Why Does Everyone Use the Default Blizzard UI?

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I've been checking out the UI section recently, and even posted my own UI. I absolutely detest the default Blizzard UI due to clunkiness, lack of any real aesthetics, and it takes up a huge amount of space on your screen. I have seen a lot of different UI's, some good, some bad, but in all of them, they are trying to steer clear of any type of similarity between the modified UI, and the default UI, due to it's unprofessional look.

Ranting aside, it blew my mind when I came here and saw some obviously skilled players still using the default artwork! What is it about the default UI that places it ahead of every other UI? If it were one or two people I would chalk it up to different taste, but almost every UI i have seen on this site has the Blizzard art work and frames still in use, which means either one of two things to me:

1. The vast majority of twinks (as this is a twink site, and no other site I frequent utilizes the original Blizzard UI the extent that you do) have not grown out/matured enough to stop using the default UI.

2. The default UI offers a functionality that remains hidden to me- some hidden game mechanic that gives twinks a boost on the battleground and in duels.

I'm not at all saying that the players skill is a derivative of the players UI, but come on...surely there must be more people with more imagination and creativity to design and implement a true work of art when it comes to re designing their UI?
1. The vast majority of twinks (as this is a twink site, and no other site I frequent utilizes the original Blizzard UI the extent that you do) have not grown out/matured enough to stop using the default UI.

Are you seriously suggesting UI choice is a question of maturity?

The default UI is scalable and malleable enough for PVP purposes. Raiding can benefit from a more streamlined UI, but my take is that it is ultimately the mods and macros that you run aside the UI that determine the efficiency of your setup. Blizzards default UI has the benefits of stability and compatiblity. For PVP purposes, I have tried other UI's, but found no real difference in my performance, as they are generally cosmetic.

As humans we also build user interface constructs just through navigating our environments. Learned and reactive behaviour come through repetition. The Blizzard UI might look ugly, but when you assess it more clearly, it is clearly designed for familiality, which can benefit PVP performance. Customization in more complex scenarios (raid/bg) needs to be more extensive however.
While there are many add-ons that people should get to improve their outward gameplay performance, other UI mods are just for client-side looks, and well, aesthetics aren't too important to some. I don't know, but a constant need to please my aesthetic tendencies would seem more childish than the other way around. Unless a UI improves my performance, why should I care?

That was rhetorical, of course.
Are you seriously suggesting UI choice is a question of maturity?

The default UI is scalable and malleable enough for PVP purposes.

Yes I am, and no it isn't. When you even the playing field in terms of mods, skill, and latency, the amount of space being taken up in the UI becomes priority number 1. And last I heard, the default blizzard UI was not moved/scaled in any of the UI's I mentioned.

As to familiarity, any good PvP'er has their keys bound, which doesn't require the default blizzard UI to keep track of. There are numerous efficient mods out there to get rid of the *familiar* Blizzard Art bar, and move in the direction of efficiency, cleanness, and order.

A change in your UI could open up a blind spot you were otherwise unaware of, thus increasing your PvP capacity. Leaving your UI as default would be like street racing in a standard stock car with no modifications whatsoever.

Your arguments that familiarity with a UI somehow enhances the PvP experience strikes me to be analogous to someone afraid to take a step out of their own tiny little microcosm, and experience something much more than "default". In other words, baby won't let go of their "blankie", so to speak. Hence why I inferred a maturity problem as one of my reasons.
Personally not fond of blizzards whole dungeons and dragons look along with essential addons I just trim my down and give it a more sleek/modern look.

SS if anyone cares ^.^

Ark I love your UI. I can't get used to having the unit frames on the bottom of the screen, just doesn't feel right. Otherwise I use the clean style also.
Are those Shadowed Unit Frames you are using, Ark?
Yes I am, and no it isn't. When you even the playing field in terms of mods, skill, and latency, the amount of space being taken up in the UI becomes priority number 1. And last I heard, the default blizzard UI was not moved/scaled in any of the UI's I mentioned.

As to familiarity, any good PvP'er has their keys bound, which doesn't require the default blizzard UI to keep track of. There are numerous efficient mods out there to get rid of the *familiar* Blizzard Art bar, and move in the direction of efficiency, cleanness, and order.

A change in your UI could open up a blind spot you were otherwise unaware of, thus increasing your PvP capacity. Leaving your UI as default would be like street racing in a standard stock car with no modifications whatsoever.

Your arguments that familiarity with a UI somehow enhances the PvP experience strikes me to be analogous to someone afraid to take a step out of their own tiny little microcosm, and experience something much more than "default". In other words, baby won't let go of their "blankie", so to speak. Hence why I inferred a maturity problem as one of my reasons.

Who has problems with space being taken up anymore?

You can't move or rotate Blizzard UIs Actionbars/Map/Bags/Icons/CastBar.

You can resize/rescale Actionbars.

You can move/rotate Raid Frames, make Party Frames = Raid Frames, move your/your targets/target-of-targets frame.

What else is needed? Most custom UIs I see are just over-the-top, and look either trashy or too little/minimalist.

For me, if the functionality is there, there's no need for change. Blizzard default UI is iconic and memorable. Maybe that's just me.

Also I don't know why your suprised some skilled players, and the majority of people don't change their UI. Not many people feel any necessity in changing their UI.
Blizzard default UI is iconic and memorable.

So it's nostalgia, rather than effectiveness, that drives you to keep the default frames? Ok yeah I can see that, especially if you have some good memories playing an overpowered class when you first started playing WoW, without knowing it was OP.

Also I don't know why your suprised some skilled players, and the majority of people don't change their UI. Not many people feel any necessity in changing their UI.

Did I not clarify? I said players on twink info, not players in general. The vast majority of UI's I have seen used by PvPers have not been the default UI. Which is why it surprised me that twinks still used it.

1. The vast majority of twinks (as this is a twink site, and no other site I frequent utilizes the original Blizzard UI the extent that you do) have not grown out/matured enough to stop using the default UI.

I suggest you read some Jean Paiget, Erik Erikson or any classical development Psychologist, in order to reach a clearer understanding of the concept of maturity.
Are those Shadowed Unit Frames you are using, Ark?

Yes it is ive modified em a bit to suit my needs thought with My debuffs enlarged to the left of target along with moving some of the text around

Thanks elliot ^.^ it does take some getting used to but IMO is worth the effort so your not always having to glance up to the top left corner of the screen and lets you keep a better eye on CDs debuffs and for me combo points
I suggest you read some Jean Paiget, Erik Erikson or any classical development Psychologist, in order to reach a clearer understanding of the concept of maturity.

I have taken you up on your clever insinuation of my lack of knowledge insofar as the human psyche is concerned, and will provide a source with my opinions and findings clearly stated!

Psychologists have affirmed the fact that maturity does not come with age, and as far as these posts are concerned, I have not ever insulted a particular age group or ethnicity, nor have I actually insinuated that the users of the default Blizzard UI with no modifications whatsoever (hereinafter referred to as the "default UI") are anything other than a little less mature than, say, a player who has taken the time, and who has the patience, to modify their UI in order to fulfill their needs and their desire to be a bit more unique than the standard PvPer.

Psychologists also believe that patience with others, with a degree of assertiveness, can be a sign of psychological maturity as well. In this post, I have outlined my question to the community and gave two possible answers, neither of which need be accurate because I would not try to answer a question that is not directed, ambiguously or otherwise, in my direction. I have patiently responded to all posters in order to clarify my question, and to attempt to derive a standard answer for my question. On the topic of assertiveness, I believe that my posting my question is in and of itself a firm reinforcement of my assertiveness.

Balanced between dependence and independence is also cited as a classic psychological measuring stick (for lack of a better term) when it comes to psychological maturity. When a player insists on retaining a pure default UI (the definition of which may be seen above) can be visualized as overcompensation in the area of dependence, with little or no independence, or self confidence that one can indeed build a User Interface (hereinafter referred to as UI) capable of fulfilling their needs, as well as please their eyes with an aesthetically pleasing UI.

Having respect, compassion, and patience for others has been cited by many psychologists as another classic standard when it comes to maturity. I do not believe users of the default UI to be inferior to me; nay, I even go on to state that I have witnessed players with far more skill than I in the field of World of Warcraft PvP at levels other than maximum level (hereinafter referred to as "twinking") who utilize the default UI in a manner that has, metaphysically speaking, blown my mind (see first post, page 1, paragraph 2, sentence 1).

If you wish to continue a psychological debate with me sir, please continue this debate in a private manner. I would be more than glad to further explain my position in a private message, if that would accommodate your needs.

why do you post on Twinkinfo if you don't want to read different opinions? As I can see, you ask questions but you want to read the answer that you like... Respect opinions : )
Psychologists have affirmed the fact that maturity does not come with age

Invalid. This would only be absolutely true If we isolated a child post utero, void of any stimulation (which is purely a though experiement, as the childs brain cicuits would atrophy and die without stimulus) . Brain development begins In Utero at the ectoderm stage in the first trimester. Levels of nutrients and hormone levels in even the first trimester are influencing gene expression for later cognition. As we accept that our thought experiement is not possible, and that development occurs in time, It only stands to reason that initial cognitive maturity is a function of time.

Whether one achieves pure realisation through Hegels Dialectic, is not exclusively a case of what individualists like to call choice, but through a process of our movement through the social vector field. There may be certain epigenetic effects that put us into juxtaposition that increase the chance for maturity to happen. The reason why the vast majority of us reach a common level of maturity, is due to the mean direction and weighting of social vectors that affect our gene expression in similar ways.

ALL cognitive development is a function of time, the probability to mature is a condition of prexisiting epigenetic possibilities, and the dialectic of successive metarealities, which If you are an objectivist (As I am), are externally driven and internally realised within physical reality.

Current understanding does not reduce congnitive development to either an exclusively genetic or social basis. No psychologist with a firm understanding of both classical roots would suggest the fact that maturity does not come with age. It simply is NOT a fact.

Psychologists also believe that patience with others, with a degree of assertiveness, can be a sign of psychological maturity as well. In this post, I have outlined my question to the community and gave two possible answers, neither of which need be accurate because I would not try to answer a question that is not directed, ambiguously or otherwise, in my direction. I have patiently responded to all posters in order to clarify my question, and to attempt to derive a standard answer for my question. On the topic of assertiveness, I believe that my posting my question is in and of itself a firm reinforcement of my assertiveness.

Could you be more ambiguous? Which psychologists? Can be a sign? You have self referenced a circular argument that states "By doing action X, I am doing action X". If we wish to talk about classical thinking, then consider that thinking in purely binary positions, is a classical sign of immaturity.

Balanced between dependence and independence is also cited as a classic psychological measuring stick (for lack of a better term) when it comes to psychological maturity. When a player insists on retaining a pure default UI (the definition of which may be seen above) can be visualized as overcompensation in the area of dependence, with little or no independence, or self confidence that one can indeed build a User Interface (hereinafter referred to as UI) capable of fulfilling their needs, as well as please their eyes with an aesthetically pleasing UI.

What about those who have considered the antithesis and contrasted it with their theisis and see no functional, or survival reason to change PURELY the UI?

Having respect, compassion, and patience for others has been cited by many psychologists as another classic standard when it comes to maturity. I do not believe users of the default UI to be inferior to me; nay, I even go on to state that I have witnessed players with far more skill than I in the field of World of Warcraft PvP at levels other than maximum level (hereinafter referred to as "twinking") who utilize the default UI in a manner that has, metaphysically speaking, blown my mind (see first post, page 1, paragraph 2, sentence 1).

This ultimately depends on the weighted direction of the mean social vector field. Within a capitalistic framework, those who distribute inequity are mature insofaras they forfill the basic premise of capitalism. Accumulation of capital. (Which requires a particular set of gene expressions that drive this egodriven, self-maximizing behaviour).

If you wish to continue a psychological debate with me sir, please continue this debate in a private manner. I would be more than glad to further explain my position in a private message, if that would accommodate your needs.

No desire.
Invalid. This would only be absolutely true If we isolated a child post utero, void of any stimulation (which is purely a though experiement, as the childs brain cicuits would atrophy and die without stimulus) . Brain development begins In Utero at the ectoderm stage in the first trimester. Levels of nutrients and hormone levels in even the first trimester are influencing gene expression for later cognition. As we accept that our thought experiement is not possible, and that development occurs in time, It only stands to reason that initial cognitive maturity is a function of time.

Whether one achieves pure realisation through Hegels Dialectic, is not exclusively a case of what individualists like to call choice, but through a process of our movement through the social vector field. There may be certain epigenetic effects that put us into juxtaposition that increase the chance for maturity to happen. The reason why the vast majority of us reach a common level of maturity, is due to the mean direction and weighting of social vectors that affect our gene expression in similar ways.

ALL cognitive development is a function of time, the probability to mature is a condition of prexisiting epigenetic possibilities, and the dialectic of successive metarealities, which If you are an objectivist (As I am), are externally driven and internally realised within physical reality.

Current understanding does not reduce congnitive development to either an exclusively genetic or social basis. No psychologist with a firm understanding of both classical roots would suggest the fact that maturity does not come with age. It simply is NOT a fact.

Could you be more ambiguous? Which psychologists? Can be a sign? You have self referenced a circular argument that states "By doing action X, I am doing action X". If we wish to talk about classical thinking, then consider that thinking in purely binary positions, is a classical sign of immaturity.

What about those who have considered the antithesis and contrasted it with their theisis and see no functional, or survival reason to change PURELY the UI?

This ultimately depends on the weighted direction of the mean social vector field. Within a capitalistic framework, those who distribute inequity are mature insofaras they forfill the basic premise of capitalism. Accumulation of capital. (Which requires a particular set of gene expressions that drive this egodriven, self-maximizing behaviour).

No desire.

Congratulations, you've proven you've taken more Psychology classes and that you know everything. You've also succeeded in derailing the thread.

The default ui straight up blows.

My ui is in the ui thread, i cba to get it atm.

What kind of good model has you looking up to the top left completely away from the action to determine how close you are to dead?

The bars are extremely tiny, whereas a modification similar to mine, or Arks for example, allows an extremely quick glance slightly away from the action to determine someones class, level, health, and more. You cannot scale the individual buttons on the default UI, so you won't be able to see how long is left on a certain cooldown quickly, not to mention attempting to determine how long it is on the shaded clock-like system. The only thing the default ui has going for it is the fact that it is stable and i suppose you could say "lightweight", although a good machine will render that nil.

I would say if you dont run these addons or some variation, you are gimping yourself:



An add-on to track short/long cooldowns on abilities/items (Persoanlly MSBT does the trick)



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