Your favorite bracket?

What is your Favorite Bracket?

  • 10 - 19

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 20 - 29

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 30 - 39

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  • 40 - 49

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 50 - 59

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  • 60 - 69

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 70 - 79

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • 80

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


Guild Master
What is your favorite bracket and why?

My opinions on the brackets;

19 - Simplicity ranges depending on class, minimal abilities but still very fun and easy to make. Dominated by hunters.

29 - Similar to 19's, with a wider range of options.

39 - Even more options, skill really comes into play in this bracket.

49 - Very bursty, a wide range of gear selections and talents available, skill and RNG really comes into play.

59 - DK domination, only the best twinks can beat them. Gnome DK's practically unstoppable.

69 - Closer to end-game PvP, decent burst, stamina stacking popularity in this bracket.

79 - Crafted items mainly used, no level 80 epics or raiding day and night to get geared, the alternative to 80 PvP.

I love 49's because you get a lot of your abilities settled around 49 and a lot of burst is involved, which I like. Also, twinking in this bracket is very fun, and the option of a WotLK weapon enchant is very appealing.
i've only twinked 19, 29, 39. and 39s are by far the best. why?

- classes are more balanced

- nice set of skills to use

- mounts

- you get ab!

my 19 has over 25k honor but after i made my 39, i haven't touch my 19 at all. wsg only is ridiculous boring imo.
I think 10-19 bracket is the best, because it's very easy to make a twink (except AGM and fishing gear) and there is a huge community, arenas before the 3.1 could dure 30mn but only Wsg is very boring.
39s easily

theres balance, skill and not too much burst

I bet alot of people will vote 19s because they havent tried the others
Heró said:
39s easily

theres balance, skill and not too much burst

I bet alot of people will vote 19s because they havent tried the others

Yep, most people try 19's first because it is the first and easiest to do.
As of right now its 19. I have a 39 rogue, and I don't like it much. I'm leveling up a 29 twink, and I think that's going to be my favorite by far.
Would say 39.

Not because it's the bracket I currently play, but as the OP mentioned:

"39 - Even more options, skill really comes into play in this bracket."

And I really feel like it is that way. Probably priests, rogues, retris and warlocks being a liiiittle bit ahead of other classes, but in general nothing is completely gimp like at 19 and 29. A bracket with 1-2 gimp classes and 1-2 OP classes will just be too influenced by that, and I don't feel like 39 is like that. Also, I felt like 19 was so limited in some sense when I played it at 19. There's higher "skillcap" at 39 when you got more abilities to work with rather than just a few minor ones at 19.

And yes 39: AB..mounts...many skills..I like it ;)

39 all the way. Its one of the only brackets now including 49 where your not destroyed by the usual huntards and rogues you see at 19 and 29, and no death knights. Casters are really fun at 39 and probably 49 imo, but after 3.1 49 is incredibly bursty.
39s are my bracket of choice for all class types. At 39 you can spec and gear a race to more than just the 1 effective type at lower levels. Some form of CC or anti-cc with low burst makes killing more than hack-n-slash / pop-n-drop. There is not the unstopple combos of prot-warrior / healer like in 49's. Hunters are not as OP'ed like in other brackets.

I have twinks in 29,39,49, and a 59 gnome DK. 39 I have my rogue (favorite), lock, shammy with PoD, and Mage (retired my ret-pally).
usually i play 39s, but when i lose a game where rogues crutch on using 15 CDs (each) to kill me, and it works, despite their awful play, i might take a trip down to 19s where i can easily get away from bad players.

30-39 is IMO the best bracket ATM.

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