Worst of 19s October 2015


I haven't played in a while, but this is a list given to me by anonymous sources within the twink community. According to my anonymous sources the following individuals are known for throwing games on a regular basis.

FC: Immvq - This guy once said that he refuses to go roof in games because it is "Too mainstream" and leads to him being killed. He continuously (tries) to do jumps and his poor decision making ends most of his games with a loss.
This was a close one, but I think the award goes to Puempeekstoh.
FC: Puempeekstoh - I don't even know where to begin, this guy will pick the flag no matter what, displace out instantly and then die. He has been accused of throwing games in almost every warsong gulch he has ever entered. His time FCing for the infamous WFS has given him a little competence, but not much.
Balance: Twonkcty - This fuckin guy doesn't even know what moonkin form is...
Feral: Farkasember - Yet another player who proves to be dogshit on a spec that is extremely OP atm.

BM: Conq - Even though conq is a nice guy, and sounds like kermit, I've never seen someone be such a burden on such an OP spec. P.S: His last name rhymes with lube.
I didn't plan on adding a second monk, but this begs some attention.
BM: Superstylin AKA SUPERPOSITIONING - http://i.imgur.com/p935R5s.png For someone who played BM monk throughout WoD claiming it is an easy class, he certainly dies almost as much as Bigmoran, when he played monk in premades.
WW: Marb - Not only does this guy sound like an autistic 8 year old, but his left nipple has suffered a stroke apparently.
MW: Neap: Jesus, this guy sounds like a squashed frog.

Hunter: Apnea - This guy has no idea how to use the "Mend Pet" spell located inside his spellbook. A person who can't combat bug is a hunter that probably a person who can't tie his own shoes
A second hunter because it was too close to decide.
Myyce - Rumor has it that he is was once a member of the three blind myyce. It is pretty apparent that this guy doesn't even use track humanoids.

Mage: Chcknwzrd - This nigga is living in a fantasy world where fire mage is a viable spec,

Rogue: Loveshack- His awareness of where the efc is while he's playing the gulch, rivals that of a loaf of bread, a loaf of bread with a shadowfang.

Resto: Mutando - This guy frontlines worse than Superstylin. Which speaks for itself. L2Position
Ele: Delayed - I feel bad for this guy, he is never mentioned in any of the best of threads, even though he argues for his spot everytime he is left out. That's probably because he belongs in the worst of thread. Congratulations. You made it buddy.

Paladin: Imfasttoo - Prot paladin, just try to afk this guy out. Or don't , and lose.

Priest: Ciren - This guy needs to finally realize his position is that of a rotten potato. He is often compared to an Antarctic penguin lost in Zimbabwe.

Warrior: Korzac - He is the epitome of over extension. Lol ha.

Warlock: Snubynnuh - When you see this guy on your team, just afk, he will do everything in his power to throw the game, he doesn't even do it on purpose. There is just no chance of winning with him on the team. Imgur: The most awesome images on the Internet Lucas knows all hope is lost when he sees that name.
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Accurate list.
Lmao Rube is an abbreviation of Rubinstein and I don't really sound like Kermit I just have a bad mic.

My voice sounds like a mix of the tears of joy falling from the heavens, pooling around the weak and needy and their cries of bliss as they sip from it
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Weak sauce.
Would be good to see an ounce of effort going into a list like this before posting.
That last one tho. "He tries everything in his power to throw the game" "he doesn't even do it on purpose"
Marb your skill was judge by your voice and left nipple. Lol.

Same thing for you Near. Apart for the nipple. xD

Daddy, are you Restopathic?

Isn't that how everyone judges skill? Daddy is Restopathic.
Dam not good enough for a best of and not bad enough for a worst of. FeelsBadMan
I don't get it. is this a troll? because a handful of the people mentioned I look up to and aspire to be as good as..

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