EU+US 19 Transmog

I can most likely not beat that but this is my 19 monks mog
19 Monk Armory
Rugged Spaulders
Tabard of the Guardians of Hyjal
Gloves of the Pathfinder
Rigid Belt
Hogger's Trousers
Stable Boots
Impaling Harpoon with Mending illusion
My hunter Allshotup. Nothing fancy but I usually don't have to worry about someone else looking like me.
[doublepost=1528985785,1528985325][/doublepost]Drdomegood. My priest


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Anyone got an old school 19 warr mog ??

LFH (cloth)
talbar mantle (cloth) a white quality with naxx enchant (any)
defias chest (leather)
Fortified bracers i think (mail)
Redbeard Crest
Thorbias Gauntlets (mail)
Not sure about belt.
Chausses of Westfall (ally) Fortfied (mail) (horde)

Didnt play a warrior but think it went something like that though I kinda mixed what kinda sets would be used. maybe you can find look alikes for some slots but most of the stuff is unusuable.
LFH (cloth)
talbar mantle (cloth) a white quality with naxx enchant (any)
defias chest (leather)
Fortified bracers i think (mail)
Redbeard Crest
Thorbias Gauntlets (mail)
Not sure about belt.
Chausses of Westfall (ally) Fortfied (mail) (horde)

Didnt play a warrior but think it went something like that though I kinda mixed what kinda sets would be used. maybe you can find look alikes for some slots but most of the stuff is unusuable.
Is there anything else apart from talbar mantle and defias chest?
Guys, Grimscale Legguards, Plate, says it req level 57 right, but I am not able to mog it on my 19 even though its 60 and below?? It says req level 58 to mog. How come??
Guys, Grimscale Legguards, Plate, says it req level 57 right, but I am not able to mog it on my 19 even though its 60 and below?? It says req level 58 to mog. How come??

Its not below lvl 60. Its vanilla. And those pants are from tbc.
Guys, what was the difference between Vanilla twink gear and BC ? And between BC and WOTLK it is the introduction of some satchel and heirloom gear right?
Guys, what was the difference between Vanilla twink gear and BC ? And between BC and WOTLK it is the introduction of some satchel and heirloom gear right?

Well there were a lot of differences. Twink gear is often changing (depending on class) at least each expansion, but also each patch. The big answer to your question (a large difference to me at least) was the introduction of Clefthide and Nethercleft leg armor. These armor kits, when applied on BoE items and then mailed, gave some 400 extra health (nethercleft) and like 12 agility. Spellthread for casters was a similar increase. This was introduced in BC. Before then, the BiS pants (for leather) were leggings of the fang- with a libram enchant of your choice.

Different patches brought along different changes. Rogues had a period of time where getting the most +dodge was ideal for melee vrs melee fights, and items like meadow ring of eluding became BiS.

You are also correct in that heirlooms were introduced in Wrath. Before heirlooms, the most important part of a twink was not so much the gear, but the enchants. Sure- shadowfang was BiS, but when you change between shadowfang and cruel barb- both were great weapons when enchanted with something like +15 agility. Gloves had +15 agility, head had +8, wrist had... +7? Regardless- enchants back then made a very huge difference- providing astronomical stat values when obtaining BiS gear.

If you have questions on specific classes for specific time periods, feel free to PM me (I assume you’re looking to make transmog sets). I’ll try the best I can to remember BiS lists from varrying patches haha.
Hello everyone!
So i've recently started twinking and i'd love to see peoples mog.
Here is mine - see if you can beat that ;)

Do you anyone know a better way to post pictures? I'm kinda new to this.
Could use frost tabard :):):):)
Well there were a lot of differences. Twink gear is often changing (depending on class) at least each expansion, but also each patch. The big answer to your question (a large difference to me at least) was the introduction of Clefthide and Nethercleft leg armor. These armor kits, when applied on BoE items and then mailed, gave some 400 extra health (nethercleft) and like 12 agility. Spellthread for casters was a similar increase. This was introduced in BC. Before then, the BiS pants (for leather) were leggings of the fang- with a libram enchant of your choice.

Different patches brought along different changes. Rogues had a period of time where getting the most +dodge was ideal for melee vrs melee fights, and items like meadow ring of eluding became BiS.

You are also correct in that heirlooms were introduced in Wrath. Before heirlooms, the most important part of a twink was not so much the gear, but the enchants. Sure- shadowfang was BiS, but when you change between shadowfang and cruel barb- both were great weapons when enchanted with something like +15 agility. Gloves had +15 agility, head had +8, wrist had... +7? Regardless- enchants back then made a very huge difference- providing astronomical stat values when obtaining BiS gear.

If you have questions on specific classes for specific time periods, feel free to PM me (I assume you’re looking to make transmog sets). I’ll try the best I can to remember BiS lists from varrying patches haha.
Thats great info. Many thanks !!

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