Your Highest Latency?

a while ago in kharazhan i got 13k ms, thats my record
jesus.. I thought my 3k spikes were bad..
I used to be quite stead at 200-250, but I recently followed a procedure that had me adjust a setting in my registry that brought me to 90. Now I hover between 80-100 constantly.
I recently followed a procedure that had me adjust a setting in my registry that brought me to 90

Those things are legit? I ran down a couple over the years that told me to do this and that and all I ever ended up with was a headache.

Drayner said:
I used to be quite stead at 200-250, but I recently followed a procedure that had me adjust a setting in my registry that brought me to 90. Now I hover between 80-100 constantly.

Oh please tell!!! I run with at&t u-verse cable/internet. So when the system is updating the Hi-def cable I run with 1300-3k latency all the time.. It gets so bad I have to unplug the tv :(
at my friend's house where they are using satellite internet over a wireless network, it's regularly 2000-3000ms. at my house on DSL it's usually about 150-200ms.
Drayner said:
I used to be quite stead at 200-250, but I recently followed a procedure that had me adjust a setting in my registry that brought me to 90. Now I hover between 80-100 constantly.

I did that registry thing too, it appears to have a lower latency but i have a suspicion it's not really changing your latency, just the number it displays. We even tried it on my friend's satellite, it brought the time down by about a second but there wasn't really any noticable difference.
Bloodbrew said:
Jeez... The Mother spike.

it wasn't really a spike. it was more of a continuous flow of high latency.

i had rewired my computer and forgotten to put in the internet cable that connects my computer to the main computer's router. i would consistantly disconnect, while sometimes being able to stay on with like 2k MS for a minute. then i got 'lucky' and registered 20k+ :p
my old server (dethecus) used to have 2-3 minute lag spikes where we could run in the wsg flag room, click on the flag, then run all the way back to our base and stand on the cap so we would score when it stopped. im pretty sure my ping was well over 15k

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