least a 1 sec cast time on GW (which is purgable from other shamans) and you only have healing wave (3 sec cast time for ~200 hp). Overall, there are just much better options as a player.
enhancement shamans have the unique option op having potential to kill -EVERY- class in the game. (yes every.) there simply does not exist a class at 19 that offer a spell so viable as purge. used correctly, purge > bubble, purge > shadowstep, purge > pet nova, etc. etc. etc.

you will get stomped on by hunters, but fuck that because purge. i recommend making a mouseover purge macro, bind it to every key on your keyboard, follow a rogue around, and when he hops on a healer, just sort of rapidly wave your mouse around the screen while rolling your face across the keyboard.

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