Gave it mad stats, rather then fixing stats ye might as well chuck a level requirement on it wtf... Fishing hat next

It wasn't just throwing stats on furbolg. They made 1h/oh basically dual-wielding for casters, putting half their weapon int budget onto off-hands. All OHs (and shields) got a lot of int added to them. I guess now that it's pretty much a level 50 1h weapon, they decided it was worth nerfing. Disappointing for sure.
It is a shame that a long-standing twink item is being removed after so many years of service. But we shouldn't put too much stock into anything at the moment, for our own peace's sake. Blizzard has consistently been worse and worse with polishing everything with each patch. This will most likely be one of the messier ones, because it has to deal with reverting or adopting parts of the calamity that was Legion. Each expansion keeps flinging us further and further into uncertain chaos regarding items, so the only thing we can do is just adapt to new skill rotations, and truck on.

Edit: But I think this level restriction was an obvious "Incomming!". It is closer in stats to all the Northrend Engineering stuff than it is to the items readily available to 19s, 20s, and 29s.
Since when has there been a vendetta again'st Furbolgs? For the longest time it had a measly 10 stamina. The ability it gave didn't even work on low levels.

There's seriously some anti-twink mindset spilling about this forum and it's toxic.
Never was against it, most of my twinks still have it equipped. Although, I don't get the reasoning for blizzard changing this items required level this late since most twinks have it by now. Although, one reason being is the crazy amount of intellect it gives at a lower level now due to the patch.
Never was against it, most of my twinks still have it equipped. Although, I don't get the reasoning for blizzard changing this items required level this late since most twinks have it by now. Although, one reason being is the crazy amount of intellect it gives at a lower level now due to the patch.

I think they changed it because the stats were too far out of the legit stat range for lower level characters.
I think they changed it because the stats were too far out of the legit stat range for lower level characters.
Pretty much, a good indication of that is how OP the heal is on the offhand still, even though we cant use it.
I'm curious how far they will go. Granted the Northrend Engineering seems like the obvious choice for the next hotfix. But I am not so sure about the LFH, what are the stats on it after 8.0.1? I am pretty sure all the iLvL 30 rare quest reward equipment from Stockades, and iLvL 32 uncommon quest reward equipment from Ashenvale are safe, their numbers don't seem too far out of the 19s or 20s level range. (Edit: I realize some of those are not or were never available to 19s.)

The ILvL 30 Riot Stick (GFed iLvl Rare Quest Rewards from Stockades) has really nice stats: 38 Intel, forget the Stamina and Crit, the Armory is still not accurate with stats.
The revised 8.0.1 Stats on it were a little too good - only 3 int less than the Blue BG create Off hand item I have on my 60 Disc. But it's Blizz that decided that 9 Stam and heal ( that 19's couldnt use in Legion ) wasn't enough. Instead of making it a 45 level req, they could have made it scale and it would still have been a solid choice as an offhand on a 19 especially if the heal was enabled.

They have scaling tech but it only applies when it suits them.
I'm curious how far they will go. Granted the Northrend Engineering seems like the obvious choice for the next hotfix. But I am not so sure about the LFH, what are the stats on it after 8.0.1? I am pretty sure all the iLvL 30 rare quest reward equipment from Stockades, and iLvL 32 uncommon quest reward equipment from Ashenvale are safe, their numbers don't seem too far out of the 19s or 20s level range. (Edit: I realize some of those are not or were never available to 19s.)

The ILvL 30 Riot Stick (GFed iLvl Rare Quest Rewards from Stockades) has really nice stats: 38 Intel, forget the Stamina and Crit, the Armory is still not accurate with stats.
I think grandfathered pieces won't get changed, such as inferno robes and other quest rewards that aren't obtainable.
The revised 8.0.1 Stats on it were a little too good - only 3 int less than the Blue BG create Off hand item I have on my 60 Disc. But it's Blizz that decided that 9 Stam and heal ( that 19's couldnt use in Legion ) wasn't enough. Instead of making it a 45 level req, they could have made it scale and it would still have been a solid choice as an offhand on a 19 especially if the heal was enabled.

They have scaling tech but it only applies when it suits them.

They are lazy
Just when you think the pos in this bracket can’t get more ignorant you see something like this get nerfed.

The 19 bracket literally has the worst people in it I’ve seen in my life. A bunch of literally terrible bads that can’t win unless they force everyone to play a way that benefits them.
Just when you think the pos in this bracket can’t get more ignorant you see something like this get nerfed.

The 19 bracket literally has the worst people in it I’ve seen in my life. A bunch of literally terrible bads that can’t win unless they force everyone to play a way that benefits them.

Yup, those goddamn 19s decided to make core design changes to caster off-hands, and then put a level requirement on an item that benefited greatly from that.
Dipshits like you reporting it caused the level requirement.

I’m going to camp any twinks I find out and about. You’re on the list.
With Pouch gone, just wondering, are Wands still a thing? Or Staff time confirmed?

Id still use any form of wand/sword/mace with boa heirloom. @Rocksauce

The ILvL 30 Riot Stick (GFed iLvl Rare Quest Rewards from Stockades) has really nice stats: 38 Intel, forget the Stamina and Crit, the Armory is still not accurate with stats.

got a few of these
since templates are out
wands dont count for 2 slots anymore
go back to staves
better stats than 1h+oh

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