Vet gems.



I'm trying to find info on where to obtain gems.
Currently I do not have an active sub, if that is required to be able to obtain gems I guess ill have to sub for a month.

Can someone point me to a thread where gems are being discussed? I'm quite sure if seen it somewhere but I cant find the post.

Thank you.
Currently I do not have an active sub, if that is required to be able to obtain gems I guess ill have to sub for a month.
there are stat/crit gems available from a vendor for marks of honor, a handful of unique equip gems available from the apexis shard vendor and honor hold vendor. But other than that, theyre crafted or on the AH

you CAN craft them without a sub but that’s a massive time sink and undertaking so if you aren’t opposed to getting a sub, just make it easy on yourself and get one
Can you actually craft good gems w/o sub? +2/2 gems are shattered sun rep, and portal to the island is level gated

If hes agi/int then the pvp vendor is the route to go. Theres a few select gems he can craft if he wanted to go that route but like Chops said - is a time sink.

If he's strength thats a whole other story.
The 5 agi 8 crit gem from Apexis Event is now 1 agi 1 crit btw, i did the event 2 hours ago, the 4 stam 4 crit gem remains and the 5 agi 6stam gem is still the same also.
Can you actually craft good gems w/o sub? +2/2 gems are shattered sun rep, and portal to the island is level gated
The shattered sun gems are ilvl 27, that means you cannot put them into ilvl 25 gear (which is nearly all TBC dungeon or quest items with sockets), even when you get a quest item with gem sockets upgraded to epic, it is ilvl 26 and does not still fit that gems.
Correct me if I'm mistaken
you're mistaken, the gems ilvl is irrelevant, if it doesnt say 'requires item level: x' in the tooltip you can put it in any item
Hmm I don't think Jewelcrafting will be the answer, even if you subscribe. Haven't looked through all gems yet but all the ones I've seen are either +1 Main Stat and +1 Stam or Secondary Stat or have an item level requirement of at least 35 when the stats are 2 or higher. The exception would be some unique gems such as Nightmare Tear , there's probably more in this fashion but I don't have the time to look through all 4000 gems listed in WoWHead.

It seems we're really stuck with the Mark of Honor ones.
Can you actually craft good gems w/o sub? +2/2 gems are shattered sun rep, and portal to the island is level gated
i haven’t actually looked into the best path for F2P jc, but there are a variety of 2/2 gems from a variety of expansions that can, in theory, be crafted. I intend to spend the next couple days seeing about the execution.
For F2P Meta Gems - You have a few choices - Apexis event - you'll need a group or friendly high level. 160 Shards to buy. +3 Int / 5% Stun reduction for casters.

There's a +2 Int / minor Run Speed Meta available from the TBC Spirt Shards vendor in Stonebreaker Hold ( Horde ) - I assume Ally is the same.
Maybe I’m dumb or have severe ADD, but why are the answers so unclear on this?

There should be basically one answer if you’re an unsubbed Vet/F2P and then an alternative if you decide to sub for a month or whatever, no?

If you’re a Veteran status player that isn’t subbed (and don’t feel like blowing your brains out grinding forever for like 2 additional stat points), is there a quick-and-dirty way to gem? Honor Hold purchase or Steady Talasite?

Every answer is shrouded in mystery and differs from the subsequent replies, giving the impression that there’s 85 different ways of going about it... I don’t think this is the case lol.

And does the process really differ whether you’re an Agility, Intelligence, or Strength user? That doesn’t even seem right or fair haha.
Maybe I’m dumb or have severe ADD, but why are the answers so unclear on this?

There should be basically one answer if you’re an unsubbed Vet/F2P and then an alternative if you decide to sub for a month or whatever, no?

If you’re a Veteran status player that isn’t subbed (and don’t feel like blowing your brains out grinding forever for like 2 additional stat points), is there a quick-and-dirty way to gem? Honor Hold purchase or Steady Talasite?

Every answer is shrouded in mystery and differs from the subsequent replies, giving the impression that there’s 85 different ways of going about it... I don’t think this is the case lol.

And does the process really differ whether you’re an Agility, Intelligence, or Strength user? That doesn’t even seem right or fair haha.

welcome to twinking
[doublepost=1609792118,1609790339][/doublepost]I probably shouldnt be too terribly pithy about this as it can be somewhat confusing.

The quick-and-dirty, i-dont-have-a-sub answer to gems is using marks of honor to buy 2 stat/2 crit gems from the pvp vendor in your capital city. This only applies to agi and int users however as there are no str gems available.

If you dont have a sub and you dont want these particular gems, there is no "quick and dirty" way to fully gem. You gotta grind it out.

You have two options there:

Use WOTLK alchemy to transmute one epic gem every 24 hours until you have enough gems to use the recipe you bought doing dalaran JC dailies. This would be how you get some variety of 2/2 gems or 3 stat gems. requires an absurd amount of farming and waiting.


farm up anywhere from 2000 to 3000 (luck dependent) adamantine ore, prospect it to get the talasites you need and gem full talasite.

Thats it. There's occasional unique-equip gems from various vendors but none of those are particularly quick and dirty either. Farm up apexis shard to get gems from a vendor thats on a 2 hour spawn timer and dependent on having high level help. Get tokens in hellfire peninsula from world pvp dailies but the gem are unique and only one is any good. etc etc etc.

But without a sub, there is no quick and easy answer.

welcome to twinking
[doublepost=1609792118,1609790339][/doublepost]I probably shouldnt be too terribly pithy about this as it can be somewhat confusing.

The quick-and-dirty, i-dont-have-a-sub answer to gems is using marks of honor to buy 2 stat/2 crit gems from the pvp vendor in your capital city. This only applies to agi and int users however as there are no str gems available.

If you dont have a sub and you dont want these particular gems, there is no "quick and dirty" way to fully gem. You gotta grind it out.

You have two options there:

Use WOTLK alchemy to transmute one epic gem every 24 hours until you have enough gems to use the recipe you bought doing dalaran JC dailies. This would be how you get some variety of 2/2 gems or 3 stat gems. requires an absurd amount of farming and waiting.


farm up anywhere from 2000 to 3000 (luck dependent) adamantine ore, prospect it to get the talasites you need and gem full talasite.

Thats it. There's occasional unique-equip gems from various vendors but none of those are particularly quick and dirty either. Farm up apexis shard to get gems from a vendor thats on a 2 hour spawn timer and dependent on having high level help. Get tokens in hellfire peninsula from world pvp dailies but the gem are unique and only one is any good. etc etc etc.

But without a sub, there is no quick and easy answer.

Now THAT is a hell of an explanation — thank you, @Chops !
I put a Nightmare Tear on my 20. It says +3 all stats when socketed, but appears to actually only increase Primary & Stam. But +3 Pri / +3 Stam is still nice. It is unique though.

I haven't tested in instanced PvP, but it really gives +3 Primary / + 3 Stamina on the world.

While that itself isn't bad, the gem really shines for classes with multiple specs and gear shared between them (I use it on my socketed bracers as a Paladin).

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