EU+US Most expensive low level toon

My bank alt is probably the most expensive lv.1 twink in the game. Several items worth millions. Here are some honorable mentions:

Fine poking stick
Worn bat
Deadman's cleaver (probably the only active one in the game)
Warder's spear
Worn Spear
Wispy Cloak (several)
Squealer's belt
Frostmane chain vest (extremely rare, probably priceless)
Primitive kilt
Several GF'd shirts (trappers, initiate's, recruit's, etc)
Several GF'd mogs to high level items
GF'd engineering profession
The rogue in my description is probably the most expensive one in terms of overall value and gold spent.

  • 8/8 TF invasion armor
  • 2/2 TF invasion daggers
  • 1/x WF axe (29 ilvl)
  • 7 extra 34 invasion belts, 1 extra 34 shoulder, 2 extra 34 chests, 2 extra 34 head, 1 extra 34 boots. A lot of other extras at 29 and 24 ilvl
  • 6 WF (29 ilvl) daggers with various enchants and all are transmogged (can't transmog invasion weapons atm)
  • 3 100 ilvl masks (Forboding, Mossy Green, Immaculate white)
  • Hook of the Master Angler x2
  • 5 Shadowfangs (24 ilvl) with various enchants
  • 1 ilvl 25 Shadowfang
  • 5/5 OG defias (with extra gloves and legs to swap between agi/stam)
  • 2 Defias 25 ilvl gloves (1 with AP, other with stam)
  • 2 Defias 25 ilvl legs (1 with agi, other with stam)
  • Soulbound Tremendous Tankard O' Terror 810 ilvl
  • Soulbound Miniature Winter Veil Tree 635 ilvl
  • Replica Blood Guard's Cleaver
  • Miniature Winter Veil tree ilvl 1 x2
  • 2 Howling Blade 25 ilvl
  • Heartbreak Charm (24 ilvl 'Love is in the Air' event epic neck)
  • Soulbound int mace 27 ilvl (From BG's, I don't believe rogues can get this anymore)
  • Full Vanilla set with OG gear and enchants
  • 60 ilvl PvP trinket
  • Lucky Fishing Hat
  • Fishing boots (in case they ever become relevant again, although I highly doubt it)
  • Full 'of agility / of power' set with max stats possible in case that bug ever becomes a thing again
  • AGM x2
  • Defender's Champion
  • Signet of Argus x2
  • Furbolg Medicine Pouch
  • Green Tinted Googles with LFH transmog (can't transmog that anymore as rogue)
  • Crown of the Eternal Winter
  • Full Replica Warlord's/General transmog
  • Full Death Dealer's transmog
  • Full Bloodfang transmog
  • Full Nightslayer transmog
  • Both Trial of Style transmogs, shirt and title
  • Straw Hat
  • Heirloom head transmogged into Forboding Black Mask (can't transmog into that anymore)
  • Bunch of GF'd transmog from OG quests that have later been removed
  • All available transmogs from the dragons during the anniversary event
  • 5/5 old 'of the fang' set (varying ilvls)
  • 5/5 new 'of the fang' set (25 ilvl)
  • Red Defias Mask (just for swag)
  • Tabard of Brilliance
  • Tabard of the Kirin Tor
  • Tabard of the Dragonmaw Clan
  • Tabard of Fury
  • Epic Purple Shirt
  • Flag of ownership
  • Jar of Spiders
  • Potion of Fel Protection
  • Bunch of rare fish to spare and mats for old enchants etc.
Bunch of random GF'd items laying around, and profession items in case we are ever able to skill past what we have now.
Probably a bunch of other shit too that I forgot.
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19 twink Druid - 32k HKS. Haunted Memento

Exalted AB
Exalted WSG
Nearly exalted sporregar
Exalted Timbermaw
Exalted Guild xD
Exalted Consortium
Exalted Sha'tar
Exalted Cenarion Expedition
Exalted Lower City
Exalted all alliance factions
Fashion Shirt thing
Epic Shirt from guild
Epic Purple Shirt ( cash bought )
Tabard of Frost
Tabard of Brilliance
Tabard of Flame
^ All Cash Bought
Goblin Weather Machine ( On Toon )
Fishing Chair ( on Toon )
Riding Turtle ( on Toon )
Ogre Pinata ( on Toon )
All the tabards that require friendly - cata ones and wotlk ones.
2x AGM
Insignia of Alliance
2x Fishing Contest Trinket
ilvl 32 stam int argas x2
Cloth ilvl 32 shoulders
Adaptable Bracer, Boots, Legs.
Crit Bracers from bg box cant remember the name
Woodworking Gloves x3
Metal Working Gloves x2
Staff of Conjuring
Defias Mage Staff
Walking Boots
Nobles Robe
Tmogged Necrology Robe
Gloomshroud level 16 dw
Defias belt
Defias Boots x2
Zircon Rings ( All ) x2
Firebane Cloak with + Fire Resistance
Formal Dangui no enchant unfortunately
All Valentine Event Necks x3
Jeweled Fishing Pole
Weather Beaten Fishing Hat
Bone Fishing Pole
All the Event Stuff including Thunderfurys, Goggles, Murloc Gnoll costumes ( 20 Versa Buff from Christmas x87 )
All Christmas Socks
The Pacifier level 19
Feathered Headress level 19
Howling Blade level 19
Boulder Pads level 19
Forest Leather Mantle level 19
Gloves of the Fang x8 level 19
Defias Pants and Gloves x2 Level 19
Greenweave Mantle of Intellect level 19
Foremans Gloves level 19
Stendels Band x2
Darkweave Breeches level 19
Band of Purification level 19
Blackwidow band x2
* Items which require 'different' methods
Which I won't reveal as I don't want to lose them.
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19 twink Druid - 32k HKS.

Exalted AB
Exalted WSG
Nearly exalted sporregar
Exalted Timbermaw
Exalted Guild xD
Exalted Consortium
Exalted Sha'tar
( Gonna get 3+ More tomorrow coz tbc TW pwn )
Exalted all alliance factions
Fashion Shirt thing
Epic Shirt from guild
Epic Purple Shirt ( cash bought )
Tabard of Frost
Tabard of Brilliance
Tabard of Flame
^ All Cash Bought
Goblin Weather Machine ( On Toon )
Fishing Chair ( on Toon )
Riding Turtle ( on Toon )
Ogre Pinata ( on Toon )
All the tabards that require friendly - cata ones and wotlk ones.
2x AGM
Insignia of Alliance
2x Fishing Contest Trinket
ilvl 32 stam int argas x2
Cloth ilvl 32 shoulders
Adaptable Bracer, Boots, Legs.
Crit Bracers from bg box cant remember the name
Woodworking Gloves x3
Metal Working Gloves x2
Staff of Conjuring
Defias Mage Staff
Walking Boots
Nobles Robe
Tmogged Necrology Robe
Gloomshroud level 16 dw
Defias belt
Defias Boots x2
Zircon Rings ( All ) x2
Firebane Cloak with + Fire Resistance
Formal Dangui no enchant unfortunately
All Valentine Event Necks x3
Jeweled Fishing Pole
Weather Beaten Fishing Hat
Bone Fishing Pole
All the Event Stuff including Thunderfurys, Goggles, Murloc Gnoll costumes ( 20 Versa Buff from Christmas x87 )
All Christmas Socks
The Pacifier level 19
Feathered Headress level 19
Howling Blade level 19
Boulder Pads level 19
Forest Leather Mantle level 19
Gloves of the Fang x8 level 19
Defias Pants and Gloves x2 Level 19
Greenweave Mantle of Intellect level 19
Foremans Gloves level 19
Stendels Band x2
Darkweave Breeches level 19
Band of Purification level 19
Blackwidow band x2
* Items which require 'different' methods
Which I won't reveal as I don't want to lose them.
When I grow up I wanna be like you
just some shit on my 19 rog
4x ilvl 24 shadowfang
2x ilvl 25 shadowfang
defias belt
defias boots
defias legs ilvl 25
defias gloves x 2 ilvl 25
fang gloves ilvl 25
every zircon ring x2
meadow ring of eluding
lvl 11 ToV
goblin screwdriver

then just some coolish stuff I guess:
2x agm
2x STV trink
full 34 invasion gear including 2 axes and 2 daggers
5/5 defias
seal of sylvanas
diplomat and ambassador done on this char
ilvl 60 medallion
thrall's gift
2x argas
3 different vday necks

think that's just about it :|
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just some shit on my 19 rog
4x ilvl 24 shadowfang
2x ilvl 25 shadowfang
defias belt
defias boots
defias legs ilvl 25
defias gloves x 2 ilvl 25
fang gloves ilvl 25
every zircon ring x2
meadow ring of eluding
lvl 11 ToV
goblin screwdriver

then just some coolish stuff I guess:
2x agm
2x STV trink
full 34 invasion gear including 2 axes and 2 daggers
5/5 defias
seal of sylvanas
diplomat and ambassador done on this char
ilvl 60 medallion
thrall's gift
2x argas
3 different vday necks

think that's just about it :|

lmao Legion twink xddddddd
* Items which require 'different' methods
Which I won't reveal as I don't want to lose them.

Reported, easy ban, pce kid. fkn haxx0r xddahsd
back postin here for the 2nd time with some actual big dog status but nothing too crazy
Tarantula Silk Sash
Ethereal Soul Trader + Gear
Bout to win Haunted Memento on bid
Disgusting Oozeling if that's still worth anything
Smaller Price Tag Twink BoEs: Tree Bark, Mindthrust, Sentry Cloak, Magefist, Witching Stave, etc.
Not too much but I'm working on it. Mext I want to invest in some tcg tabards or maybe t3 sets. She has other stuff like cool rep items and bop toys n such but ill keep it to the theme of the thread

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