WoD CC changes


fastest shadowstep in the west
  • Removed Silence effects from interrupts. Silence effects still exist, but are never attached to an interrupt.
  • Removed all Disarms.
  • Reduced the number of Diminishing Returns (DR) categories.
  • All Roots now share the same DR category.
  • Exception: Roots on Charge-type abilities have no DR category, but have a very short duration instead.
  • All Stuns now share the same DR category.
  • All Incapacitate (sometimes called "mesmerize") effects now share the same DR category and have been merged with the Horror DR category.
  • Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown.
  • Removed many CC spells entirely, and increased the cooldowns and restrictions on others.
  • Pet-cast CC is more limited, and in many cases has been removed.
  • Cyclone can now be dispelled by immunities and Mass Dispel.
  • PvP trinkets now grant immunity to reapplication of an effect from the same spell cast when they break abilities with persistent effects, like Solar Beam.
  • Long fears are now shorter in PvP due to the added benefit of a fear changing the players position.

Thoughts? Personally I hate this. It's just another example of blizzard dumbing down the game.
I think this is necessary, if they went on with another expansion without dumbing things down, the number intergers for one would be at almost 1 million health on each player and crits at ~500k, I think the removing of the cc and control impairing effects is a good thing, it removes all the bullshit of being in a chain cc for 25+ seconds ^_^ just my opinion though.
I think this is necessary, if they went on with another expansion without dumbing things down, the number intergers for one would be at almost 1 million health on each player and crits at ~500k, I think the removing of the cc and control impairing effects is a good thing, it removes all the bullshit of being in a chain cc for 25+ seconds ^_^ just my opinion though.

the cc and dr system itself is fine atm. the problem is that there is way too much instant cast cc

The only good change on that entire list is "Removed Silence effects from interrupts. Silence effects still exist, but are never attached to an interrupt." I'm actually very surprised they would implement something that punishes you for missing an interrupt more when the rest of the changes are just pure dumbing down of the game.
people who think this is bad are retarded, its perfect in every way shape and form.
  • removed all disarms.
  • pvp trinkets now grant immunity to reapplication of an effect from the same spell cast when they break abilities with persistent effects, like solar beam.
  • removed many cc spells entirely, and increased the cooldowns and restrictions on others.
  • pet-cast cc is more limited, and in many cases has been removed.
  • Reduced the number of Diminishing Returns (DR) categories.

perfect in every way shape and form.

I'm sorry, what? xD
I think this is necessary, if they went on with another expansion without dumbing things down, the number intergers for one would be at almost 1 million health on each player and crits at ~500k, I think the removing of the cc and control impairing effects is a good thing, it removes all the bullshit of being in a chain cc for 25+ seconds ^_^ just my opinion though.

Firstly, CC nerf is one ofbest changes wow history. And for million hp, blizz is actually nerffing healthpools. At 91 alpha warriors only have 63k hp and hitting 10-13k with slam. Dunno how em will tune down lower levels
This Doesnt Matter anyway considering nothing below level 100 will be able to play RATED Arenas, only skirmishes which is retarded :p Pve times inc.
This Doesnt Matter anyway considering nothing below level 100 will be able to play RATED Arenas, only skirmishes which is retarded :p Pve times inc.

About fucking time.

I'm so sick of running around with 70's who don't know where Sunwell Plateau is, or what BM stands for.
Thoughts? Personally I hate this. It's just another example of blizzard dumbing down the game.

If you're looking at these changes from the perspective of a low level player, sure, some of them are downright retarded.

However, in the context of high level pvp, these are the best changes to come to pvp since BC. Right now there are so many CCs (with so many of them instant cast), players can literally chain CCs all day and score a kill when their target runs out of defensive CDs to pop. It's mindnumbingly boring and basic, completely lacking in complexity or strategy. It is, as you say, dumbed down compared to TBC.

Currently, CC just doesn't matter. In WoD, it will.
If you're looking at these changes from the perspective of a low level player, sure, some of them are downright retarded.

However, in the context of high level pvp, these are the best changes to come to pvp since BC. Right now there are so many CCs (with so many of them instant cast), players can literally chain CCs all day and score a kill when their target runs out of defensive CDs to pop. It's mindnumbingly boring and basic, completely lacking in complexity or strategy. It is, as you say, dumbed down compared to TBC.

Currently, CC just doesn't matter. In WoD, it will.

Exactly I look at this the same way.

Really good thing about this in my opinion is them changing certain spells will be sharing DR, for example Mesmerize/Charm effect of a warlock pet, as far as I know this will share DR with Fears now, which is really good. Because a warlock is to overpowered with CC in higher level arenas. Same goes for Hunters and many other classes. Overall this will just make CCs way more valuable compared to how retarded easy you can lock 1 person down in PvP right now.
Right now there are so many CCs (with so many of them instant cast), players can literally chain CCs all day and score a kill when their target runs out of defensive CDs to pop. It's mindnumbingly boring and basic, completely lacking in complexity or strategy. It is, as you say, dumbed down compared to TBC.
Yes I totally agree lol.
The problem is all the instant cast cc that requires no setup, such as blind, silencing shot, HoJ, shadowfury, etc etc. There's way too much of it.
And I also agree that there are a few good things on the list such as:
  • Removed Silence effects from interrupts. Silence effects still exist, but are never attached to an interrupt.
  • Removed the ability to make cast-time CC spells instant with a cooldown.
But that's the only positive things on the entire list.
If you can seriously look at that entire list and go
these are the best changes to come to pvp since BC
then I have to ask you: what game have you been playing?

You wanna have less cc in the game? How about we talk about when they put all dispels on an 8 second cooldown (a change I still think is the most retarded thing they ever did to wow pvp). Reversing that would be a big step in the direction they're trying to go in here, without simplifying the game even more.

You seem to really like how PvP worked in TBC, so the vast majority of these changes should sound absolutely dreadful to you. Yet you're clinging to the popular opinion that these changes are good.
You're kinda contradicting yourself here.

for example Mesmerize/Charm effect of a warlock pet, as far as I know this will share DR with Fears now, which is really good.
They already share dr rofl
If you cry about these changes like most of the other people in this thread, you should just go ahead and quit the game, I fail to see how these changes are bad in anyway, the only change that might be a little over the top is the cyclone.
They already share dr rofl

You get what I mean, they are merging DRs with certain abilities which is good. I ment Horror, but It feels like they dont. These changes are good nonetheless, finally brings a bit value to CCing, and the way you use them. Doesnt take the fact away of the example I took last post, warlocks have retarded amount of CC. (Not just warlocks)

This is a personal opinion.
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As you may all know, I'm not much of a PvPer at all :p
But taken from my perspective, from the few PvP I do..
These lockout interrupt spells which also do silence, are they really used as lockout spells? They're nearly always used as a silence on my priest and shaman, not as an interrupt. But that might be because I'm never in the high brackets. Maybe.
But then again, I don't see how this is "dumbing down" the game either. The thing is, you're with less CC, so, you have less time to think on what your enemy might do, and you're no longer based on "CC that kill that". You now have to change your strategy in combat aswell. In fact, it'll make things harder. I found CC being just something annoying as hell, both use and take.
Removing disarms on the other hand I find was unnecessary, but we can't have everything, can we?
Removing Charge's stun.. Yeah it's been WITH stun for years now.. I think that too was unecessary. It'll make things harder in PvE aswell though, I have to admit. But we'll see how things go.

Yes, I'm a PvEer so I don't really know too much about these things and how affective they are, but this is just my opinion about all this ^.^

Do have a nice day nontheless, good chaps :)
yours truly

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