US Why is the alliance doing so bad suddenly D:


It went from this...

World of Warcraft 10_18_2016 3_59_52 PM.png

To this.

World of Warcraft 10_22_2016 1_24_50 PM.png

Now I don't feel like playing my ally druid : /
Are we going to have these "Why is (Insert Faction Here) doing so bad?" threads every other week?
2 games is your sample size?
first game you had a dedicated fc/i assume you were dedicated returner with what looks like a surv hunter killing everything
second game you had a premade on horde

in the nicest way possible... ur brain is afk?
Can't really tell much from 2 screenies, each of different classes. Just looks like a case of winning one and losing the other
Ally were on fire last night...........
At one point we almost had 3 people alive in EotS.......

Not only that, after I capped MT I raced across to DR since no other Ally did (WTF?). And to add injury to insult, since all of Ally went mid, you would think we would get the freaking flag..........
Totally agree with you @Goatee!:mad:
Probably some damn end game raiders levelling new bank toons and they've all picked Ally!

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