WTS Pendulum of Doom (EU Ragnaros)


Hi! Just recently i got over a PoD on the auction house, and now im looking to sell it. I wont transfer, you have to transfer to me. The bid is at 10.000g now.

I got it on the EU server Ragnaros, on Ally side.
The price i bought it for is not important ;) Just send an email here on twinkinfo / write in this thread and I'll get back to you on how you can contact me ingame :)
lol sader is win amirite
and /w turbotanten @ ragnaros eu ally side.

or yesbóx @ twisting nether horde side
got a bid on 6.000g now :p sellin it for 6k today if someone wants it, due to epic fly inc! :p else its back to 10k as i got one bidder for 10k
holy sh*t dont sell that for 6K man

You can get 6K by farming for a few days... PoD = Worth more than 3 days of farming
I didnt sell it, I'm considering using it myself. for my lvl40 hunter!

naah but srsly, im considering makin a 39 warrior/pala :) or wait for the right price hehe
Well if anyone on EU servers are intressed it is still for sale. 15k, less if u are quick with the payment :)
Throwing around random numbers is fun amirite.

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