EU+US Show me your GF'd Gear (pt 2)


I figured I would restart this thread after my first one was... lost in recent events. Link your toons rarest, least obtained, interesting items. I viewed this as a place for people to show off their gear, enchants, mogs, or anything from their toon that is no longer obtainable. I also felt this would be a great place to get input from others on ways they could improve their toons "GF'd Set" going forward.
I'll start it off:



Some other notable items include:
-Furblog pouch
-Talbar mantle
-Gravestone wand
-Countless cloaks with many enchants that.. may? be GFd (pvp power, 3 dodge, etc).
-All valentines necks
-All other Brewfest Steins
-Tabard of Frost/Void/Flame
-All fishing contest items- 6 hats, 1 boots (4 Blue striped racers in bank), 2 trinkets/ring/boots of the bay/rod
Likely forgetting about some things as well in a guild bank somewhere.

I could use yall's input on how I could make improvements... I have a Wrangler's Wrist of Power (+5 AP, 2 with +1AP in another guild bank). Is that GFd? If so, i could move it over. Also have Scouting Gloves of Healing, Rigid Gloves of Defense, and Scouting Gloves of Defense in a guild bank.. Will they be changed if i pull them out? I have some "of shadow wrath" items in guild banks- and I know they get changed to +int if they are removed.

Looking forward to hearing your opinions and seeing your toons!
I linked my vanilla rogue in the first thread, so here's my vanilla druid.


Green tinted goggles w/ +HP libram\
Cresent staff
Staff of the friar (spirit staff for mana regen, now lvl 20)
Defias gloves/boots (with +mountspeed chants)
Turtle mount from TCG
Talbar mantle, silk belt, grizzled boots, seal of sylvanus, dawnblade
One of the first chars with pouch
Timewarped Love necklace
BOA cloak with +5 all resistance
Black Husk Shield
Black Widow Band
Defias armors
Various Ilvl 26+ armor
BOA Helm With 3 Int 4 pvp resilience enchant and more items
48.87 Ilvl


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Also have:
3x Naxx Shoulders (two int/crit enchants, one stam/armor enchant)
All of the Valentine's necks
Faerie Mantle (ilvl 32)
Glorious Tyranny/Spirit of Conquest Weapons
2x Arctic Buckler
Woodworking Gloves
Band of the Undercity
Walking Boots
Blackened Defias Armor
Competitor's Tabard
Yellow/Blue/Green/Purple Brewfest Steins
Greater Mark of the Dawn (x3)
Blight Sample
Staff of Conjuring
Tarantula Silk Sash
7x Fel-Chain pieces ilvl 34, 2x ilvl 29
Kor'Kron armor transmogged on much of my gear

Probably more shit that I skipped over looking through my bags quickly.

I'm not going to do all my twinks. But I also have a GF'd Warrior, Warlock, Rogue and Hunter at 19 from around the TBC era.
Also have GF'd 29s and 39s.
Id have to show you in game lol, to many. I got a wild collection of boe's stashed

multiple defias rapiers, including multiple of each set piece

mutliple black venom blades, atleast 4 duskbringers, sliverblade, stealthblades, alot of rare katana's

skeletal longswords, Thug shirts. Naxx shit tier 3 shit, mounts to much
Having GF is nice and all, but being GF and bis is what’s real. :p

tunic of westfall
full defias set
dual agm
og insignia
bbqt blizz bur
og tabard of 08 olympics
og frost tabard
haunted momento
deviate scaled belt
seal of wymnmnmn
tree daggers
i also have 300/300 mining
bluegill breeches
fishing boots (lvl 35 req)
strong fishing pole +6 fishing enchant (+5 base)

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