WWS Reports, Recorded PVP, Recount, etc.

Hey folks,

I'm looking for a way to reliably record my matches. Ideally, I'd fraps it all, but that's not always realistic as it can not only take quite a bit of storage to host all that, but takes up a significant portion of RAM while I'm at it.

Does anyone know of any way to reliably track PVP performance? Most importantly, I'd like to be able to pull the final stats from the scoreboard on a game, but any video would be handy too. I've seen some add-on's that display at the end of the match something to the effect of:

"This PVP match has been recorded and is available at somethingsomethingPVP.com"

I'd like to know what that add-on is if anyone recognizes it. Also, any suggestions for programs or methods would be greatly appreciated!


Silver Hand
tbh i think its strange blizzard dont make a simple format for this.

like, they could track all movement, and then you can download the fight after its done in some small format containing keypresses only, having the possibility to show the fight from everyone's viewpoint.

then you would open this file in a blizz-video program, and eventually export it.
that addon is at youpvp.com. the site there is iffy most of the time but its been recording BG stats for me since April. its toon search is terrible, it took awhile for me to dig up mine... so i bookmarked a direct link and keep it in my signature below
just an update, YouPVP closes down on August 1, 2009. closest thing to BG stat tracking would now be the Killingfields addon from warcraftrealms.com; it might go nowhere just the same, as it hasn't been updated in a year
I'm confused, why do you want to know your bg stats? Recount doesnt work well in pvp. If you want to record your keystrokes like cologne said, get a keylogger (Srsly.) If you just want to record combat stuff in general, type /combatlog. It will log your combat log into a file in your wow folder
Cliche said:
I'm confused, why do you want to know your bg stats? Recount doesnt work well in pvp. If you want to record your keystrokes like cologne said, get a keylogger (Srsly.)

That's a pretty cool idea, but setting up the same match with someone (and also, lag is going to kill the Keylogger idea for most people) is pretty hard sometimes. Not to mention if you plan on trying this with 10v10's. However, I think it would be pretty darn amazing if someone got 20 people to keylog a premade and replay it. Also, any type of proc will totally screw this up, making it a bad idea in practice.
iaccidentallytwink said:
That's a pretty cool idea, but setting up the same match with someone (and also, lag is going to kill the Keylogger idea for most people) is pretty hard sometimes. Not to mention if you plan on trying this with 10v10's. However, I think it would be pretty darn amazing if someone got 20 people to keylog a premade and replay it. Also, any type of proc will totally screw this up, making it a bad idea in practice.

Cologne said that she was looking for something that could record key presses in a small format. This is exactly what a keylogger does. I don't know what you're talking about >.>

Edit: a keylogger will tell you what keys were used. This would not allow you to replay a premade. After reading colognes post again, I think she wants a format that will log everything and allow it to be recreated in a video format which is pretty impossible. Odds are, one out of the 20 people in a premade will have a computer good enough to record stuff

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