WoWuser v Internet Tough Guy: Internet tough guy uses his sprint ability! lol

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Words exchanged on Facebook between the two that later ensued on to this hilarious, but unfortunate predicament for the internet tough guy who actually drove to the WoW player's house, confident that he could "beat" up the "pussy nerd". Insisting that he had other plans as well, "after I beat your faggot pussy ass, I'm heading over to football practice and telling everyone how it went" "i'll make sure your mom cant even look at your ugly face after i fuck u up nerd"

I'm not kidding, these are actual Facebook comments made by the very confident, 'Internet Tough Guy'.

This vid is more so hilarious, than it is anything else. Regardless of how mildly severe the lolIRL 1v1 was, it just goes to show that internet tough guys belong on the internet :).
I apologize if linking fights goes against the site's code of conduct, but this is just too funny of a story lol. Enjoy.
suzzane said:
2 faggot teenagers throwing punches like a girl then getting into some wrestling bullshit,

please dont post trash here

Ok mr "UFC fan" I forgot you knew so much about fighting, as this was just posted as a funny story. But if you want to get all macho about it and puff out your peacock feathers, feel free.
Kuntekinte said:
Ok mr "UFC fan" I forgot you knew so much about fighting, as this was just posted as a funny story. But if you want to get all macho about it and puff out your peacock feathers, feel free.

pretty much; i found this interesting because 100%...err 99.999% of internet "fights" are two people typing over the internet.
Druiddroid said:
pretty much; i found this interesting because 100%...err 99.999% of internet "fights" are two people typing over the internet.

^ He gets it. I think suzzane was blinded by his ego over a silly internet fight.
Kuntekinte said:
^ He gets it. I think suzzane was blinded by his ego over a silly internet fight.

blinded by my ego? lol..

if i did have an ego the response wouldve been more along the lines of ..

' i can beat both them up bla bla bla'

i was simply observing what anybody else can, that this is pathetic and certainly shouldnt be posted in here.

next time when you try trolling dont put so much effort into sounding intellegent it doesnt work bro
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