My rogue's useful epics:
-Feathered Headdress
-Boulder Pads (enchanted)
-Hard Crawler Carapace
-Boarhide Leggings
-D-1000 Ring
-Brushwood Blade
-Kobold Sticker (pretty insane)
-Slicer Blade
-Jeweled Dagger
Notable stuff (that's still useful):
-Full old defias x2 (agi and stam enchants)
-Full new defias x2 (agi and stam enchants)
-Full Legion TF (with multiple duplicate armor pieces)
-Ruffian Belt
-x2 AGM
-x2 ilvl 32 Signet of Argus
-Defending Champion
-Dusk Powder
-ilvl 25 Shadowfang
-Valentine neck
-Multiple adaptable/decimator pieces (as well as quickblade/aurora/fireflash)
-Northrend Engineering
-Lot's of GF, TCG & swag pieces
-Feathered Headdress
-Boulder Pads (enchanted)
-Hard Crawler Carapace
-Boarhide Leggings
-D-1000 Ring
-Brushwood Blade
-Kobold Sticker (pretty insane)
-Slicer Blade
-Jeweled Dagger
Notable stuff (that's still useful):
-Full old defias x2 (agi and stam enchants)
-Full new defias x2 (agi and stam enchants)
-Full Legion TF (with multiple duplicate armor pieces)
-Ruffian Belt
-x2 AGM
-x2 ilvl 32 Signet of Argus
-Defending Champion
-Dusk Powder
-ilvl 25 Shadowfang
-Valentine neck
-Multiple adaptable/decimator pieces (as well as quickblade/aurora/fireflash)
-Northrend Engineering
-Lot's of GF, TCG & swag pieces

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