WSG Timetable EU


Hey there :D

Not that I want to be pessimistic but I think we tried to achieve too much in this short time going from one night a week to four so I suggest to go back to one set day for now. Sunday 20:00 should be the best choice since it's the end of the weekend and most people are online then. I am a bit disappointed that remembered didn't really show up yet but I hope to get things going if not today at least in the next couple of days and I'm going to remind people of our goal even if it will be an annoying job to do.

The good thing about this is that we can start having more wargames on darkmoon faire where horde should be able to do it as well as alliance by now instead of waiting for nothing and I assume it could bring some people back. I would also like people to start using ventrilo since I've got a server we could use and it would help to occupy us until we get a pop and ofc also once we play WSG. If wished I'm going to post it here.

Anyhow I'd welcome some other suggestions here how to get this bracket on the right track again.

Thanks in advance,

I totally support this idea. Since people seem to slack and don't show up and don't have the patience or dedication to wait for a pop.
Athela said:
Hey there :D

Not that I want to be pessimistic but I think we tried to achieve too much in this short time going from one night a week to four so I suggest to go back to one set day for now. Sunday 20:00 should be the best choice since it's the end of the weekend and most people are online then. I am a bit disappointed that remembered didn't really show up yet but I hope to get things going if not today at least in the next couple of days and I'm going to remind people of our goal even if it will be an annoying job to do.

The good thing about this is that we can start having more wargames on darkmoon faire where horde should be able to do it as well as alliance by now instead of waiting for nothing and I assume it could bring some people back. I would also like people to start using ventrilo since I've got a server we could use and it would help to occupy us until we get a pop and ofc also once we play WSG. If wished I'm going to post it here.

Anyhow I'd welcome some other suggestions here how to get this bracket on the right track again.

Thanks in advance,


Hrani gives his support for this, but hes online 24/7 anyways.
Great job indeed. We had to wait long for the first pop but then we had 4 in a row. great games , bot factions won 2 times.....

Im glad that we have not many hunters but we should take care of our pally quote, we had a lot of them on both sides.

back to topic.

I support this. Mabye 2 Days a week? I would love to have the wednesday for games.

Ppl should know that we have a lot of work to do, to get games every evening. But we are on a good way if i think about all the new members from doomsquad reloaded...

This is not the time to queue for dungeons on wsg nights^^ we need everyone in queue to get a pop.

Queues are still buggy but it seems that it is better then before, we just need the numbers to get the first pop!!
Thanks for uploading the screens just had 2 pops myself :D


I don't know how many of us are raiding but for those who do wednesday would probably not be the best choice. Same for friday because quite a lot of ppl go out friday or saturday. Sunday is the best day to get pops if we manage that we can think about another day but thats ofc just my opinion on it.

If we set days too close now like sunday and monday ppl are going to be there only one of those days and we will end up having no games on either one of them. Patience is the key so we should make babysteps instead of breaking our legs trying to do long jumps.

Besides that: yay we got 4 games in a row :p
Hm then Tuesday :D. We should be able to get games 2 days a week now. Everyone should be there at the fix time and everything is fine.

Sunday is not good for me so "for me" it would be great to have another day. And on Tuesday the raid thing should be no problem, most of the ppl should have their id then.

4 Days a week are definetly to much now!
Ye burst is high. But you should play more then 2 games to be sure that it is as bad as you said :)

In my opinion the latest games were much better then before because everyone (i think so) tried to stack Stam. Ofc a rogue die very fast in focus, i noticed that too, but you should be able to beat nearly everyone in a 1on1 and this was always the way to go for a rogue :)

I love that every class is viable at 29. Ok a warrior have to go prot ^^

And we have a great mix in the bgs. A few pallys should reroll and hunters are never needed then everything would be great.

Better then in the 19s bracket which is dominated by hunter, rogues and pallys!

Btw. they want to nerf Aimed shot. Would love to see a Retri nerf too!
Paladin's are represented too much. A few rerolls would be fine. Hunters should no way be able to spec to MM. Aimed Shot should be forbidden. There is no game in 1shotting people. Rogues feel fine damagewise. Don't know about their survability. Speaking from a Priest side of view ofc.
Well, everytime I'm on I'm in the que but my ques times do seem to take ...foooooooorever ! I'm also sure its down to class balancing and all that bullshit due to their being a lot of paladins.

Either way, I'm happy to make time for what ever days are chosen, later the better as always and sunday is a good day for me.
Hm im not sure about the balance thing.

We had nearly 8-9 Pallys in the wsg. And i´m sure that we lacked on players on Sunday and that this was the reason for the late pop. If all the ppl who showed up between 8-9 had stayed in queue we definetly would have had pops before 9:45.

That shows how important it is to have patience!

After the first pop we had 3 in a row, so i dont think it depends on class balancing. And nearly everyone got a bg pop, except Deesick a few times :D.

So whatever we do, we have to "influence" ppl to be in queue at the fix time and stay there as long as possible. It is bad for us if ppl stay in queue and then leave after 10 mins without a pop or ppl who just do other things because they dont believe that there will be a wsg tonight.

A job for everyone indeed, guildnotice etc. could help a lot.
Done :).

Would be great if all native speaker could post a recruitment thread in the official forums off GB, France and Spain. More promotion is needed. Our "The one and only 29..." thread is good but we need some with exact informations on the top of the threads so that everyone could find the right information as short as possible.

Is there anyone who could do that?
I agree Handbremse! I think one of the things that can motivate people to come online and stay is if there is actually stuff happening within the twink guilds. Events, information, GmoTD etc etc.

.. If only Zalé would be a little more active and update GmOTD and events in Doomsquad =|

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