Why the removal of 20-24?


Why is Blizz changing the bracket in WoD? Have they come out and said that its to get rid of F2P players?
I have a few theory's

1. To make f2p pvp unenjoyable........(Wait!)....... in hopes that it pushes new comers to sub, as this isn't what endgame has to offer...Cough!

1a. Since going unlimited f2p and splinting the brackets, Blizzard would of noticed an increase in server activity in the lower brackets, and because f2p's being the bigger population static, don't generate revenue. meaning their profit margin from new subs from Trial accounts would be in the negative.

2. Back in the day I remember entering low lvl bg's and seeing players with a red status, almost impossible to hit and could most times solo an entire grp. which brings me to this, now that hit and exp are being removed, there is no need to have a split in the bracket plus with the introduction of gear scaling.

3. Going back to brackets with increments of 9 might mean better use of their servers and or speed up ques times across the game.

I understand that trials accounts have big restriction's to combat gold farmers ect, but in my opinion and i think Bisonpower quoted this, that they should unlock and improve the cash shops as this is the trend for most upcoming MMO's.

And by that I don't mean the p2p to win one's, but more like a GW2 and Wildstar model. Spending money in those games does give advantages, like buying exp boosts and gold, but people who don't fork out irl $ still have access to these items., they just have to earn it in game.
I have a few theory's

1. To make f2p pvp unenjoyable........(Wait!)....... in hopes that it pushes new comers to sub, as this isn't what endgame has to offer...Cough!

1a. Since going unlimited f2p and splinting the brackets, Blizzard would of noticed an increase in server activity in the lower brackets, and because f2p's being the bigger population static, don't generate revenue. meaning their profit margin from new subs from Trial accounts would be in the negative.

2. Back in the day I remember entering low lvl bg's and seeing players with a red status, almost impossible to hit and could most times solo an entire grp. which brings me to this, now that hit and exp are being removed, there is no need to have a split in the bracket plus with the introduction of gear scaling.

3. Going back to brackets with increments of 9 might mean better use of their servers and or speed up ques times across the game.

I understand that trials accounts have big restriction's to combat gold farmers ect, but in my opinion and i think Bisonpower quoted this, that they should unlock and improve the cash shops as this is the trend for most upcoming MMO's.

And by that I don't mean the p2p to win one's, but more like a GW2 and Wildstar model. Spending money in those games does give advantages, like buying exp boosts and gold, but people who don't fork out irl $ still have access to these items., they just have to earn it in game.
I never really thought about the xp much, funny that. I don't have many BoAs on my pvp. If only I could get them off my f2ps....Blizzards! When are you to make BoA tab now?
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#'s 2&3=BINGO!
Trial accounts are a mere pittance of the player base compared to subscribers.
Anything that Blizzard does, it trickles down to us by accident. Very little that they do is purposely done for twinking and for trial based accounts.

They chopped them up into 4 level brackets too lessen the OPness of players at the top of the bracket, but it scattered everybody to the point where games wouldnt pop anymore. With scaling, they can hopefully return too the 0-9 format and have games pop faster. As for exp off brackets, i couldnt tell you what players want. First twinks cried when they couldnt fight equally geared players, and then they gave them exp off brackets. And then twinks exploited to get back into leveling brackets and faceroll leveling players. Pretty sure blizzard doesnt give a shit at this point about players who twink.
Anyone have a link to the actual blizz post?
They are changing all brackets back to the way it was up Pre-Cata, simply because the level change is not ending in 5 anymore, but back to 0. Therefor, it's only logical to make them that way, or you'd make more issues than not.

They do not really even support F2P as it is played, because they have said many times on the forums it is simply for people to get a look at the game, if they want to buy it or not, and it's never been intended for simply playing on, but that they felt having a time limit was a bit harsh, and not giving enough time to experience things to decide on liking the game. It's not so much that they dislike or don't care about F2P, as it is they don't really even have it on their radar.
As an F2P you cant turn your xp off at 19, as soon as you enter an instances bg's, dungeons, or raids it resets your status to xp on so its a waste of 10g, this change, unless the gear we can get scales extremely well will most likely kill the F2P bracket by make the playing field so far from level that no one will have fun with it, the 20's will get so sick of being destroyed y 1-2 29's that they will stop playing, or just run arena with other lv 20's, and the 29's will get so bored of winning games single-handedly and one-shoting people that they will move to other brackets. This excludes obvious outliers like the die hard F2P that will play no matter what and the 29's who just enjoy picking on toons that have no chance against them, but the vast majority will probably leave if you ask me.
Maybe I am the only one who see's this but this change might force some f2ps to pay for WoW in spite of the (if negative) changes. This is obviously something Blizzard would aim for since the F2P community might be too large to their taste. End result of this might be to get some f2ps to cash-in and upgrade to a monthly-subscription, which would be a big plus for Blizzard's financing.

This, obviously, also aims to answer all the f2ps twinks that keep hoping for changes to the trial account, like lvl cap, gold cap, and profession cap increase, or further abilities and features for f2ps, etc.

Remember, Blizzard's goal is not to make f2p look more appealing than the actual full game!
i like being optimistic, but with blizzard you have to be pessimistic

-How many hardcore f2p have you seen fully quit in 5.4 enchant shitstorm?

Not many, there was this massive shitstorm of QQ but queued anyway

As madhombre put it-''so whats the best thing to do if you have a brain? right, avoid this bracket as often as possible.''. Move on and avoid it

I personally suggested world pvp and others had suggested arenas, but obviously no one cares about that as seen from previous threads nothing will change and f2p heroes will continue to live in their own little world

F2p gets the 1 shot now and they still que you think they will stop queing
The xp off resets on f2p?! That doesn't sound like it's as intended.

19s cried when F2P 19s were in their BGs. Blizz changed it. It's even in the F2P FAQ.

https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/world-of-warcraft-starter-edition "Can't disable experience gains."

A couple one word Tweets is hardly confirmation the brackets are all moving to 10 level ranges, but why they would do it is simple, more people in the queue and faster pops. 24s won't care, they'll simply level, or make a 29. 14s and 10s might cry a little. It really depends on how scaling works, and if abilities are given as well as just upping the item level of things.
The xp off resets on f2p?! That doesn't sound like it's as intended. Have you tried to shut off xp since the xp off bg exploit was fixed? Because as you probably know, the xp off guy and the whole mechanic has been changed since the xp off bg exploit days.

I mean it definitely isn't as intended. If you can't turn off your xp on f2p then it shouldn't take your gold just like a f2p can't use ah. It just shouldn't be an option rather than rob a noobs gold.

I had a 19 f2p for a few months, then bliz stealth nerfed our ability to lock... they stealth nerfed it so hard that when I asked a GM why my XP had been turned back on, he insisted it was a UI error and that from HIS end, my xp was still off. I talked to a second GM a day later who was also unaware of the change, and this GM also insisted my xp was still turned off.

I don't know how GMs view whether xp is on, or off with a given toon, but it made me think that the change was unintended at the time... I'd say it was a mistake on their part initially, but they simply don't care to correct it, and simply tell anyone who asks that it was intended.
To be fair, level 10s (If done right and fully geared) were still a pretty strong force at times in the 10-19 bracket, back in the day.

Granted, this is a bit different. But point being.

It will really depend on how the scaling goes.

Also, no, Blizzard isn't really plotting against F2P. If they had an issue with it, they'd just go back to how it was or nerf it into the ground. It's very obvious the change is simply because less brackets = Faster queues, and '0-9' brackets fit better with a level 100 cap, overall.

I've heard people say "___ will kill twinking" since Vanilla.

F2P twinks won't be killed off until it's made impossible.

Also: https://us.battle.net/support/en/article/world-of-warcraft-starter-edition

Is quite inaccurate.

You can be in other channels and talk in them, other than party/say.
Trade skills may be set at 100, but secondary skills (Still count as trade skills, do they not?) can go well past that, despite having the "Capped" message displaying, which kind of seems as if it was unintentional.
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