Level 84 twinks?

*coughs* I first heard that lv60 bwl/mc was being removed on these forums.

I then went ingame and asked some people, most of which confirmed it or didn't have an answer (the yes's were most likely based off of what happened with naxx).

I googled it with similar results.

Fact is stranger then fiction, I suppose. Multiple sources were leaning with them being gone, why not expect them to follow suit in cata as wotlk?

My error was that I never looked into it again after the initial release speculations.

I was iffy, due to mc being a requirement for sulfuras, but I was convinced.

Time to reactivate my classic account, I guess.

dude....for months on these forums alone myself and others have been debunking the myth that mc and bwl are being taken out. it was even in a blue post someone linked....you shoulda read more often.

and asking people in game is just never smart since half the people flat out dont know, and the other half are just asses who will say the wrong thing intentionally (on any subject).

naxx was "removed" b/c it was updated to a lvl 80 raid....but there are no plans to make mc and bwl recycled raids, therefore it stands to reason that they would not just randomly remove them!

p.s classic accounts dont really do anything now since a capped account is put in the same que as people with BC/LK who shut off xp.
Yes, I understand that.

I just have not felt the urge to get back to the 60, so I didn't check the forums after the rumor.

I yield, score one Falkor.

And ahh, that is interesting. I might just have to see if I can account transfer the toons then, they are all under the same name and whatnot.
you can xfer a toon from vanilla to a higher account (just not the reverse, and blizzard is cracking down with allowing account downgrades apparently....so only do it if you are sure!)
theres no need, but ya never know if they'll allow capped accounts to que with levelers again. no real need to switch it to you main account unless you have BoAs that are better than t2.5 or something...or just to pay for one account i suppose
I will be levelling my 80 hunter once cata goes live and twinking at 84 so i will see if this bracket is going to be viable fairly soon. 525 engineering offers alot of nice enchants, gems scopes and gear so it could be alot of fun. There is talk of a starter pvp set from leatherworking, blacksmithing and tailoring but this may be for 85s.
idk how soon it will be viable. most people will be lvling to 85, experiencing new content of all forms, etc then after that most will go back to other twinks, then maybe dabble in 84 at some point in the future...and keep in mind it'll take awhile to lvl a fresh twink 1-84, wont be the most fun grind for 1 twink. but yes there should at least be a starter pve/pvp set for 84s much like 78s could get crafted gear for that
Twinking at level 84 is one of the worst ideas I have ever heard.
you ' re
I saw a level 82 gear frost mage with 105k hp. The amount of stats added to gear is dumb x2-3 more stats
you gain about 10k hp per lvl even w/o upgrading gear. at 84, wearing only 8 new pieces of gear, i have 67.8k unbuffed 69.8k with mark
Just did a couple of WSG before with some 80s and 84s on my 82 hunter and level 80s only seem to fair well if they are really well geared. Put out decent damage even just in green quest gear with no enchants. From the looks of the 84s anything that is ranged is topping damage with mages standing out on top of the board. Rogues still seem quite powerful though.
Sooooo Cata Classic is coming in 2024 and unlike 2010 Cata, classic will have xp on / xp off in the same queue. As is the case now for classic Wrath.

84 twinks never really existed (at least not seriously) but soon lvl 80-84 BG's will be the busiest bracket besides 85. Anyone else thinking about this?

I'm definitely going to make one. The only problem is there may be a lot of pvp bots leveling through BGs.

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