X-faction twink or New Server?


Hi - I have one more character slot left on my main server and I plan to roll a hordie healer comes cata. All my toons are alliance on this server, so s/he would be alone without an 80. So my basic questions:

1. Is it viable to support a twink through the neutral AH (money is not the problem, it's rather knowing people with chants and asking for help)? BOAs can be mailed so it's not really an issue.

2. Should I roll on a new server - maybe where twink guilds are more active than on my main server? Obviously, I wouldn't have access to BOA's until I decide to get a new toon to 85 which is probably *never*.

3. Any other options?

(I do not want to xfer my 80's - too expensive for a faction change and transfer).
well it is obvious make a horde toon on your current server but i do suggest making a trail account or have a friend help you transfer(btw you can not purchase an item if you set it up) ,items through neutral auction house so you may not lose an item to an AH bot.

Other than that Neutral AH is an option although you lose about 20% of the gold and it takes an hour for it to get to your Alt.
Playing with an active guild is more important than BiS imo so I would only roll on your home server if theres people you would play with. That being said healers are pretty gimp without a BoA wep.

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