
Idea for WPvP event in AQ.


Video created by HB 'Fearthebuns'
Conquest of the Fallen Kingdom - YouTube

The 5 locations will be marked in game using the Raid Icon Markers. Both Alliance and Horde will have the markers set at the same locations.

The Yellow Icon was the start of the game and also the turn in place for points.

Each team had 2 Collectors who could go to the other Icon locations and then return to the Yellow one. This is be similar to capping a flag. For example a Collector can run to the Red Icon and then back to the Yellow one and the team would get 1 point.

- If a Collector dies before getting back to the Yellow Icon then the point is lost.

- A Collector can only visit one Icon at a time before returning to the Yellow Icon.

- A team must obtain all 4 Icons before going back to repeat any of them.

- to Collect or Turn in points the player must be mounted. Shadowmeld will not be allowed for quick mounting to collect points.
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Re: AQ Map

will you be recording this, i know i cant play but i like the idea of objective pvp, id be very interested to see how this actually plays out
Re: AQ Map

Nevermind. It was finally explained to me after I got Kochi's attention.

Also, it would be nice to lay off the ganking when we're setting up or calling for a reset.
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Re: AQ Map

while from what ive read in chat, those from mg playing have little idea on what is going on, is there any way we could be phased in to watch seeing as there doesnt seem to be a stream up yet
Re: AQ Map

twitch.tv/laverathan if anyone wants to watch. Sorry for crappy quality, but it's all I have to help you guys out.
Re: AQ Map

Actually, it is happening right now. This was a testing day. Alli have won the first match so far 8-6.

GL, let me know how the next ones turn out :) sorry i had to dip early.
Re: AQ Map

People might have complaints about how this thing went, but i admire your willingness to set up these kind of things Kochist. It's really fun for the community to be able to enjoy some wpvp with all 20's and no 90 gankers. I don't know about everyone else, but i had a great time :) I had to leave the event early, but it'd be nice if you let everyone know how it panned out.
Re: AQ Map

Not gunna lie that was a bit ridiculous. Once it started it was fun, but before it started and in between games horde kept randomly killing people and opening on me with their feral + others. They randomly killed our rogue who was eating and our war who just sat there. They didn't seem to understand the "no killing" in between games very well. Other than that it was a fun event :D
Re: AQ Map

Hey guys! I think for our first event it was a bit chaotic at first, but that's what you have to expect from a pick up event like this! As the game continued, alliance side was able to come together as a team and play more objectively!

In the future, we plan on doing this event along with resources in the ruins as well, but you will have to sign up ahead of time on the thread (will figure out a method here).

With more organization in the future, these events look really promising! With a turnout of 25-30 people for a pick up event, think there were alot of positives out of this! Stay tuned to this thread and future threads for information on more events etc...

Until Next Time

-HB a.k.a. Fearthebuns
Re: AQ Map

Any harm done by me in between games was all in fun. I figured a resto shaman melle attacking with nothing but right click wouldn't cause any problems :p
A lot of the horde were last second invited and not briefed on the rules/goals of this thing, most of the people from my realm thought it was just wpvp as did i at the start.
Re: AQ Map

If I could make a suggestion, this is Rurikur from Moon Guard. I think it's a great idea, but it also seems a little hectic, so I'm going to put in some suggestions to hopefully make it easier to play next time.

1. Explain the rules with a little more detail.

While I was pulled in to the match perhaps only 10 minutes before the event actually started, the rules were fairly simple to follow. The problem was though was that I was only told well after the match started that there were already preassigned Collectors for the game. Had I known that, I wouldn't have wasted so much time as I did trying to score a point.

2. Have 2-3 people from each team assigned to keep track of all the movement, players, and actions, and react accordingly.

It was very hectic, filled with almost too much side ganking from both sides. Once told to stop, there was no controlling the people, and there was no way for the level 20s to talk to the person running their side of the raid. For this, I suggest that we have at least a vent, or some on skype, to communicate. A mediator who can speak to the 20s for their concerns, someone to give clears instructions before, during, and after the event, and another just for organizations sake.

3. It was incredibly one sided.

At first it seemed like Horde were going to make a clean sweep of the Alliance, but after we got our stuff together, the Alliance almost completely obliterated the Horde. I know it's impossible to make sure that everyone is on the same page, gear and skill wise, but this is just me telling you about an observation I had during the game.

4. Collectors

It would be nice to know before time who is going to be the preassigned Collector for both sides. If you want the Collector of both sides to remain anonymous, that's fine, but for those in middle it's a mad dash to put everything in combat.

If anything, next time the event comes around, I would like to sit out on Rurikur, in order to be able to help mediate for the game, as I feel it would be a lot more fun for everyone if there were people pitching in to make it fun for everyone. Also, if anything, I could use my stream in order to commentate.

It was fun though, despite it's flaws, I just feel it could be better.
Re: AQ Map

Location: Excellent

Objectives: Creative and Effective

Players: Pretty obvious a lot of people didn't bother looking at the thread, which was to be expected since it was on short term notice. I agree that in the future there should be a roster signup on TI. Kind of as an assurance that the thread has been read, at least skimmed.

-Sunhealz, Horde collector
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Re: AQ Map

I think it went well enough. I'd love to see this happen again, even though as a healer I was focused a lot, with practice we could make this our own little E sport. Any way, good game guys!
Re: AQ Map

If I could make a suggestion, this is Rurikur from Moon Guard. I think it's a great idea, but it also seems a little hectic, so I'm going to put in some suggestions to hopefully make it easier to play next time.

1. Explain the rules with a little more detail.

While I was pulled in to the match perhaps only 10 minutes before the event actually started, the rules were fairly simple to follow. The problem was though was that I was only told well after the match started that there were already preassigned Collectors for the game. Had I known that, I wouldn't have wasted so much time as I did trying to score a point.

2. Have 2-3 people from each team assigned to keep track of all the movement, players, and actions, and react accordingly.

It was very hectic, filled with almost too much side ganking from both sides. Once told to stop, there was no controlling the people, and there was no way for the level 20s to talk to the person running their side of the raid. For this, I suggest that we have at least a vent, or some on skype, to communicate. A mediator who can speak to the 20s for their concerns, someone to give clears instructions before, during, and after the event, and another just for organizations sake.

3. It was incredibly one sided.

At first it seemed like Horde were going to make a clean sweep of the Alliance, but after we got our stuff together, the Alliance almost completely obliterated the Horde. I know it's impossible to make sure that everyone is on the same page, gear and skill wise, but this is just me telling you about an observation I had during the game.

4. Collectors

It would be nice to know before time who is going to be the preassigned Collector for both sides. If you want the Collector of both sides to remain anonymous, that's fine, but for those in middle it's a mad dash to put everything in combat.

If anything, next time the event comes around, I would like to sit out on Rurikur, in order to be able to help mediate for the game, as I feel it would be a lot more fun for everyone if there were people pitching in to make it fun for everyone. Also, if anything, I could use my stream in order to commentate.

It was fun though, despite it's flaws, I just feel it could be better.

Thanks for the suggestions! Commentating could be a lot of fun for people who would like to watch, we will keep in touch for next time!
Re: AQ Map

thanks to ruri for putting up the streams to watch, it was very enjoyable and given that it was a last minute kinda thing i though it looked very fun. Obviously a couple tihngs to work out but thats why you test these things, its a shame that this cant be played with more than 2 team as i think that could really help bring out the idea of collecting.

and sorry for some of the mg players just bailing on you, i would have loved to have been there

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