Xp from pvp could be on its way.

I figure this might get moved but since I play 49s and I wanted other 49s thoughts here we go...

"Arenas became the focal point of PvP because there exists in the rating system an easier way to measure skill. On the contrary, battlegrounds shifted from the focus and the means by which the most competitive PvP rewards could be obtained because there's almost no measurement of skill. Someone could AFK their way to great gear just as easily as someone legitimately playing to win every match.

We don't like this though, as arenas really are meant to be an E-sport side game, not the end all, be all of World of Warcraft PvP. We understand it's a niche game that's not for everyone. What we want to do is revamp the battleground system and create some better functionality to measure skill so that players have access to more comparable rewards to those issued via the arenas. We'd also like to provide the means for player to level up via PvP should that be their preference.

We have a new battleground on the way for Wrath of the Lich King as well. It's looking pretty cool so far."

Quote from: Zarhym (Source).
This isn't really news, but thanks for the reminder. Blizz has been talking about reintroducing XP through BGs for a very very long time. It's not something that's going to be done any time soon. When it comes time for them to do something with it, they'll let us know.

It's my opinion that if they do in fact reintroduce XP through BGs, it will be on a turn-in basis like it used to be. I do not think they'd force XP in BGs.
Let's just hope it's like it was previously.

Win get 3 marks... Turn them in for XP.

Lose get 1 mark... Save to turn in for XP

Of course, you didn't have to turn them in.

Anyone remember that? I leveled from 10-19 that way with my main (who was a 19, 29, 39 and 49 twink for a period of time).
Velocemorte said:
This isn't really news, but thanks for the reminder. Blizz has been talking about reintroducing XP through BGs for a very very long time. It's not something that's going to be done any time soon. When it comes time for them to do something with it, they'll let us know.

It's my opinion that if they do in fact reintroduce XP through BGs, it will be on a turn-in basis like it used to be. I do not think they'd force XP in BGs.

The fact that this is from a recent blue post shows us that it is something they are looking at closely again was the reason for the post. Lets hope they go back to a turn in system and not something crazy.
I used to do the same, Dray. Made making twinks pretty easy, really.

I remember when they introduced WSG and had the OPness of the 21-30 bracket, 31-40, etc. Max levels had HUGE advantages... heh.

I hope they implement XP in BGs if they do so in the way it used to be.
RickRude said:
The fact that this is from a recent blue post shows us that it is something they are looking at closely again was the reason for the post. Lets hope they go back to a turn in system and not something crazy.

Yeah I remember seeing it on WoWBlues.com. I think it was a reply to a post, though, wasn't it? I don't think it's something they just came out and said. I can't access mmo-champion from here and WoWBlues.com can be buggy with IE.
As long as it is an insane amount of XP per turn it I will be down. They have made leveling in the game so fast. I honeslty can't see leveling in pvp being very fast anymore however if you are pvping to get levels I guess you are not in a hurry.
Velocemorte said:
Yeah I remember seeing it on WoWBlues.com. I think it was a reply to a post, though, wasn't it? I don't think it's something they just came out and said. I can't access mmo-champion from here and WoWBlues.com can be buggy with IE.

Yeah it was a blue response we rarely get anything out of them that is not a response unless it is something being done in the next patch. I can't see anything like this being done for a while just because they have so much going on with lich king lore right now. Only time will tell. I do like a lot of the changes so far though. I guess I am one of the few that are amped on this new patch. Although my 80 is taking it straight up the ... with the changes.
RickRude said:
Yeah it was a blue response we rarely get anything out of them that is not a response unless it is something being done in the next patch. I can't see anything like this being done for a while just because they have so much going on with lich king lore right now. Only time will tell. I do like a lot of the changes so far though. I guess I am one of the few that are amped on this new patch. Although my 80 is taking it straight up the ... with the changes.


Dude I'm stoked for 3.1. Especially since I'm leveling a pally right now, and they have a lot of good changes coming.
I remember when they had turn in xp too. =P

That was on my way old account before I quit though. :O

Although, I wouldn't mind if they had turn xp again. Would make leveling my other twinks more fun. ;D
Velocemorte said:

Dude I'm stoked for 3.1. Especially since I'm leveling a pally right now, and they have a lot of good changes coming.

My 80 is a mage I am not to please with everything they are doing. We get very few changes but they are devastating changes in the wrong direction at the moment. I log on everyday at work to catch up on the recent changes and blue post and it is like having a kidney removed on some days.
Ahh, I really do miss the only days of turn ins :) Was always fun to own face at 19/29/39/49 until you had enough marks to level :D I've been playing since release, miss a lot of the old ways. Having to queue for WSG in the barrens, not in major cities. Every city had their own, independent AH. Arathi Basin wasn't even a BG then, remember reading about it and getting excited :p A lot of the vanilla wow days were better, imho. But, the fun only lasts so long I sappose.

back on topic: I'm sure blizzard will make it a way that allows twinks to still be twinks. It will be via turn ins, or an option to allow XP in BG's...I hope...
Turn ins fine, XP from HK's not fine.

I don't even want to think of the guilds that would farm WSG endlessly rotating people in and out, never going for the flag and stuffing their flag room with 10 x8's and x9's.
XP from HK's would just result in endless WSG farm games

Blizzard wouldn't do that

Who wants experience?

For levels >61 ?

Although that wouldn't really work unless the honor per turn in were scaled -way- back to dissuade higher level characters from farming honor using the quest that had the low-level requirements (only WSG for 10-19, WSG/AB for 20-49, etcetc)

The new battleground is going to be a cap leveled (70-79 & 80 or 71-80) affair.. just like how they did EotS and SotA


I'd love to see something new and exciting. A low-level Q-only Lake Wintergrasp. How badass would that be? Lvl 19 twinks assaulting the tower, 19s in the turrets gunning them down, vehicles etcetc.

At the very least, a balanced map available to __all__ level ranges.
Terrible idea if it's somehow mandatory. And not just because it would kill twinks, but because it would turn every bracket of bg into the 80 bracket, where people don't want to be there, and just afk their way through it for goodies.

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