Alpha testing Legion

Btw people, I don't mind doing this but start liking my posts so I am not getting discouraged testing this stuff on the Alpha. It is also a way for me to know that players are interested in this sort of stuff. I am putting effort and time into this and giving tinkering information or do yall only want to uplike your friends for giving stupid remarks, bait and troll posts.

This is what tinkering info is all about, not about who we respect the most in any bracket nor stupid best of lists and what ever more! XPOff is starting to look like TI by a large deal.
So i have to like posts in oder for you to do this? Seems a bit weird to me. If you don't like to do it, don't do it imo.
So i have to like posts in oder for you to do this? Seems a bit weird to me. If you don't like to do it, don't do it imo.
No, but it says enough about your community spirit! Yall reading this thread anyway. Not even an appreciation (thanks to all the people who did though). But sure, throw your likes at stupid stuff and your friends, I do not care. It was never about likes in the first place but if there was any interest in reading this stuff. Hey you might even get something out of it, maby some pre knowledge. Your welcome.

Nvm anyway, I'm done here on TI 2.
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you're too salty to do this. I enjoyed reading it but if you're not passionate about it and only doing it for likes, doesn't that say enough about your " community spirit" ?
Hey i heard that Thistle Tea will be back in the game for all classes in legion does anyone know if this is true or not? Or can someone with alpha maybe find some time to check the vendor?
It seems rogues can buy thistle tea as well as other goodies from a vendor placed in their new Dalaran sewers hideout. Since the spell to get there is obtain at 14, thistle tea will indeed be obtainable at this level. I'm not sure if classes other than rogues can obtain thistle tea in this way.
It seems rogues can buy thistle tea as well as other goodies from a vendor placed in their new Dalaran sewers hideout. Since the spell to get there is obtain at 14, thistle tea will indeed be obtainable at this level. I'm not sure if classes other than rogues can obtain thistle tea in this way.
I don't think F2P's and Vets can get the spell to travel to Dal. I think the quest to get it is a high level quest, so u need a high level toon to get to Dal.
I'd be interested to see what ways there are for low level toons to get to the new Dal however.

And also just on another note, I'm appreciative of what the OP is doing. I wish there would be more support for these sorts of people. If people don't have anything useful or helpful to say then best they stay off the forums so the helpful people can provide info for those that want it!
you're too salty to do this. I enjoyed reading it but if you're not passionate about it and only doing it for likes, doesn't that say enough about your " community spirit" ?
Again I am not doing this for likes, read up and sure I am upset aka salty. Yall can't even keep the 10-19 bracket active. And if its active yall destroy it again.

Have a nice day XPOff.
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does tabards have lvl/rep requirements to be equipped once they added to ui ?
also does tshirts become soulbouded once added there?

Since the spell to get there is obtain at 14,

dont work that way. sadly class halls only available to high levels.
dont understand why. it suppose to be the place where you learn more about your class, but still. maybe in exp after legion.
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I'd like to know if xp-off toons can line up with xp-on toons in PvP battlegrounds. I can't see why Blizz would want to keep them still separated if gear does so little in Legion. Would be great if someone with access could test this. Would help with queues when it goes live for most brackets.

Also, I can't post on the Armory Forums, but I'd like to ask whether we could see Battle for Gilneas become a 20 - 100 bg rather than remain a 25-100 bg. That's an old carry over when the bracket was 20 - 24 and 25 - 29. Makes no sense to keep Gilneas for only half a bracket. I guess it's wishful thinking but it's a cool battleground and would be nice to see it for all the 20 - 29's.

Will Blizz show the 20's some love........... I hope so. In reality they probably won't but maybe some testers from this site could post on Armory to apply a bit of pressure to Blizz...........

I can only hope :O
I'd like to know if xp-off toons can line up with xp-on toons in PvP battlegrounds. I can't see why Blizz would want to keep them still separated if gear does so little in Legion. Would be great if someone with access could test this. Would help with queues when it goes live for most brackets.
Not able to queue for instanced pvp yet but there is something new now. When you disable your experience you get a buff that tells you are exp locked with a red bandana picture. There is totally not any reason for making it like that and it might be to not confuse players in some way in battlegrounds. I just don't see any other reason for this change. But this is just speculation and not a fact.


Also, I can't post on the Armory Forums, but I'd like to ask whether we could see Battle for Gilneas become a 20 - 100 bg rather than remain a 25-100 bg. That's an old carry over when the bracket was 20 - 24 and 25 - 29. Makes no sense to keep Gilneas for only half a bracket. I guess it's wishful thinking but it's a cool battleground and would be nice to see it for all the 20 - 29's.
I still have some concerns myself about brackets in general. Wanted to point out that blizzard just simply should give characters their skills at level 20 for example so everyone in a bracket has acces to the same skills (most skills are already available before level 60) and you point also at the battle for gilneas. There is just no point in having acces to that half way the 20-29 bracket. I was waiting to make some sort of feedback when instanced pvp went active on Legion Alpha/Beta for low level on the leveling realm. I even believe that it's a good idea to have the battle for gilneas at lvl 10 now. I can understand why they made it lvl 24+ though because it was a new battleground and they didn't want to make that available for trials, just like not giving acces to exp locked battlegrounds at level 19. You can see that trials only have acces to classic battlegrounds, maby they will lower it now since it's not so new anymore.

does tabards have lvl/rep requirements to be equipped once they added to ui ?
also does tshirts become soulbouded once added there?
I am not able to do anything with tabards and shirts yet through the wardrobe. I have 2 in there of both but I am not able to transmog any or take one out and equip. Not sure what you mean with shirts getting soulbound though but I suppose you mean when taking one out. Time will tell.
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Not able to queue for instanced pvp yet but there is something new now. When you disable your experience you get a buff that tells you are exp locked with a red bandana picture. There is totally not any reason for making it like that and it might be to not confuse players in some way in battlegrounds. I just don't see any other reason for this change. But this is just speculation and not a fact.


I still have some concerns myself about brackets in general. Wanted to point out that blizzard just simply should give characters their skills at level 20 for example so everyone in a bracket has acces to the same skills (most skills are already available before level 60) and you point also at the battle for gilneas. There is just no point in having acces to that half way the 20-29 bracket. I was waiting to make some sort of feedback when instanced pvp went active on Legion Alpha/Beta for low level on the leveling realm. I even believe that it's a good idea to have the battle for gilneas at lvl 10 now. I can understand why they made it lvl 24+ though because it was a new battleground and they didn't want to make that available for trials, just like not giving acces to exp locked battlegrounds at level 19. You can see that trials only have acces to classic battlegrounds, maby they will lower it now since it's not so new anymore.

I am not able to do anything with tabards and shirts yet through the wardrobe. I have 2 in there of both but I am not able to transmog any or take one out and equip. Not sure what you mean with shirts getting soulbound though but I suppose you mean when taking one out. Time will tell.
Awesome work so far, and that red bandana could be a good sign for bg's. As u mention it would appear to be a buff that is to distinguish twinks from normal toons, and I can't see any benefit other than to show a difference in bgs or arena.
Fingers crossed that's the case. It would certainly help a lot of brackets with reduced queue times. I'm sure for the health of the game Blizz would want to improve queue times, even for us Vets / F2P's.

I'd love to hear more when u get time about PvP in Legion as it becomes available.

Cheers! ;)
I'd love to hear more when u get time about PvP in Legion as it becomes available.
We tried to get a 4th person for testing wargames but that has failed up till now (or Arty and his friend found 2 others for testing this). Pug environment doesn't work so we wanted to try wargames. If only Blizzard would let a 4th dedicated tinker on the Alpha. Trying to push them anyway to make instanced pvp working on the leveling realm, so much will change to classes and that certainly needs a lot testing not only at lvl 110 if you ask me.

I've been working a little on the pvp testing realm to get my garisson up for the profession buildings and then I got stuck on the continent somewhere. I was hoping to swap some enchants on gear and test those in pvp if they work. Sure I'll be gimping myself but who cares I really like to know things like this. I will do the same on the leveling realm so that at the moment instanced pvp starts to work we have means to get them and start testing this on low levels. Sure we have copy account and can add our own characters but not working yet and as I remember from the Cata Beta I've played it was working in a pretty late stage of that Beta.
but I'd like to ask whether we could see Battle for Gilneas become a 20 - 100 bg rather than remain a 25-100 bg
There is a reason why spells, bgs and dungeons are spread out across lvl ladder.
The feeling of progression is crucial to an mmo.
leaving a player without anything new for 10 levels is not productive.
This however does not mean that leaving specs without core abilities is a good thing.

l30t53dd6p said:
Not sure what you mean with shirts getting soulbound though but I suppose you mean when taking one out. Time will tell.
i meant do they become soulbouded once you learn them and yea, they do. all shirts turned to green boe in latest patch.

Can you try swim from northrend to broken isle?


long shot but just for lols.
There is a reason why spells, bgs and dungeons are spread out across lvl ladder.
The feeling of progression is crucial to an mmo.
leaving a player without anything new for 10 levels is not productive.
And yet I am 69 on my druid and have only 1 spell left to get. Blizz left this path long ago when they changed the skill tree and gave most skills already at the low levels though. There used to be a time core spells were spread across the leveling process but looking at them now, you get the core ones from 1-19. Taking my beastmaster hunter as an example after 20 it only gets defensive and offensive cooldown skills and passives with just T90 that you could see as damage skill: crows, barrage and volley. (Beastmaster is in a very bad state like this on the Alpha, just like Survival and marksmanship feels a little better but still casting aimed shot all the time makes it a very boring spec. They just nerfing things that were not broken to the game just to make specs feel different from eachother).

i meant do they become soulbouded once you learn them and yea, they do. all shirts turned to green boe in latest patch.
Yeah they do become soulbound but not able to test with taking one out the wardrobe, thats not working yet just like tabards.

Can you try swim from northrend to broken isle?


long shot but just for lols.
Thats a shortcut to sentinel hills spirit healer. I flew with 250 speed and made it on the map but there is just nothing but sea. Instanced zone I suppose.
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207410175179 said:
We've opened up Skirmishes for testing on Alpha. Please keep in mind that Skirmishes have changed in Legion. Healers will only be placed in 3v3 matches while DPS and Tanks may find themselves in either 2v2 or 3v3 matches. Good luck and have fun!

This counts for the pvp realm only. Leveling realm remains locked. Trying to push this for testing. Hopefully Holinka will push the switch.

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