Worth starting agin?


Hello everyone, some of you know me some of you don't.

But, i'd like to ask if there has been any progress in this bracket. Is there RBG's and multiple guild's around? or is it still a bit inactive?
the reason for asking is that i'm thinking of joining the world of warcraft community agin. More specificly the 80-Bracket.

hope you will give me a honest update on the corrent situation.

Friendly regards Witzon.
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There's a few guilds trying to set up RBGs but you'll need to speak to their respective leaders for more info on that. BG queues are non-existant from what I've heard.

Horde Guilds:
<Pyschosis> on Thrall (German, couldn't find armory link but a few of them post here)
<wotlk is nøt dead> on Ysondre (French, had inactivity issues but might be fixed with new leadership)
<Insanity> on Dunemaul (English, the guild you're in now)

Alliance Guilds:
<Cant Afford Cata> on Silvermoon (English, not heard from anyone there)
<Atleast we had Stables> on Grim Batol (English, guild leader says recruitment is going quite well)
<WOTLK good times> on Aszune (English, not sure if active)

Guild list for ~50% of EU realms (the rest coming sometime soon): https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?docid=16BZFVQIKKPQSDciuWboff0K428p9BZHfhnOD75g
ALEX :D i remember you, back when i was Fuzzy Tentacles :D come back to the bracket
y u so recruit viruz
I know you :eek:

Also, Can't Afford Cata is going good ;) Got Juliye in and im going there next month :),
I used to play a lot with them on my old mage ;)
Are there any rbg groups recruiting? :p frost dk with mourne named Trøllfacejpg on Tarren Mill eu
Hello :)

It seems like the RBG's are at the same state as it was when i left.
Also the normal BG queues are no--existant? thats kind of sad. :/ Well i guess i will take the 7 day free pass and see how it goes.

Someone still reading this thread? anyways we got atm 4-0 stats in rbg <Cant Afford Cata>silvermoon [A]), took <wotlk is not dead> ysondore[H]) 3-0 in rbgs real games only. Still looking for rbg challengers :).

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