Your New Admin -- Eliot


Good evening TI.

While I know that there will be mixed emotion about this promotion, it is a promotion that is without-a-doubt due.

Eliot has been a constant help to me since my first day operating TI and has never been anything more than a constant source of information for myself and many others.

I think that he always has TI's best interest at heart and will do whatever he can to ensure that TI is here to stay.

Please congratulate him and wish him the best in his new position, as he does deserve it!


Shane aka MC
Grats eliot! definetly deserve it your moderating skills have been top notch
I look forward to seeing this beacon of unbiased moderation continue plying his trade as a fully fledged administrator.
Grats Eli, hope to see that Admin tag whizzin past some of those silly threads some more. Once a down an outter now an up an comer! :cool:
Congratulations Eliot! :) Well deserved!
Good job, Eliot!
So while everyone is congratulating him I might as well make a different type of post.

What difference in power/behavior will we see in Eliot as he moves from the moderator position to an administrator?

And congratulations Eliot, you earned it.
Your next goal is to "promote" some EU mods/admins and think about demoting certain CL's who clearly do nothing positive for this communtiy.
Nice work eliot, even if you gave me a infraction point lol. either way good job!

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