WoW TWW, a Mastery breakdown


Hello and welcome to this Mastery stat explaination and guide. I'll go over each class/spec mastery stat and explain what it does and how does the rating work at level 20.
I just want to preface this by saying that I'm not judging their PvP performance as I have never PvP'ed with most specs here so when I say that the mastery is nice or unviable it's strictly PvE-wise. The calculations will use the numbers provided on wowhead and be complemented by in-game testing. I will often compare mastery to versatility -at least for pure DPS masteries- because sometimes it is just a better stat.
They will also take in consideration no spell/attack power enchants so that 1 primary stat = 1 SP/AP. I am also ignoring weapon damage as they add nothing but an extra step to all calculations so a simple base power of the ability/SP or AP/versa/mastery. I'll still keep the 10% versa as it helps comparing the two stats thus giving a better look at mastery's effectiveness.
I might (I will) go in excruciating details on some masteries because some have simply more to be talked about than others (looking at you Devastation Evoker) so feel free to skip to whatever interest you.
For those that just want to know how does the mastery scales, there is a summary all the way down that only gives what 1 mastery point translates to.

Useful calcs for later : 10% versa = 51 versa rating and adding 40 versa brings it up to 18%.

Death Knight :
Blood's mastery is which does two things. The most simple one is increasing your attack power -which is gonna be a recurring theme for tank specializations- and the other one is granting you a shield with a value proportionate to the healing you recieved from This ability's healing depends on your maximum HP (and the damage you took in the last 5 seconds) with a minimum 7% of your max health or 7.4% with the talent but is also affected by the versatility stat. The shield only absorbs physical damage though so be mindful of that.
So the shield granted by your mastery will depend on your mastery rating, your maximum HP and is also affected by versatility.

For the stat rating, 1 point of mastery grants an extra 0.44% to your shield and en extra 0.22% extra attack power.

Quick example : Let's say I have 3K HP, Death Strike heals for 210 HP and with no mastery the shield would be 16% of that value so 210*0.16 = 33.6 HP shield
If we bump mastery up to 40 rating (33.64%) we get 210*0.3364 = 70.64 HP shield
And now let's add a reasonable 10% versatility (around 50 rating) we get 210*1.1*0.3364 = 77.71 HP shield.

Let's be real the shield by itself is not that impressive -we can more or less see it as a buff to DS healing- although very decent for dungeons but with the added attack power it is quite good overall.
For Frost we have which is very simple to understand : more mastery = frost abilities hit harder.
The rating is 1 mastery grants 0.44% extra frost damage (hey it's the same value as Blood).

Quick example : Let's roll with a 175 strenght DK with a reasonable 10% versatility. Without mastery a Frost Strike would deal 0.74114*2*175*1.1*1.16 = 331 damage. With 40 mastery rating we would get 0.74114*2*175*1.1*1.336 = 381 damage.
If we were to add those 40 secondaries into versatility, it would bump our versa up to 18% as said previously and make the calc look like that : 0.74114*2*175*1.18*1.16 = 355 damage. 355/381 = 0.93 ; with those points into mastery our frost abilities deal 7% less damage.

This mastery may look underwhelming at a very quick glance but frost damage is more or less all we do as Frost DK, barring and the occasionnal Death Strike. Mastery is a solid stat as a reasonnable 40 rating grants us a big 17.64% extra damage on almost every of our relevant spells. Definitely worth considering at least for PvE.
And for our last DK spec we have which buffs Shadow and pet damage. Another fairly simple stat all things considered.
The rating is 1 mastery grants slightly below 0.40% extra Shadow and pet damage.
With a permanent pet that can fairly easily deal 40-50 DPS and all our relevant abilities -barring Death Strike as always- dealing at least some Shadow damage I would say Unholy's mastery is at least as valuable if not purely superior as Frost's one despite slightly worse rating to stat ratio. I consider this mastery more valuable than versatility purely for damage.
No quick example there, it's the same idea as Frost.

Demon Hunter :
Havoc's mastery is which increases Chaos damage. Higher levels DH can get which makes mastery increase speed as well. We had access to it for some time but as of now it is gone.
The rating is about the same as Unholy -so slighly under 0.40% per mastery point- but DH have much less benefit from it. I mean don't get me wrong, buffing or as they are some of our most valuable abilities but the ratio isn't good enough to justify getting a lot of it when you could get more crit, haste or vers.

Quick example : A DH with 175 Agility, 10% versatility and no mastery rating (baseline 14% Chaos damage increase) would deal 356 damage with a Chaos Strike. With a reasonable 40 rating we would get a 406 damage Chaos Strike. Now if we put those points into versatility we would get a 382 damage Chaos Strike. While yes, it is a weaker Chaos Strike (6% weaker), 40 versa rating grants around 8% more versa and those 8 percent are useful to your auto-attacks, or even your

Having some mastery is always useful as it comes to a point where 5% more mastery would be more interesting than more versatility or crit or haste but I would advise against going for mastery at all costs seeing as haste is incredible with and crit is always great on fast hitting specs as it is more reliable there.
Oh boy. Perhaps the worst mastery of them all. Remember how I said mastery granting attack power would be a reccuring theme for tanks ? Well here's the exception since for whatever reason Blizz made the attack power part of their mastery locked behind level 44. only grants us more armor based on a percentage or our Agility. While armor in itself is not bad, especially on a leather wearing class, we already have a 130% boost to it from and have as an active armor buff when needed. Honestly, you'll be getting almost nothing of value with this mastery since when you already have high amounts of armor, getting more will make you take a lot of diminishing returns.
The rating is quite bad too, for every point of mastery, you get 0.33% of your agility as armor.

Quick example : A DH with 175 Agility, no mastery and 68 base armor from ilvl 84 gear would get 68*2.3(Thick Skin)+(175*0.12) = 177 armor. With 40 rating (25.2%) we get 68*2.3+(175*0.252) which bumps it up to 200.
Going from 177 armor to 200 armor makes you go from 34.91% to 37.74% damage reduction. That means we go from taking 65.09% of all physical damage to 62.26 which is only 62.26/65.09*100 = 95.7 so you basically take 4.3% less physical damage than you would with 177 armor. Now let's put it in perspective : if you get struck by an hard hitting 500 damage physical attack, with 177 armor you take 500*0.6509 = 325.45 damage from said attack while 200 would make you take 500*0.6226 = 311.3. So we only take 14 less damage. On an hard hitting blow, the gap gets smaller with lighter hits.

Is this weak damage reduction -only on physical attacks- worth the investment ? I don't think so. This mastery is the only one where I'll say it's not worth it to invest any points into. You're better off getting 40 versa as you'll get 4% damage reduction too, but on all attacks (I know with higher versa it technically is a bit lower but still) and with a good damage increase to boot. If we had the attack power component of the mastery it would be different but as it stands don't invest any points into Vengeance DH's mastery, versa is strictly better and crit/haste are very valuable.

Druid :
Balance has a more intersting mastery. make you deal increased damage by nature spells when is active on the target and increased arcane damage when is active on the target while also giving you a raw boost independent of those two spells.
Moon/Sunfire will most likely be on anyways when fighting tougher mobs such as in dungeons so you get the extra value anyways. Maybe a bit tougher to get as much value out of it in open world though.
The main problem with this mastery is the rating.
1 point of mastery translates to 0.11% extra nature/arcane damage and 0.055% with Moon/Starfire which is just plain bad. It's interesting to note that Astral damage (for instance are both nature and arcane thus getting double effect from mastery.

(not so) Quick example : A Druid with 220 Intellect (considering no spellpower enchants), 10% versatility and no mastery would have a Starsurge dealing 1.876*220*1.1*1.08 = 490 damage or 490/1.08*1.12 = 508 damage if the target is affected by Both Moonfire and Sunfire. If we add 40 mastery rating, we get 8.4/4.2% and the calculation becomes 1.876*220*1.1*1.168 = 530 damage or 568 with MF/SF.
That said on a spell like the numbers are quite worse. 0.742*220*1.1*1.04 = 187 ; 187/1.04*1.06 = 190. With 40 mastery rating we get 0.742*220*1.1*1.084 = 195 and 202 with Sunfire.
With en extra 40 versa we would have 0.742*220*1.18*1.014 = 200 or 204 with SF which is -barely but still- stronger while giving us a nice damage reduction.
The main interest of this mastery is astral damage.
The difference is to mastery's advantage on those spells : 1.876*220*1.18*1.08 = 526 or 545 with both Sunfire and Moonfire. We get 0.8-4% extra damage with mastery. That said it is only on astral spells and 4% probably isn't enough to make up for the damage reduction and healing buff provided by versatility.

So yeah, sad as it is being a more interesting mastery than just plain damage increase does not make this stat very good. No need to avoid it at all costs but I do think it is a bottom tier mastery unless you have the opportunity to burst with
Feral's mastery is It increases the damage of bleed, DoTs and finishers which is all our abilities besides and
The rating is 1 mastery rating = 0.41 extra damage.
This is the same situation as Frost DKs, mastery increases almost all damage and the ratings are very similar.

Quick example : on a druid with 175 Agi, 10% versa and no mastery would deal 1.45*175*1.1*1.16 = 324 damage (or 648 with 50 energy).
With 40 mastery rating we get 1.45*175*1.1*1.324 = 370 damage (or 740 with 50 energy)
With 40 versa instead we get 1.45*175*1.18*1.16 = 347 damage (or 694 with 50 energy)
Thus we get an extra 370/347*100-100 = 6.63% more damage with mastery

Basically Feral's mastery is equivalent to Frost's one. Very solid stat.
I love Guardian's mastery. increases health, attack power and healing received. An all around great package.
I'm not gonna beat around the bush this might be the single best mastery we have. It doesn't rely on any synergy like nature or holy damage and is just a plain boost not matter what.
The rating you might ask ? Honestly not half bad. 1 mastery grants 0.15% (1.545 to be more exact) extra health and healing while also providing 0.22% extra attack power.
To compare this stat to versatility, 1 versatility gives around 0.20% extra damage and healing with a 0.10% damage reduction. So mastery grants us more damage since AP is the basis of damage calculation, about as much healing -with the occasionnal benefit that mastery also boost other people's heals on you- and while we lose the damage reduction we get a good amount of HP.
Also a quick note, on wowhead the mastery shows to be 6% more HP baseline but in-game the base is 5.6% for my druid. I used the lower value to make sure I wasn't overrating it. The calculations may be off depending of what the value will evolve to be but you can consider it fairly accurate still.

Quick example : 40 mastery rating translates to 11.78% more health and heals with 16.8% more attack power. The health boost is to be multiplied with bear form's base HP boost.

I would say this mastery is insane and you can go and stack it as you wish. Having some versatility is still valuable as they will multiply each other and end up being more effective than plain stacking.
Okay for our last Druid mastery, will only boost your healing. Honestly, healer masteries are not that useful when it comes to soloing or PvE as a whole. Crit, haste and versa all increase our healing potential in some capacity while being offensively useful. I hate to say this cuz I love healers and their masteries are usually so flavourful but we have more than enough survivability, the days of mastery/crit Resto Shamans are over (much to my chagrin).
The rating is the same as Balance : 1 mastery point grants 0.11% mastery. The mastery makes your heals stronger based on every HoT effect on the target. If we use 40 mastery rating we get 8.4% more healing per HoT effect. That means we can somewhat reliably get 25.2% more healing but at that point you already are stacked with HoT and probably don't need much more healing and you would already get 12% extra healing from your baseline mastery.
No quick calc there, even for survivability you're better off with any other stats. It's a sad healer life, solo means less people to heal.

Evoker :
Aaah, the new kid on the block. I honestly haven't had the occasion to really delve into their gameplay so far so I may under/overestimate them. is meant to work better in group content. What it does is granting versatility to an ally when casting empower spells and increasing the duration of certain spells like The versatility buff doesn't seem to work on ourselves so half of our mastery is useless in solo content -eh it's not like f2p spend most of their time solo- and the other half seems kind of weak.
The rating is horrendous, 1 mastery rating grants us 0.075% duration on our auras.

Quick example : Even with 60 rating (a good amount since TBC gear does not offer us any) we only get 7.5% extra duration on our auras often meaning not even a second.

I mean this stat is balanced around group content, no real surprise here and I'd be down to say it's even more useless than Vengeance's mastery but we can't really go lower than 0 right ? is a tough one to judge. What it does is increase damage the higher the target's health is -kinda like an opposite Resto Shaman mastery-. I assume it works like : at 100% you get 100% mastery, at 50% you get 50% of it. It did not felt like I only had 10% at 10% so I searched and it seems like there is a cap at 30% health so your mastery never goes under 30% effectiveness.
In open world it is great and even against bosses where you lose it's effectiveness it still feels quite useful. I'll have to do a bit more calcs there.
The rating is 1 mastery rating increases the mastery by 0.33%
Once again I found my base value to be different in game when compared to wowhead with 13.50% versus 12 % respectively. I went with the in-game value as it makes more sense and unlike Guardian's mastery I'm not sure how effective it is and don't need to take the lower value anyways to prove a point ^^.

Quick example (not so quick again) : At full health with 40 mastery rating we have 26.73% mastery. We'll assume 220 Int and 10% versa would deal 1.74*220*1.1*1.2673 = 534 damage on a 100% health target
At 50% we'd get 1.74*220*1.1*1.13365 = 477 damage (with 13.365% effective mastery)
At 30% and below we'd get 1.74*220*1.1*1.08019 = 455 damage. (with 8.019% effective mastery)

Now if we put those 40 points into versatility.
The calculations become :
At 100% we'd get 1.74*220*1.18*1.135 = 512 damage ==> 512/534 = 0.96 so you deal% less damage at 100% health
At 50% we'd get 1.74*220*1.18*1.05675 = 477 damage ==> 477/477 = 1 so equivalent damage at 50% health
At 30% we'd get 1.74*220*1.18*1.03405 = 467 damage ==> 467/455 = 1.026 so a little over 2.5% damage increase under 30% health

Overall you still deal a good amount of damage while missing out on the other benefit of versatility.

Let's do another calc though. Let's admit we fight a 10000 HP mob at 10% versa and 26.73% mastery versus 18% versa and 13.50% mastery using only Pyre (which I know is impossible but we already have the calcs for it and it can act as a weaker We'll ignore crits and damage rolls for this calculation to make it easier.

First build is the 26.73% mastery one.
Hit one : 534 damage
Hit two : boss is at 94.66% health damage is 1.74*220*1.10*1.253 (94.66% effectiveness mastery) = 527 I will spare you the calcs for the other hits, it's just an example
Hit three : 522 damage Hit four : 516 Hit five : 510 (will put commas to signify a new hit) 504, 499, 493, 487, 482 (tenth hit, boss is at 4926HP), 477, 471, 466, 461, 455 (boss drops below 30%), all hits are now 455 and the remaining 2596 HP will need 6 more hits with the last one doing 133 overkill damage. Total hits needed : 21.

Second build (will go straight to commas you get the idea) :
512, 510, 506, 503, 500, 497, 494, 491, 488, 485(tenth hit, boss is at 5014 HP), 482, 479, 476, 473, 470 (boss drops below 30%), the remaining 2634 HP are cleared in 6 hits with the last one dealing 168 overkill damage. Total hits needed 21 as well.

(For those interested the formula I used is 10000-(total number of damage dealt) = x => x/10000 = y (for health percentage) => y*13.5/100+1 =z (no mastery) or y*26.74/100+1 = z (40 mastery rating) => 1.74*220*1.18*z (to determine the next damage number) then substract last result from first result until you reach 30%)

I'm gonna be real, while I do believe mastery allows for more damage, its best use is to get to certain damage thresholds and allow you to 1-2 shot world mobs with some abilities. It is most definetly worth to invest into it but don't expect it do be miraculous on bosses especially considering you'll be weaker during enrage timers. Pretty darn funny though.
Well if it isn't another healer mastery... makes your heals stronger when your health percentage is higher than your target. It seems to always work on yourself at full benefit so it is a very strong stat for survivability as it is basically Resto Shaman's mastery on steroids.
The rating isn't bad either at just under 0.40% extra healing per mastery point. It's basically double the effectiveness of versatility when it comes to healing (minus the damage and damage taken reduction).

Quick example : 40 mastery rating grants us an extra 15.88 healing on top of the 16.2% baseline so you basically get a 32% boost to all your heals.

Nothing worth stacking obviously but the fact we always get max value makes it much stronger than it seems. That said, when you get better gear and gems, you most likely won't need the stat anymore and you can focus on more versa/haste (you already get a lot of crit on TBC gear).
Overall it's most likely the best healer mastery for solo content.

Hunter :
Hunters have arguably the strongest masteries of all classes. Beast Mastery has which, while arguably the weakest, still has some very valuable effects. It increases the damage of and the Dire Beast PvP talents if you happen to find use to them.
The rating is 0.42% per mastery points which is very decent.
It isn't good enough to justify stacking it as crit and haste are just very good for BM hunters (haste is nice with but having a bit of it is very worth it especially since versatility is not as valuable as it can be on other classes (the pet does most of the tanking anyways).

Quick example : I'd say 30-40 mastery is a nice amount to have as it would put you between 27.77% and 31.96% damage increase to your pets. Having two pets reduces their damage by 35% but with this much mastery it offsets a good enough amount of it without taking away too much from you.

Not that good, not that bad, have some of it, it's always gonna do something.
Okay now for Remember how I said Guardian Druid may have the best mastery around ? Well here's a potent contender for the title. This mastery does two things : increase your damage -neat but not unique- and increase the range of your attacks.
Getting interested ? But what is the rating then ? Surely you can't get that much from it ?
Well 1 mastery point translates to 0.138% extra range on your attacks and 0.31% extra damage. Let me be clear, the damage alone would put this mastery as a solid one, most damage specific masteries like Frost DK, Havoc DH or Feral Druid barely scale any better and these don't affect all your abilities. I can't emphasize enough how good half of MM's mastery is. It is already superior to several other DPS masteries without even taking into consideration the range increase.
The range increase means you can engage and DPS from further away, thus giving you more room to avoind mechanics, get out of a sticky situation or even more time to safely rez your pet by simply having the mobs take longer to get to you thus indirectly increasing your survivability.

Quick example : You can stack this stat hard, let's go for 60 rating to get a low estimate but also cuz mastery is harder to come by with so many obligatory TBC slots.
60 mastery means a total of 13.28% extra range (40*1.1328 = 45.3 meters range) and a total of 29.8% extra damage on all abilities.

I don't need to say much more, this mastery is top tier, arguably the best we have at this level amongst a small cast of other elite masteries.
Survival's mastery was actually reworked for TWW and it was most likely for the best. SV already had a decent mastery before with hard hitting and some self healing. As of now, makes you deal more damage (affecting all damage besides trinkets or bombs for example) and take less damage (a flat 3% damage reduction that does not increase with mastery rating). Being close of your pet (25 meters) doubles said bonuses -so we get a nice 6% damage reduction-.
The rating is 1 point = 0.178% damage increase. Keep in mind the double effect -since you will be near enough from your pet- and we get a nice 0.356 damage increase per point. So now remember how I said the 0.31% per point so MM's mastery was good enough by itself ? SV's mastery basically has a better ratio on that front while also increasing auto-attack damage -which is admittedly not gamebreaking but still nice-. The damage reduction, while unnafected by mastery rating still is a nice bonus.

Quick example : 0 rating in mastery gives you a better effect than 60 versatility rating. 6.80/3 baseline, always doubled so 13.60/3 while 60 versa is barely under 12/6.

Survival's mastery is one of the very best right now and while I'm still unsure it can be considered the best when MM and Guardian exist it still is top tier. Also the more I think about it the more I find it to be able to contend with both haha.

Mage :
For Arcane Mage we have Perhaps one of the most impressive masteries at first glance. It grants us mana regen, mawimun mana increase, make give a boost to and and finally it boosts all other arcane damage.
The rating is 1 point of mastery grants 0.265% maximum mana and mana regen, 0.2% extra Blast bonus damage, 0.136% extra Barrage bonus damage and 0.22 extra damage to other arcane abilities.

Quick example : The damage boost from is added to the baseline amount each spell gets (67%/94% respectively) so if you had 6% more Arcane Blast damage per charge (would be 30 mastery rating) it would make the 67% into a 73% thus making it a (173/167-1)*100 = 3.59% damage increase. Arcane charges stack up to four times so you'd have your final Arcane Blast dealing 73*3 = 292% extra damage as opposed to the 262% baseline. Now if we do the same calc we get (292/268-1)*100 = 8.96% extra damage.
Now for the mana related part of the mastery. With 40 mastery rating, you'd get 10.6% added to the 9.6% baseline for a total of 20.2% maximum mana and mana regen.
With 0 rating you have 975 maximum mana (up from the 890 baseline) and 126 mana per five seconds. With the 40 mastery rating you would be at 138 mp5 and 1070 maximum mana.

This mastery gives really good value at high arcane charges and honestly the other arcane damage is not too shabby itself altough a bit weak. The mana buffs is very nice to have as an Arcane Mage and as a whole this mastery is a very strong with a strong synergy with Arcane's toolkit. Keep in mind you need versatility as mage is extra squishy but mastery is definetly a must.
Ahem. No.
Okay I'll explain... makes your target take a percentage of your damaging spells as a DoT :,,,, (if you feel like using it) and If you use Fireball, Fire Blast and Pyroblast, the DoTs would add up.
The DoT addup works this way : when you cast an Ignite inducing spell on a target already affected by Ignite, the remaining damage is added to a "Ignite bank" to which is then added the new Ignite you just casted. The total damage is then made into a DoT. That means you can't ramp up Ignite to infinite but you can get it to do decent amounts of damage.

So far so good no ? Well...
For the ratio, 1 point of mastery grants 0.137% more of the damage as a DoT. Now while I said the DoT does not waste itself and kinda stacks up let's put it this way : admit Fire's mastery is "grants 0.137% extra fire damage per mastery point" -which it technically is-, now compare this to MM or Surv's mastery (0.31/0.356) or even weaker masteries like Frost which, while not getting a boost on Obliterate, has a more than triple point-to-stat ratio.
The second issue is the following : Fire's mastery is not "increases fire damage by X%". Consider Fire's gameplay : big crits,, big crits. A DoT will more often that not be wasted damage.

Quick example (putting the last nail in the coffin) : A mage with 10% versa and 220 intellect would deal the following with Pyroblast :
1.89*220*1.1 = 457. With you get a guaranteed crit on mobs 90% or higher. This means that 457 becomes 917 damage. the average open world mob has around 800 health. Enjoy your DoT.

To be fair to Fire, there is like 6 available talents (technically 7 since on is a node) to boost our mastery, all of them being unavailable to us. So don't hurt yourself, don't run mastery on a Fire Mage.
Why do mages have the lenghtiest masteries ? makes us generate up to 5 icicles with and, each excess one being thrown at the target. It also boosts the damage of, and It also buffs other spells but we do not have access to them at level 20.

The rating is 1 mastery point = 0.22% more damage on Icicles (Icicles is affected by spellpower and versatility), 0.214% more damage on Frozen Orb and Blizzard and 0.143% more damage on Ice Lance.

Quick example : According to wowhead, Icicles are based of 0.1% of the spellpower. I'm not sure about that number as it would mean we'd get 0-1 damage from them. It looks more like 20% of spellpower so I'll roll with that but the calculations will be shoddy at best, I apologize.
Let's roll with our usual 220 Int and 10 percent versa. Baseline mastery is 8% more damage to Icicles.
0.2*220*1.1*1.08 = 52 damage. We can count this as technically a 52 extra damage on Frostbolt and Flurry.
With 40 mastery rating we get 0.2*220*1.1*1.168 = 56.5 damage.
A Blizzard would go from 0.15*8*220*1.1*1.09 = 317 to 0.15*8*220*1.1*1.756 = 341 (assuming 0 haste)
Comparing to a 40 extra versa rating : 0.15*8*220*1.18*1.09 = 339 damage. It's too small a damage increase on too few of your spells to justify it.

Honestly it is a pretty meh mastery. Frostbolt and Flurry are unnafected, the damage boost is weak and to be honest we don't generate that many Icicles anyways. You'd get more benefit from versatility seeing as it buffs all our damage while providing some much needed damage mitigation. I would not invest in Frost's mastery.

Monk : grants the usual extra attack power (tank mastery) and a chance to dodge every time you get hit or use, a chance that stacks every time until you dodge an attack.

The rating is 1 mastery point grants an extra 0.194% mastery and the usual 0.22% attack power increase.
I'll be real the dodge chance is not that valuable. Brewmaster Monk already has more than enough survivability with,,, or their passive

Quick example : A monk with 175 Agi, 10% versatility, and their baseline 8% extra attack power with (the coolest spell ever) would deal :
0.999*220*1.1*1.08 = 261 damage
With 40 mastery we would deal 0.999*220*1.1*1.168 = 282 damage
If we put those 40 points into versatility we'd get 0.999*220*1.18*1.08 = 280 damage

Sadly versatility does more for us than mastery can. Even if you were at a big versa rating and did not get as much from it, crit and haste would be more valuable than what is basically a light version versatility.
This is another healer spec whose mastery will not increase your damage directly. That said, unlike classes like Resto Shaman or Preservation Evoker, MW Monk is a bit squishier with much less armor. You do get which reduces damage taken by 6% and with a bit of versa you're not as reliant on heals later on your gearing process. makes spells like, and trigger an extra heal that scales with spellpower and versatility.

You start with 61.60% mastery and wowhead's numbers seem to be a bit funky as it once again bases itself off of a 0.1% spellpower coefficient.
The rating is 1.70% mastery per mastery point which is a colossal number by itself.

Quick example : On a fresh level 20 I have 125 SP, 1% versa (got rid of it all but have the HM Tauren racial) and 0 mastery and my mastery shows a 77 heal.
77/(125*1.01)/1.616 = 0.377% of spellpower
While I can't guarantee the number isn't off since calcing on lower levels makes rounding a bit funky, that should be accurate enough.
So if we go off of our usual 220 Int, 10% and 0 mastery our value is : 0.377*220*1.1*1.161 = 147
Without any mastery we already get an extra 147 heal on top of our common healing spells.
With 40 rating we get : 0.377*220*1.1*2.298 = 210
This is honestly not that bad and can account for an extra 15-20% healing on Vivify while making Renewing Mists a bit more bursty.

That said when you'll get better gear you will get more use out of crit or haste or even stacking versatility (always great on healers). It's still an healer mastery but to be honest it is crazy useful early on and can prove life-saving on some bosses. There is generally no need for it later on but I still wanted to acknowledge it.
Aaah a stupid simple mastery to explain. Feels nice. makes every ability hits for X% more damage as long as it is different than the one you used previously.
The rating is 1 mastery = 0.38% more damage.
To give a point of reference, 1 versatility grants 0.2% more damage and while there are other benefits to versa, in terms or raw damage mastery is almost double value.

Quick example : Do I need to ? Okay let's say we stacked some mastery, at 60 mastery rating, 175 Agi and 0 versa your would deal :
1.15*5* 175*1.366 = 1375damage (to your primary target) (not accounting for weapon damage, you'd be dealing much more trust me ^^)
With 60 versa instead we'd get 1.15*5*175*1.118*1.138 = 1280 damage (same conditions as previous calc)
That is a big 7% more damage.

To be honest you are not soloing dungeons with WW Monk, other specs are more effective as they aren't always on the verge of death (vets with SL healing gems can do that with much less of an issue) so versa's damage mitigation is nowhere near as useful in open world (PvP is a different story). I'd say go nuts, forget versa and smash those puny centaurs.

Side note : This is a solid mastery, no doubt about it, but to prove how good Survival hunter's mastery is, think about how it is barely weaker than WW (0.356% versus 0.38%), affects auto-attacks, does not have a requirement, affects your pet and has a 6% free damage reduction on top of it. They really went nuts with this one.

Paladin :
For Holy Paladins we have (which is a kickass name). It increases the healing you do based on your proximity to the target and is always 100% effective on yourself.
The rating is 1 mastery brings 0.33% extra mastery or 0.33% extra healing period when solo.
For the purpose of f2p this mastery is the exact same as the Preservation Evoker except the rating is worse and you get 12% baseline instead of 16.2%
For those that went straight there, Preservation Evoker's mastery is not bad early on but loses a lot of value very quickly since you are so tanky with good heals already.
Same thing here except it's worse.
Holy is tankier with plate armor + shield with baseline Parry, its heals are also quite excellent with strong instant healing in or, "oh shit" buttons with or and strong baseline healing.

You can get some value out of it early on but you shouldn't keep it long.

Quick example : A paladin with 220 Int, 10% versa and 0 mastery with will do : 3.80*220*1.1*1.12 = 1030 healing
With 40 mastery rating it will do 3.80*220*1.1*1.252 = 1151 healing
If we put those stats into versatility we get 3.80*220*1.18*1.12 = 1104 healing
(1151/1104-1)*100 = 4.26% extra healing

At this point you don't need the extra few percentages of healing anyways and the damage mitigation from versatility would have more value. You'd also miss out on the extra damage so yeah, mastery is a no-go for Holy Pally (once again PvP may be different). Healer moment.
Now let me tell you something : in my humble opinion all the contenders for best mastery can bow down at this point. I have a bias towards this mastery so I can't objectively say it is the best but damn does it have some tools. brings the usual attack power from tank specs but oh boy does it have somthing more. This mastery increases the chance to block which might sound weak but paladin has a little passive called that not only makes your block chance stupid but also gives the ability to block spells (DoTs included) while dealing a bit of damage every time you block a spell (nice for AFKing). Cherry on top is that it also grants you a damage reduction when you are in your which you will be in 90% of the time in dungeons anyways.

To paint a picture, I only caster Consecration after pulling a pack of 3 mobs in a dungeon with SL healing gems equipped and the mobs did not have enough DPS to kill me in 10 seconds while Holy Shield and Consecration whittled them dowm (9 gems so 966 healing per 10 seconds)

The scaling is 1 point of mastery grants 0.22% block chance, 0.22% attack power and 0.06% damage reduction.

Quick example : A Paladin with 60 mastery gets an extra 21.23% chance to block, 21.23% attack power bonus and 10.9% damage reduction in Consecration up from the baseline 8/7.2/8
With an ilvl 84 shield that means a 47.62% chance to block (can go higher with, every block reducing damage by 35.92%, affecting almost everything while dealing damage back with Holy Shield (and Inner Light if you have it). To make an average damage reduction we'd have 0.4762*0.3592*100 = 17.1% damage reduction (I'll emphasize on average though).
Now to compare it to versatility. The AP part of the mastery outclasses the damage part of versatility ever so slightly (0.22/0.2). The damage reduction part is quite weaker (0.1/0.06) but the block chance makes up for it big time with even extra DPS from Holy Shield and trust me you don't need much more damage reduction anyways.

I'm not saying versa is useless as when you get to higher numbers there is kind of a diminishing return where you'd get marginal benefit from versa but since you have some anyways on TBC gear like or
The only weak point to that mastery is that you are less mobile since you want to be in your Consecration but to be honest who needs to dodge mechanics when they don't even scratch you.

Absolutely godly mastery, at least a contender for top spot (#1 in my eyes). Go nuts, stack it like crazy, you get other stats from TBC gear anyways. increases Holy damage and grants a chance for to deal extra damage. The extra damage is based of 120% of attack power, is affected by versatility, mastery and weapon damage and deals even more than the spell itself.
The rating is 1 mastery rating grants 0.34 extra Holy damage and 0.167% chance for Judgement's extra damage to trigger.

Retribution pally almost only uses Holy damage besides auto-attacks and so the Holy damage increase is very decent.

Quick example : For example a done by a Paladin with 175 Str, 10% versa and no mastery would do (ignoring weapon damage) : 1.46718*175*1.1*1.12 = 316 damage
With 40 mastery we get : 1.46718*175*1.1*1.256 = 355 damage
With those 40 points in versa we get 1.46718*175*1.18*1.12 = 339 damage (355/339+1)*100 = 4.7% more damage dealt with mastery

By itself this is nothing stellar but the Judgment's proc helps a little. Sadly we do not have the ability to spam the spell like max levels do and the mastery is very much balanced around them so don't expect a lot.
This mastery is kinda like Frost DK of Feral Druid if not a bit worse, solid, worth investing at least some points into it but never stack it. The huge amount of Holy damage Ret Pallies got over the years really saves this mastery.

Priest :
A lot of healer masteries coming. First is for Discipline. This mastery increases the healing and absorption effects ( to all targets affected by Atonement is triggered by,, and should you ever have a reason to use it.
The rating is 1 mastery increases healing and absorbs done to targets with atonement by 0.3%. Considering you will always have a Power word : Shield up you will always have atonement. The base value is 10.80% (11% on wowhead close enough to in-game data).

Truth be told it is an incredible mastery and you can throw insane shields on yourself. The problem is : Discipline Priest is perhaps the most unbreakable wall of them all with versatility alone in PvE. How so, you may ask, it's a clothie right ? First answer is which almost always means you take 30% less damage before even accounting for versatility.
The wowhead info lacks the base spellpower used by Power word : Shield so I estimated it based off of my WF gear wearing Priest.

Quick example : I have 182 spellpower, and 8.32 percent versatility. Spells don't take weapon damage in consideration. My shield has a base value of 1374. The calculation would be : 1374/(182*1.0831)*100 = 697% of the spellpower.
Without any gear I went down to 57 SP and 0 versa and my shield showed 397. The calc becomes 397/57*100 = 6964% of spellpower.
I think my calculations are accurate enough so what does that tell us ?
A Priest with 0 mastery, 10% versa (you can go for much more) and 220 Int (same here you can get more Int) would have a Power word : Shield of :
6.97*220*1.1 = 1686. If the fight takes long enough for you to need another, it will benefit from Atonement thus mastery 1686 * 1.12 = 1889
Considering 0 haste and ignoring crits (which you will have at least some of both) the cooldown of the spell is 7.5 seconds. That means the mobs would need to do over 1889/7.5 = 252 damage per second to even break your shield, let alone kill you with those crazy heals. If you get a crit you get over 3500 damage absorption.

With those fat shields, and a bunch of versatility you are untouchable by most bosses. I haven't tried but I'd be ready to bet even wouldn't be able to scratch you.
Even in the case your shield went down, you still technically get almost 60% leech from Atonement, have or Flash Heal.

This is the most healer mastery of them all, it's so cool and I'm sure it can be great in PvP but for PvE purposes it's overkill. Technically useful but functionnally useless.
Holy Priest's mastery is It work kinda like the Fire Mage mastery except for healing : it make your direct heals apply a 4 second HoT dependent on a percentage of said heals. If you were to cast two in a row the HoT would stack up.
The HoT stackup works this way : when you cast an Echo of Light inducing spell on a target already affected by it, the remaining healing of the HoT is added to an "Echo bank" to which is then added the new Echo of Light you just casted. The total healing is then made into an HoT.
The ratio is 1 mastery = 0.21% of your heals used again as HoTs.

While it can technically be seen as a 0.21% healing increase since the HoT only lasts 4 seconds, it only affects direct spells like or

Quick example : 1 versa is 0.2% extra healing (and damage increase and mitigation), 1 mastery is barely over that number while not affecting all spells.
In-game baseline mastery is at 7.65% while it's at 8% on wowhead. I'll roll with the 8% one because it does not matter.
An from a 220 Int, 10% versa 0 mastery Priest does : 8.68626*220*1.1 = 2102 healing with a 2102*0.08 = 168 HoT
With 40 mastery rating it becomes : 8.68626*220*1.1*1.164 = 345 HoT (86 HP per second, not bad
per se but stil weak, especially considering you might put on a shield afterwards and the HoT is wasted anyways.
While the extra small HoT is technically useful since a spell like Heal or Power word : Serenity overheals us anyways and the healing buff from versa is thus lost,,, or are not affected and I'd rather have a bigger shield than a slightly bigger HoT.
Another bad healer mastery, except this one has no redeeming qualities besides maybe getting 100-200 HP back if you're lucky.
I must admit to have barely ever played a Shadow Priest. That said I still can do math and I'mma do just that. increases your damage depending on how many DoTs are applied to the target. It's the of DPS. This mastery is affected by the voidform ability but we do not have it at level 20.
The rating is 1 mastery point = 0.11% more damage (same rating as Resto Druids, told ya ^^) per, and on the target.

Okay so as a Shadow Priest you will always have both SW : Pain and Vampiric Touch on your target, especially with the talent. So we get a baseline 0.22% extra damage per point since those two spells are a given. Once again, comparing it to versatility makes it look weak so far.

Quick example : As always 1 versatility is around 0.2% extra damage, only 0.02 points behind this mastery so far. That said we all know the other benefits of versatility so the viability of this mastery depends on how often you have
So how often ? Weeell, while I am admitedly not so good at this class, our insanity generation does not allow to keep this short 6 seconds DoT that often.
This mastery suffers from the lack of tools inherent to level 20 but that said it is extremely cool and his base form still increases your damage by 4% per DoT so a constant 8% free damage boost for jusk clicking an opener.

Honestly, don't use this stat, you're better off using crit or haste as both have strong synergy with a DoT playstyle.

Rogue : is bad. It sort of is another Vengeance DH case where half the mastery is locked behind a later level.
At level 20 it increases the damage of our poisons -the bleed damage increase being locked behind level 41- which includes aaand the inferior It also affects since it uses instead of (thanks @Shadevoid)
Those spells are not worth putting any point into, it's sad but we have almost nothing to make it work. For PvE purposes even does not do enough when we can use as an opener, spam it on other nearby mobs until runs out and then use, much more efficient with haste and crit and generally superior to Death from above.
It does have the benefit to make for big numbers with and as @Shadevoid said with a mastery trinket you get some big burst. The talent point loss is not worth it damage-wise though, but it seems like a fun build to try as it radically changes from our usual gameplay.

The rating is 1 mastery grants 0.375% extra damage to your poisons which is not too bad by itself of but affects too few of our abilities to justify it.

No quick example here, this mastery is bad at level 20, nothing of value benefits of it. If it affected bleeds it could be a fair bit more useful (though prolly not good) but alas. Don't get any of this stat on Assassination Rogue. is another ability like that deals damage modified by attack power, versatility, weapon damage and of course, mastery. What it does is making your left hand attacks have a 30% chance to trigger an extra hit dealing damage based all said just before. The talent makes Main Gauche triggered by dodges.
The rating is 1 point = 0.397% extra damage to Main Gauche. triggers fairly often, espcially with some haste and

Quick example : Let's take a Rogue with 60 haste rating (could be more), 2.6 attack speed weapons and Slice and Dice up.
60 haste rating is 14% haste. Your attack speed becomes 2.28 seconds per hit.
With Slice and Dice you get down to 1.52 seconds per hit.
In a minute you'd hit 60/1.52 ) = 39 times with your main hand. Every hit has a 30% chance to proc so to keep it simple we'll roll with 39*0.3 = 11.7 procs per minute.
I can't tell you the exact DPS it would provide and I'll explain it after everything else I need to say about Outlaw Rogue because the reasoning is not all that interesting.

Well to be honest we don't need to know the exact value of the mastery to judge it. Based on my rogue's numbers I do not find it too out of the line to assume a well geared rogue without mastery can get a 160-180 damage Main Gauche. With misses and variable amounts of haste I'll roll with a low 10 ppm which gives us around 28 DPS from this ability.

Investing mastery points into -while a fairly strong ability on its own- such a relatively weak portion of our damage for a ratio inferior to Frost DKs feels bad. I mean on Frost DKs most of our spells are affected but here.

I like as a concept when questing but even there it is not that reliable and deal enough damage without any investment.

Most of Rogue's damage comes from fast auto-attacks. Get crit and haste over mastery. Main Gauche is strong enough baseline and you can get more procs from haste.

Here's the line of thinking for the attack power ratio calculation :
The weaponless fist damage is taken into consideration for Main Gauche. You can trigger it with bare hands and it still makes the *snip* sound which is quite amusing.
Well I have 2 unknowns and I hoped the calculaction to find out the AP ratio to be (Main Gauche damage)/(total attack power)/(1+versatility)/(1+mastery) = (attack power ratio)
Sadly since I can't take away weapon damage ratio (which I do not know either) I have (Main Gauche damage)/(total attack power)/(1+versatility)/(1+mastery)/(weapon damage ratio) = (attack power ratio)
Equations with 2 unknowns only give a range of answers which in the case of our equation will not provide accurate information.
Trying to calc the weapon damage ratio myself was an unsuccesful attempt as I get wanky results since the bare-handed DPS is taken into consideration but seemingly not in the same way as a weapon extra DPS.
I'm not sure man, this mastery has defeated me. If anybody knows how weapon damage affects Main Gauche please tell me. increases the damage of our finishers. Affected spells at level 20 are,, and the PvP talent

The rating is 1 mastery = 0.54% extra damage on your finishers. The ratio is crazy good but it does not have as much value as it could since we want up for those auto-attacks and procs and that takes away combo points. We also have some trouble getting those combo points in the first place since we lack talents like or that allow for combo generation / energy regen.
We do have for some burst which helps out immensely but outside of that window we have trouble getting enough ressources to truly benefit from mastery.
That said if you can exploit this window well enough -20 seconds is fairly long- you can get a lot out of the stat. Get yourself some to combo with this spell.

Quick example : A rogue with 175 Agility, 10% versatility and 0 mastery (ignoring weapon damage as it is just an useless variable here) using Black Powder with 5 combo points would deal :
0.1169*5*175*1.1*1.196 = 135 damage
With 40 mastery rating : 0.1169*5*175*1.1*1.412 = 159 damage
With those extra points into versa : 0.1169*5*175*1.18*1.196 = 144 damage
(159/144-1)*100 = 10.4% more damage

Honestly those are insane numbers by themselves and make mastery our best AoE stat almost independent of thanks to the extra combo point generation of Energy is still a problem and you will be dependent on haste though.

Outside of AoE mastery is still excellent during Shadow blades with Thistle tea but you really are hampering yourself by stacking it since Rogues just need their secondaries. Versa for reliable damage/survivability, haste for energy and general damage and crit is always good on Rogues.

This is quite sad because high mastery builds can do unholy amounts of damage during but getting other stats is more reliable as a whole considering you'll have trouble spamming your finishers and a lot of the time when in open world the extra damage will be overkill on a low health mob anyways. Still a cool mastery though.

Shaman : increases elemental and physical damage (so all of our damage) and gives a chance to your,, and (if you have the talent) to hit another time at 25% of its power (Kangaskhan moment) and giving inferior amounts of Maelstrom (2 for bolt, 3 for burst, 1 per target on chain and I would assume 4 on icefury but I can't get a damn overload to proc there).

The rating is 1 point of mastery gives 0.157% extra elemental and physical damage and an extra 0.414% chance to get an Overload proc. You have 4%/15% baseline with an extra 1%/3.75% from

So in terms of damage this is quite solid. 0.157% extra damage is nothing crazy, it's even less than versatility but the Overloads make it quite a bit better.

Quick example : With 40 mastery you get a 31.56% chance to get an Overload. If we average the proc we get a 0.3156*0.25 = 0.08% extra damage on your bolt, burst, chain and icefury
The maelstrom generation is around 35% to 45% superior per overload depending on the scenario -AoE gets more since CL grants 3 up from 2-
That means a 0.35*0.00414*100 = 0.1449% to 0.45*0.00414*100 = 0.1863% maelstrom generation increase per mastery point which means more (cuz is way less cool)

The issue is that you won't always have a chance to Overload. Against bosses or in AoE mastery is fine since you really benefit from the Overload part of it. When farming/questing mobs have less HP.

Bonus quick example : A 220 Int, 10% versa and 0 mastery Shaman would deal :
0.22425*1.59(ele's spec boost to the spell)*220*1.1*1.05 = 91 damage with and
1.39*1.04(ele's spec boost to the spell)*220*1.1*1.05 = 367 damage with the follow-up, doubled since it always crit and increased further by
So we'd get 91+367*2.5 = 1009 damage.
Considering the average mob's health is around 830, you kill them without any chance for your mastery to proc

All in all this mastery is very solid for long fights but becomes completely useless as soon as you start being able to kill mobs with Lava Burst + Flame Shock. It is however a very flavourful mastery and a very enjoyable one. increases Fire, Frost and Nature damage and increases the chance to trigger and
Stormbringer resets the remaining cooldown of your and has a chance to proc from your abilities.
The damage increasing part basically afects all our abilities besides Stormstrike, WF weapon, (gap closer anyways) and auto-attacks
The ratio is 1 mastery = 0.441% extra Fire, Frost and Nature damage and 0.0179% extra chance for and to proc.

Honestly a very strong mastery. The only damage that is not increased is the physical school and with increased proc chances for Windfury procs and Stormstrike resets the only real source of damage not increased is auto-attacks (which I guess do technically benefit of

No need for a quick example there, the damage increase is vastly superior to any other stat and procs just feels so nice. A very strong mastery, you can even justify builds that stack it for open world purposes. is like its healer masteries peers as in you won't need it with better gear.
It increases the healing done depending on the health of the target. The lower it is the more your mastery is effective.

The rating is 1 mastery = 0.662% effectiveness to your mastery, this scales linearly following this formula : (100-current HP percentage of the target*mastery) and, for example if you had 50% mastery and had 50% health you'd get a 25% healing bonus to your heals.

This is a great "oh shit" mastery that stacks up with the 20% healing bonus from and can give some fat when in trouble. You get 24% baseline and an extra 6% from

Quick example : A shaman with 220 Intellect and 10% versa would see on Riptide's tooltip 2.652*220*1.1 = 642 base healing
Let's assume we grabbed 40 mastery, we'd get a stat of 56.48%
If we were to cast Riptide at 20% health, our mastery would have 56.48*0.8 = 45.184% effective healing increase
With Earth Shield up, this Riptide would heal for : 642*1.2*1.45184 = 1118 healing
(1118/642-1)*100 = 74.22% stronger heals.
Without any mastery rating we'd have 30*0.8 = 24% effective extra healing so : 642*1.2*1.24 = 955 healing
(1118/955-1)*100 = 17.07% more healing in this scenario

As much as I love this mastery and as good as it may have been in the past (we used to stack crit and mastery with + for instant full healing during SL) I can't tell you in good faith to roll with this stat.
Early on the gearing process you'll lack DPS and will find yourself more reliant on heals and this mastery can save your ass but to be honest you're not gonna need it, Resto is broken and you get easy heals from Riptide and its HoT, Earth Shield, and more or less constantly. Honorable mention to

Don't use that stat, it's a waste. Healer mastery moment.
I still have hope it will become relevant again at least for PvP (how good is it in PvP currently?). I remember when it was litterally superior to Intellect in PvP below a certain HP range (40-50% I believe, don't quote me on that). Good times.

Warlock : increases the damage of,,, and
This is basically every single one of our damaging spells besides, and our demon's damage.

The ratio is 1 mastery point grants 0.552% extra damage to those spells.
This is an insane ratio when compared to versatility : 0.552/0.2 = 2.76 times more damage from mastery.
While yes, our filler is not affected and versatility has other benefits, we already have a tank in the form of, healing with and for our demon ( too in a pinch) and we can avoid long corpse runs with anyways.
We have damage reduction with, and ; crowd control with and
Even on smaller mobs where the full DoT might not be useful, just DoT up and watch them die as you pull another mob. You even have burst with Malefic Rapture.

Point being, our toolkit already grants us all we need and has crazy synergy with mastery. Go nuts with it, you'll get crit and haste from TBC gear anyways (try to have a decent amount of those stats as their synergy with a DoT playstyle is insane). increases the damage of our demons. It also affects, and the PvP talent.
The ratio is 1 mastery = 0.32% extra damage to your demons.
It is not a really good ratio, decent at best and it excludes a lot of abilities like,, and which are all important ones.

When you take into consideration the fact that pets benefits from versatility anyways it becomes quickly apparent that this mastery falls short.

With 0.2% damage increase to all spells versus 0.32% for only demons, mastery is not 100% useless but don't go out of your way to get some. A bit short I apologize but it is really that simple : meh point to stat ratio and does not affect a lot of our main abilities.
Warlock really has a lot of similarities, pets, a specs using a larger amount of pets, two pet-related masteries (both being the weakest) and two excellent masteries.
At least this is what I would have said about if it still reduced damage like it used to.
This mastery increases the damage done by your spells but also has a random increase to it. To provide an example, with 0 mastery you deal 8% increased damage plus a random amount of up to 8 extra percents.
The rating is 1 mastery = 0.22% extra damage and 0.22% extra potential damage.
If you were to do a blunt average that would make this mastery increase all your damage by 0.33% per point which is far from bad and a very solid amount.

Quick example : The guaranteed extra damage is already superior to what versatility can do and the random one is just bonus.

Another simple mastery, it's probably our best damaging option and while it lack the utility and survivability of other stats it has a distinct enough advantage to where you could justify fairly high amounts of it. A very solid stat, better than most pure damage inceasing masteries.

Warrior : is weird. The functionning of it is quite simple : inflincts a DoT, and a debuff increasing the damage the target takes from you.
The application is a bit more uneven though.
First the ratio : 1 mastery = 0.243% extra damage dealt to targets affected by

This is not a bad mastery baseline, the DoT is very decent (138.552% of attack power over 12 seconds, affected by haste and versa) although unnaffected by your mastery rating and the baseline debuff is a free 9% boost to your damage after your first MS.

The ratio however...
You barely get more damage than versatility grants you and you need to hit the mob with a Mortal Strike to get it and the bleed does not get stronger (technically it does since the debuff is bigger but it is not a direct buff nor i it any different than for other abilities.
In dungeons it is a decent mastery as bosses take longer to kill and it acts as kind of a buffer to your versatility but even there it's not worth stacking.
In open world though ? Horrendous is the term to use, a Mortal Strike followed by an auto-attack from most geared Warriors will deal with the average mob.
The mastery is useless for the majority of non-dungeon PvE content.

Look it's a cool mastery and I love it but it's bad.
Arms Warrior's plan is simple : stack enough Strenght to feel like Žydrūnas Savickas, go nuts with crit and versa for those fat, charge to the nearest target, smash, zug-zug, you won. No need for mastery there.
Mastery : Furry friends -badass AF- increases the damage you deal while Enraged.
You get the buff from the ability.
The rating is 1 mastery points translates to 0.309% extra damage when Enraged.

Okay so this mastery has a lot of spells to buff it and -happy surprise- we have access to quite a few of them :,,, and the bad
The issue -if we can call it that- is that none of these talents benefit a lot from having more mastery rating. The 1 second extra duration to Enrage from and are the only ones that truly benefit from more mastery since they allow for more Enrage uptime.

Quick example : To make a -perhaps unfair- comparison, Survival Hunter's mastery grants them more damage, a baseline damage reduction and does not require you do to anything to benefit from it besides being within 25 meters of your pet (hey you're melee anyways) and even if you were too far you'd still get 50% effectiveness while Fury gets nothing, nichts, rien, nada...

The rating by itself is not bad -although certainly not good- but we don't have the tools at level 20 to keep Enrage up enough to justify mastery. That is especially true when you take in consideration how much Fury benefits from the other secondaries.
The Enrage uptime being tough to keep up reliably is not as true when questing since allows for every new target to proc Enrage. Adding mastery rating still isn't that valuable since you have 15% extra damage on top of the 11% baseline with When you take into consideration how versatility and that baseline damage multiply each other whereras extra points in mastery will only add up, even this scenario does not justify stacking mastery.

As a side note, when will they fix Fury ? What were they thinking when locking behinf level 27 ? Our main spec ability for the love of Thrall. Also, bring back
Last but not least, surely the better was kept for the end ? *Looks at notes nervously* Oh no... increases your block chance and grants you a chance to "critically block" (also the usual attack power increase). The way critical block work is that when you block an attack, the game will then roll based on your chance to critically block and if you get one you block twice the amount you would have with a standard block.
The rating is 1 mastery = 0.09 extra chance to block; 0.33% extra chance to "critically block" (for twice the amount) and 0.22% extra attack power.

This mastery sucks man. The block chance is miserable, the damage reduction it brings is negligible at best and the only redeeming quality is the attack power bonus and that did not ended up well for Brewmaster Monks.

Look to give an explanation : you are a Prot Warrior, you have spells like, a drawbackless, (which makes mastery's block chance useless during it's duration) and a shitload of armor thanks to plate armor, a shield and

There is no world where you can die as a Prot Warrior, you are perhaps the tankiest spec in the game (besides arguably the unkillable Discipline Priests). So trust me when I say : a measly, small, insignificant extra chance to block will not make you any more unkillable. You are much better off stacking crit since will make that grant you a very large amount of Parry.
Unlike Prot Paladins that have a godly toolkit to go alongside their mastery and no other crazy damage mitigation, Prot Warrior's mastery is overkill.

Don't use mastery on Prot Warriors.

(or warriors as a whole I suppose)

For those that only want the ratio of point-to-stat :
Death Knight :
Blood :
1 point = 0.44% extra healing converted to your shield ; 0.22% extra attack power
Frost : 1 point = 0.44% extra Frost damage
Unholy : 1 point = 0.40% extra Shadow and pet damage

Demon Hunter :
Havoc :
1 point =0.40% extra Chaos damage
Vengeance : 1 point = 0.33% extra Agility converted to Armor

Druid :
Balance :
1 point = 0.11% extra Nature and Arcane damage ; 0.055% extra Nature and Arcane damage to targets affected by or respectively
Feral : 1 point = 0.41% extra damage on your finishers, bleeds and other DoTs
Guardian : 1 point = 1.545% extra health and healing (affects healing from outside sources) and 0.22% extra attack power
Restoration : 1 point = 0.11% extra healing per HoT on the target

Evoker :
Augmentation :
Versatility buff does not work solo, 1 point =0.075% extra duration on our helpful auras
Devastation : 1 point =0.33% more damage to targets depending on their health percentage : 100% effective if target is at 100% HP, 50% if at 50%, 30% is a cap and you never go below 30% effectiveness
Preservation : 1 point =0.40% extra healing depending on how many more HP you have than the target, always 100% effective on yourself

Hunter :
Beast Mastery :
1 point = 0.42% extra pet damage, affects
Marksmanship : 1 point = 0.138% extra range on your abilities, 0.31% extra damage on your abilities
Survival : 1 point = 0.178% extra damage increase (affects all damages besides trinkets or bombs for example), you have a baseline flat 3% damage reduction that does not increase with mastery ; all those bonuses are doubled when within 25 meters of your pet

Mage :
Arcane :
1 point = 0.265% extra mana regen and maximum mana, 0.2%/0.136% boost per charge to the exisiting 67%/94% of and respectively, 0.22% extra damage to other arcane abilities.
Fire : 1 point = 0.137% extra damage of your main fire spells converted to a DoT
Frost : 1 point = 0.22% extra damage, 0.214% extra and damage, 0.143% extra damage on

Monk :
Brewmaster :
1 point = 0.194% extra chance to dodge when hit or using, stacking until you dodge an attack, 0.22% extra attack power
Mistweaver : 1 point = 1.70% extra healing on your
Windwalker : 1 point = 0.38% extra damage on your abilities as long as they differ from the one you previously used

Paladin :
Holy :
1 point = 0.33% extra healing depending on the proximity of the target, always 100% effective on yourself
Protection : 1 point = 0.22% extra chance to block (DR will happen), 0.22% extra attack power, 0.06% damage reduction in Stong synergy with the talent that elevates this mastery as a top one
Retribution : 1 point = 0.34% extra Holy damage, 0.167% chance for to deal extra damage (120% of attack power, affected by mastery, versatility and weapon damage)

Priest :
Discipline :
1 point = 0.3% extra healing to targets affected by ; atonement is triggered by,, and should you ever have a reason to use it
Holy : 1 point = 0.21% of your healing is taken into consideration to put a 4 seconds HoT on the target
Shadow : 1 point = 0.11% extra damage dealt per, and on the target

Rogue :
Assassination :
1 point = 0.375% extra damage to your poisons
Outlaw : 1 point = 0.397% extra damage to
Subtlety : 1 point = 0.54% extra damage on your finishers

Shaman :
Elemental :
1 point = 0.157% extra elemental and physical damage (all of our damage technically) and an extra 0.414% chance to get an Overload proc which grants,, and (if you have the talent) a chance to hit another time at 25% of its power and generate a weaker amount of Maelstrom
Enhancement : 1 point = 0.441% extra Fire, Frost and Nature damage and 0.0179% extra chance for and to proc
Restoration : 1 point = 0.662% effectiveness to your mastery, this scales linearly following this formula : (100-current HP percentage of the target*mastery) and, for example if you had 50% mastery and had 50% health you'd get a 25% healing bonus to your heals

Warlock :
Affliction :
1 point = 0.552% extra damage to,,, and
Demonology : 1 point = 0.32% extra damage to your demons
Destruction : 1 point = 0.22% extra damage plus up to 0.22% extra potential damage at random

Warrior :
Arms :
1 point = 0.243% extra damage dealt to targets affected by
Fury : 1 point = 0.309% extra damage when Enraged
Protection : 1 point = 0.09 extra chance to block; 0.33% extra chance to "critically block" (for twice the amount) and 0.22% extra attack power

I most likely will have made mistakes, be they a calc being off, typos or over/underestimate a mastery. By all means please tell me if you spot such errors that would impede the informativeness of this guide.

Hope it helped.
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All done !!!

I tought about organizing them into tiers to make a quick and simple way to see how good is your mastery but it's always a tough thing to do since there is always a part of subjectivity.

It most definitly needs some polishing, error checking and perhaps some class/spec icons to make it more visually pleasing but that'll be done over time.
For now the info is there, the guide in functional, I don't think I missed anyone but if I did please do tell me.

Hope y'all will find some use to this wall of text ^^
No quick example here, this mastery is bad at level 20, nothing of value benefits of it. If it affected bleeds it could be a fair bit more useful (though prolly not good) but alas. Don't get any of this stat on Assassination Rogue.
There is at least one case that may make you wanna to get some mastery - since counts as you can almost double damage of your finisher by using + mastery boost trinket.
Despite that I cannot say if its enough to be a viable burst build for bgs right now - and getting mastery points outside of procs still seems meaningless
All done !!!

I tought about organizing them into tiers to make a quick and simple way to see how good is your mastery but it's always a tough thing to do since there is always a part of subjectivity.

It most definitly needs some polishing, error checking and perhaps some class/spec icons to make it more visually pleasing but that'll be done over time.
For now the info is there, the guide in functional, I don't think I missed anyone but if I did please do tell me.

Hope y'all will find some use to this wall of text ^^
Damn, you work fast! Great work by the way.
Did you gather the data yourself or did you reference any material?
There is at least one case that may make you wanna to get some mastery - since counts as you can almost double damage of your finisher by using + mastery boost trinket.
Despite that I cannot say if its enough to be a viable burst build for bgs right now - and getting mastery points outside of procs still seems meaningless
Oh this is true. I did not expect it to work this way since the tooltip does say that it uses Eviscerate and on wowhead Envenom is shown to be used from level 22.
Great find mate ^^

Now I'm no PvP expert, even less so with Rogues but while a big burst finisher seems nice it kind of makes you a one-trick-pony. Depending on how big/valuable the burst damage can be maybe you could get use out of it.

For PvE though we can't use this talent in dungeons and even for open world purposes there are better stats to pick. The ratio is not that great anyways and a boost to a 30 seconds cooldown spell is rarely gonna come in play and losing a talent point for Improved Shiv is not ideal. The War Mode restriction is barely even one since you rarely meet the other faction anyways in old zones (besides the occasionnal completionnist doing quests that will kill you because a 50 level difference is such a fair fight).
For strandard mobs (around 830 HP) you can just go around, use as an opener and then spam it on other nearby mobs until runs out and then use, much more efficient with haste and crit.

That said I'm gonna repeat myself and say it's a great find, I'm gonna add it to the guide.
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Damn, you work fast! Great work by the way.
Did you gather the data yourself or did you reference any material?
Thanks a lot mate ^^
I used wowhead for my examples with spells as it allowed me to get how they scaled with spellpower more easily though I did verify a few of them to make sure the numbers weren't off when they felt so (mostly when class-wide abilities receive modifiers from a spec) and I did scour the forums to find out the 30% cap on Devastation's mastery since it would have been tough to find it on lower level mobs (calculations are much less precise with lower numbers).
Other than that no I did everything myself with my trusty calculator.

And now I can quote @Shadevoid for the interaction with Assassination's mastery so I can say I received some help ^^

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