Your momma is so _____ ***WoW Style***

I ran across some really funny your momma jokes with warcraft flare. These are not mine.

"Your momma is so fat it takes 2 warlocks to summon her! "

"Your momma is so ugly, I PAY rogues to blind me! "

I was thinking up a few but thought I might share the good ones I saw and got a laugh from first.

The other one I thought was kinda funny was " Your momma is such a hoe we hit her up with a 40 man raid and she dropped her pants."
Yo Momma so smelly, she one-shotted Onyxia whe she breathed deep.

Yo momma so fat that she can only raid Molten Core cuz the surface couldn't support her weight.

Yo momma so fat that when she stepped foot in Southern Kalimdor, C'thun felt the weight of the world on his shoulders.
Yo momma so fat that healers use her for LOS.
Your momma is so fat blizzard takes the servers down to patch the floors.

Your momma is so fat and dumb she petitions GMs to get back her conjoured food from logouts.

Your momma is so dumb she thought northrend was a bleed in that direction.

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