Do we have enough experience in the bracket now to discuss the pros and cons of all the specs?
Or should we wait a tad more, to see more geared toon of all specs, and have more "data" to judge from?
Bringing it up because to be honest, I enjoy reading what people have to say on such subjects, even if I dont always follow the meta (and regret it later
I'll start with my experience so far. My toons are not greatly geared yet, but I had a very bad time on my rogue, while having a much better time on my hunter. I'm still clumsy on my rogue, so that's a big part of it I suppose, but my hunter's gear is worse. Yet, much easier to play, and more effective.
Quick thing on the hunter, I'm trying a range Survival spec, it's decent so far. I use arcane shot instead of raptor strike and stay at range during big battles. I switch to 2H melee when it looks safe to do so, but to be honest, range seems good enough as is. Wondering how it'll be with enough mastery/vers, it could be a decently durable range toon.
Or should we wait a tad more, to see more geared toon of all specs, and have more "data" to judge from?
Bringing it up because to be honest, I enjoy reading what people have to say on such subjects, even if I dont always follow the meta (and regret it later
I'll start with my experience so far. My toons are not greatly geared yet, but I had a very bad time on my rogue, while having a much better time on my hunter. I'm still clumsy on my rogue, so that's a big part of it I suppose, but my hunter's gear is worse. Yet, much easier to play, and more effective.
Quick thing on the hunter, I'm trying a range Survival spec, it's decent so far. I use arcane shot instead of raptor strike and stay at range during big battles. I switch to 2H melee when it looks safe to do so, but to be honest, range seems good enough as is. Wondering how it'll be with enough mastery/vers, it could be a decently durable range toon.