Worth playing a few games?


Made in EU

Hello everyone,

I've been relatively absent for half an year now, and I wanted to ask you some questions:

1 -
Is it worth it coming back?
2 -
How often does the gulch pop?
3 -
Any new guilds/old guilds still running?
4 -
Any old players/new players joining the gulch?
5 -
Any premades/casual premades going?

I've missed this game and community, but at the time people didn't just care about premading, besides (2) guilds. That was what the entire bracket was resumed to, so any attempts to revive a "same-faction" premade game went to waste (one of the reasons why I couldn't be bothered with this game anymore).

I was wondering if it's any better now.
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Its alright, loads of new people recently in the gulch, quality is still a bit meh though.
Is it worth it coming back?

How often does the gulch pop?
Everyday, usually for multiple hours (6pm to 1am Server times on occasion)

Any new guilds/old guilds still running?
No major new guilds that I'm aware of, i know there is one with a couple members on Outland, as far of old guilds running, while many such as Bios, AAO, BLNT have active members constantly, nothing really happening that would be any different if they were guilded or not.

Any old players/new players joining the gulch?
Seen some people return that hadn't played 5.4 for example, but there are also quite a few new players, seems to be more everyday, some bad geared as always, but many are prepared.

Any premades/casual premades going?
Sadly not that i'm aware of apart from a couple friendly 5v5s

Defiantly worth trying, and i'm sure many would be up for premades but no one has had the initiative yet.
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1 - I do say yes!
2 - It pops daily from around 6pm - sometimes till late night (past 3-4 days werent that good due to unbalanced games)
3 - BLNT is really active. Ally is in need of a active guild with lead.
4 - Many old players returning yes, dont know if they are oldies like you but at least some of them were active in wotlk/cata. Also new players joining, what makes games sometimes a bit unbalanced.
5 - No premade activity so far. Would be nice to have.

The bracket is overall in a ok state imo. New players joining is a good thing while it ofc make some games less enjoyable.
1 -[/B] Is it worth it coming back?
2 -
How often does the gulch pop?
3 -
Any new guilds/old guilds still running?
4 -
Any old players/new players joining the gulch?
5 -
Any premades/casual premades going?


1: If you wanna jump on and do a couple of games a night for funsies then yeah.
2: I think its been popping about every night for a few weeks now, how many games a night varies and its been going down a little bit the last couple of days i think.
3: SSDD got a few players, that guild from draenor horde that i cant remember whats called right now is very active, bios got 3-5 active players, queing is the best bit also has a few active players.
4: there are a bunch of new players. as for old players there are the same old faces you see on TI.
5: Not as far as i know.
I came back , im sure you remember me, maybe just not under this name.

Now go go and play some gulch vs me ^^
totally worth it to come back!
Its alright, loads of new people recently in the gulch, quality is still a bit meh though.
Hey gingerboy, last time we talked was a while back. How's you?

Everyday, usually for multiple hours (6pm to 1am Server times on occasion)

No major new guilds that I'm aware of, i know there is one with a couple members on Outland, as far of old guilds running, while many such as Bios, AAO, BLNT have active members constantly, nothing really happening that would be any different if they were guilded or not.

Seen some people return that hadn't played 5.4 for example, but there are also quite a few new players, seems to be more everyday, some bad geared as always, but many are prepared.

Sadly not that i'm aware of apart from a couple friendly 5v5s
Defiantly worth trying, and i'm sure many would be up for premades but no one has had the initiative yet.
Seems like people have taken upon themselves to make it more active. Was there any major change or something that brought back some of the activity?
1 - I do say yes!
2 - It pops daily from around 6pm - sometimes till late night (past 3-4 days werent that good due to unbalanced games)
3 - BLNT is really active. Ally is in need of a active guild with lead.
4 - Many old players returning yes, dont know if they are oldies like you but at least some of them were active in wotlk/cata. Also new players joining, what makes games sometimes a bit unbalanced.
5 - No premade activity so far. Would be nice to have.
The bracket is overall in a ok state imo. New players joining is a good thing while it ofc make some games less enjoyable.
Yeah, from what I can read it's about that.
I came back , im sure you remember me, maybe just not under this name.
Now go go and play some gulch vs me ^^
Yes, you are Dutchtwink. I never forget a face from Bloodlust, EVER. I still remember your undead rogue. :)
a wild sputnick appears!
Just peaking on what's on the other side of the fence!
How you been dude?
a Sputnik is just what we need right now to withstand this status!
I would just look and occasionally play this time. Problably throw a casual premade once in a while. :)
I swear you're the hardest person to read sarcasm from.

You being real?
Yes, you are Dutchtwink. I never forget a face from Bloodlust, EVER. I still remember your undead rogue. :)

Neither do I. best gaming days i ever had.
Really hope to see you back ingame, also added your battletag.

And it really is a good time to come back!
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Yes. It's what, 15$ for a month?

I know Portugal isn't exactly known for its economy and welfare, but I'm sure even a pauper like you can afford it. :eek:
Ahah, I'm very pauper indeed. :)

Might tag along. Who knows.
Ahah, I'm very pauper indeed. :)

Might tag along. Who knows.

Well $15 is literally less than 1 hour of working minimum wage in Sweden.

But I assume a portuguese man wouldn't want to spend half his annual salary on a video game. :rolleyes:

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