Joined a Bg last night and saw a guild running a premade group. Thought it might be a quick and easy win. It wasnt....
Opening salvo, the druid fc runs for the flag, the rest of the team follows and fights at the ally tunnel. This druid comes right back down the tunnel into the middle of everything. Of course he dies but then he ragequits.
By then the ally rezzers are headed for the horde flag. They grab it so i try a few saps. Plus call out where they are headed and then die in facerolling glory. Luckily, the only healer horde side was smart enough to break group and go for the flag. The rest of the horde team is stuck trying to farm the gy by the ally tunnel. He grabs the ally flag and starts heading ramp. By then the efc has made across mid, then goes ally tunnel where everyone is fighting. What happens next? .....they get wiped. No healer remember. Horde's fc makes it to the base
I try to solo the efc, thats a no go. Second try he is at 6 stacks. The premade is stuck in the horde base.So me, a hunter from some random realm, and 1 dps from the premade head across mid. Get to ally tunnel no problem, only me and the hunter enter smh. Make it to the roof, i sap the healer. Healer breaks it but the hunter was ready with the frost trap. We easily kill efc and return the flag. 1st cap at like 10min.
Next 5 mins is basically HK farming. Sure anytime the horde flag was picked up they would stop. Then rush across mid and get the efc.
With about 3mins left, horde decide to cap the flag a second time. They group up, grab the flag and head back like you would expect from a premade. The ally have the flag but are met in mid. A full scale fight is happening going towards the horde tunnel with all players involved. Horde's flag gets easily returned but our FC keeps on pushing. An ally druid rezzes and heads straight to grab the flag. With 1min 45secs left, this druid pops everything and runs freely from the gy side. Horde's Fc....out runs his heals/team and dies solo mid way up the tunnel.
I was going for the efc before our FC died. So I had to pot and switch course to grab the ally flag. I was a few seconds ahead of him but by the time i reached ally tunnel he was pretty close. Luckily the speed buff chest was open and i was the first to grab it. I pick the flag with about 10secs left..... ...the premade was finally (for the first time all match)using bash the fc. Not once did anyone notice how close they actually came to losing
Opening salvo, the druid fc runs for the flag, the rest of the team follows and fights at the ally tunnel. This druid comes right back down the tunnel into the middle of everything. Of course he dies but then he ragequits.
By then the ally rezzers are headed for the horde flag. They grab it so i try a few saps. Plus call out where they are headed and then die in facerolling glory. Luckily, the only healer horde side was smart enough to break group and go for the flag. The rest of the horde team is stuck trying to farm the gy by the ally tunnel. He grabs the ally flag and starts heading ramp. By then the efc has made across mid, then goes ally tunnel where everyone is fighting. What happens next? .....they get wiped. No healer remember. Horde's fc makes it to the base
I try to solo the efc, thats a no go. Second try he is at 6 stacks. The premade is stuck in the horde base.So me, a hunter from some random realm, and 1 dps from the premade head across mid. Get to ally tunnel no problem, only me and the hunter enter smh. Make it to the roof, i sap the healer. Healer breaks it but the hunter was ready with the frost trap. We easily kill efc and return the flag. 1st cap at like 10min.
Next 5 mins is basically HK farming. Sure anytime the horde flag was picked up they would stop. Then rush across mid and get the efc.
With about 3mins left, horde decide to cap the flag a second time. They group up, grab the flag and head back like you would expect from a premade. The ally have the flag but are met in mid. A full scale fight is happening going towards the horde tunnel with all players involved. Horde's flag gets easily returned but our FC keeps on pushing. An ally druid rezzes and heads straight to grab the flag. With 1min 45secs left, this druid pops everything and runs freely from the gy side. Horde's Fc....out runs his heals/team and dies solo mid way up the tunnel.
I was going for the efc before our FC died. So I had to pot and switch course to grab the ally flag. I was a few seconds ahead of him but by the time i reached ally tunnel he was pretty close. Luckily the speed buff chest was open and i was the first to grab it. I pick the flag with about 10secs left..... ...the premade was finally (for the first time all match)using bash the fc. Not once did anyone notice how close they actually came to losing