^_^ this sucks! right when i went and built a new gaming rig just to handle WoW on max settings for the sole propose of F2P PvP and on top of that i had found the race/class combo and key bindings/UI i felt comfortable with and was finally ready to come one here and see if i could not find someone interested in Rolling a toon and meeting up in-game to show me how to Twink and the best way to go about achieving Bis
^.^^ why oh why dose Blizz have to go and do this right after i set up for a long term gaming experience and wtf am i supposed to do -.- its not like im poor i could go get the latest MMO game out there that everyone and there mother's are stuck to like glue but im not into that and to pay would defeat the purpose of playing a MMO at least for me
i guess ill just have to quit even before i really get started -.- a dam shame seeing that i put quite a bit of money into my PvP rig and all for this!? nah this has gotta be a joke from Bliz and as soon as they release the "Real" version on the 25th all will be fixed and F2P will not really be nerfed so bad as it seems from my humble prospective
it was nice meeting you all and i wish this patch would just go away and they would instead nerf hunters just a tad to make everyone say hay this game is getting more balanced instead of people saying WTF you broke it again!? and this time worse then before!!!
ill be popping my head back in from time to time to see how this mess develops but for now i think ill smoke a fatty and kick back in RL seeing that this game hs gone from interesting to meh in about 48 hours time and even worse before i even got a chance to enjoy much of the content or gotten ahold of my first Bis item ;( i was looking forward to gearing and learning pvp now im looking forward to a day where i can play without hanging to be reminded of all thats wrong in the world of wow
^.^^ why oh why dose Blizz have to go and do this right after i set up for a long term gaming experience and wtf am i supposed to do -.- its not like im poor i could go get the latest MMO game out there that everyone and there mother's are stuck to like glue but im not into that and to pay would defeat the purpose of playing a MMO at least for me
i guess ill just have to quit even before i really get started -.- a dam shame seeing that i put quite a bit of money into my PvP rig and all for this!? nah this has gotta be a joke from Bliz and as soon as they release the "Real" version on the 25th all will be fixed and F2P will not really be nerfed so bad as it seems from my humble prospective
it was nice meeting you all and i wish this patch would just go away and they would instead nerf hunters just a tad to make everyone say hay this game is getting more balanced instead of people saying WTF you broke it again!? and this time worse then before!!!
ill be popping my head back in from time to time to see how this mess develops but for now i think ill smoke a fatty and kick back in RL seeing that this game hs gone from interesting to meh in about 48 hours time and even worse before i even got a chance to enjoy much of the content or gotten ahold of my first Bis item ;( i was looking forward to gearing and learning pvp now im looking forward to a day where i can play without hanging to be reminded of all thats wrong in the world of wow