worlds first level 24 guild?

I'm thinking of leaveing the 15-19 bracket on my hunter and join the 25-29 are the qeues and what is the ratio of wins?
Look at all the class variety in the guild.

All those hunter backpeddle btw.


Any chance we can get 24 threads deleted or those people banned? This is very clearly trolling. You don't see people making 29 threads in the 19 bracket forum, why are there 24 threads in the F2P bracket? F2P is ONLY supposed to be for F2P AND its only level 20 for F2P. People are clearly not getting the hint. Don't give them somewhere to talk and **** over the bracket. Do something about this mods.
Flamekeeper said:
Any chance we can get 24 threads deleted or those people banned? This is very clearly trolling. You don't see people making 29 threads in the 19 bracket forum, why are there 24 threads in the F2P bracket? F2P is ONLY supposed to be for F2P AND its only level 20 for F2P. People are clearly not getting the hint. Don't give them somewhere to talk and **** over the bracket. Do something about this mods.

Agreed but still why not make a 20-24 bracket people that make 24 threads feel out of place in the 20-29 bracket Forum. Since it is mainly for 29s.
Edited said:
Join us in 29 bracket!

Why rape 20s at level 24 when you can get raped by 29s at level 29?

Oooooh wait, thats why your making a 24 couse you will get raped amongs player at your level =D

Says the f2p fan!

Excuse me sir, you spelled cause incorrectly. Also, I'd like to add that Just because we are the first doesn't mean we are the only. There are several other 24 Twink guilds. Nevertheless, just because a new twink bracket has been created doesn't mean you need to get butthurt because your 29 friends are leaving you. c: Have a swell day.
Gorillamode said:
Saw their GM in a WSG the other day, pretty much garbage.

Oh really now? I haven't seen you, Oh.. maybe it's because you are on Aerie peak, which is the battle group of Nightfall, and my battlegroup is Reckoning.. shit man.. I didn't know you could be on two battlegroups at once.. Why don't you teach the other stragglers your nifty tricks?
Warcraftnick said:
Look at all the class variety in the guild.

All those hunter backpeddle btw.



Yea all of us backpeddle, you should check it out on these video's. It primarily teaches you how to backpeddle. Come back when you're ready to learn the mastery of Keyboard turning and Clicking. It's quite benevolent.




So, yea. Get back at me when you have successfully learned the art of backpeddling especially from all of these video's.. Also.. maybe you would like to edit for our guild as well.. are you even qualified to download programs w/o parental consent?
Rivfader said:
I have yet to lose a game against those bads, beat their 5 man in WSG and AB today :p

I'd love to see a screenshot of this, so called beating. Since we are bad and all.. I'm sure it will be easy for you, a Profession Skillsurger to beat us with ease again, correct?
CollateralGaming said:
Yea all of us backpeddle, you should check it out on these video's. It primarily teaches you how to backpeddle. Come back when you're ready to learn the mastery of Keyboard turning and Clicking. It's quite benevolent.




So, yea. Get back at me when you have successfully learned the art of backpeddling especially from all of these video's.. Also.. maybe you would like to edit for our guild as well.. are you even qualified to download programs w/o parental consent?

I was going to watch it until I saw 24 Hunter in the titles.
CollateralGaming said:
Oh really now? I haven't seen you, Oh.. maybe it's because you are on Aerie peak, which is the battle group of Nightfall, and my battlegroup is Reckoning.. shit man.. I didn't know you could be on two battlegroups at once.. Why don't you teach the other stragglers your nifty tricks?


>he doesn't know battlegroups are merged

>he thinks he knows what he's talking about

confirmed for retard.

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