EU WTS GF'd Lifestealing Enchant recipe on Stormscale Horde!!


Hey yall,

Title says it all.

I can sell it to you for a fair price compared to AH there. Around the 35k mark.

Let me know. PM me.
It is an enchant recipe no longer availabe in-game so any collectors may be interested. And yes it is a good weapon illusion to have too!
So, are there any twinks and/or specs that make good use of this enchant?

Personally I have it from way-back-when, so I have an old SF & Cruel Barb with it. Just for style points you know. And as @Tuskbreaker mentioned, you'll never know how it will scale in the future, so having a scroll laying around wouldn't be too shappy. It's all about being prepard. Expect the unexpected.

But no, it's not really an enchant that's worth using in terms of value. If you want lifesteal on a weapon, you're better off using Mending atm.
This shit has been duped heavily some time back on eu.
The source item has been gone since. leaving the dupes untradeable via ah.

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