WTB Tree Bark Jacket


Title pretty much says it all. I'm looking to buy a Tree Bark Jacket, my server is Firetree (alliance side). I might be willing to transfer servers to pick one up if the price is right =). Reply to this post if you've got one for sale or hit me up in game. My characters: Mylo - Buk - Dreadz - Rewts

cuz that would be like 50 doallrs + the gold in order to get the TBJ and get back to my server, so I'm kinda on the fence about transfering
I'm not gonna lie you would be better off farmin it if you can't find one on your server
yeah apparently a few of the mobs in there have a 0.1% chance to drop it, but im a veryt impatient person haha
I would love to pick that thing up for 400-500g but it would take 25$ to transfer there then a month to transfer back +25$ (I think it takes a month to transfer back, not sure)...

Unless... what battlegroup are you on? I might make your server my new home =)
I'm on the Nightfall Battlegroup. My server is Jeadenar Alliance Side. My character is Castrophy. If you ever want to make an alt and talk to me I'm sure we could work somthing out.
Alright I made a character on your server, wanna hop online and we can maybe figure something out?
wow, thats expensive

At vashj they sell for max 200g, but I bought myn for 20g :]

Once some dude selled a shadowfang... to bad he sold it for 700g before I could do a higher a bid :(
500g?!?! That's insane. Top max insane high price on my server is 200g for that thing. And it's often on.
I sold mine to a guildy for 60g i think and I've farmed it once. 500g is way too much. I'd wait imo or try urself and save urself alot.

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