Why do people assume that shamans are weak?

1.At lvl 19 Shamans can beat almost every class one on one. (Stealthed rogues and very well geared paladins/warriors are a pain tho)

2.Hunter + Shaman is one of the most amazing/annoying combos ever


3.We can pretty much destroy all casters one on one without breaking a

sweat. (Easy to heal off their damage,dispel their buffs/hots and ES their casts.

Shaman are the strongest class 1vs1. No doubt. When I see a fully buffed shaman charging me, I book it. Then again, I book it regardless of class hehe.
shammy imo, is by far the best class for 1vs1` and can fill many different roles in wsg
I dont think bad hunters/locks going after you means people think they are weak. Maybe hunters to some extent if they think you are bad (not the class) but I see no reason why a lock would go after you.
Naturaltalnt said:
While I don't have a 19 twink and have very limited knowledge in this bracket, the most viewed thread is the 19 shaman guide, so from what I gather, I don't think most people view shamans as a weak class ;)

I dont view Shamans as a weak class at all. I can beat most of them on my hunter but thats cause A, im not a walk backwards hunter and B, my hunter has 1900 mana and 300 AP and both 225 skills. I do see Shamans as one of my hardest fights with a very good Paladin and a close second.
Totemtime said:
Well,Hunters and Warlocks are always running up to me alone assuming that im a free HK.

You just listed off the 2 classes that generally think they can easily win 1v1 vs other classes regardless. I'm betting they weren't such good players, not as a testament to your skills, but rather they probably thought that because they were overgeared on highly damaging classes that they could 1v1 you. Shamans are by no means weak, and I remember a 19 shaman in my bg that was probably one of the best healers I've ever seen.

I wouldnt say they are viewed as being weak but more like someone they need to kill, maybe thats where you are mistaken lol. I seriously RAGE when i faceroll a hunter and then 3 more come in to finish me off. If your rolling a shaman twink expect to be targeted.
User said:
I wouldnt say they are viewed as being weak but more like someone they need to kill, maybe thats where you are mistaken lol. I seriously RAGE when i faceroll a hunter and then 3 more come in to finish me off. If your rolling a shaman twink expect to be targeted.

/totally agree

If I see one of the top geared shamans pop into my wsg, they jump to #1 on the kill list. I go to pretty fair extremes to keep them running back from spirit healer.
User said:
I seriously RAGE when i faceroll a hunter and then 3 more come in to finish me off. If your rolling a shaman twink expect to be targeted.

I laughed pretty hard about that RAGE part, it reminded me of this vid I saw one time. I've been trying to find it for a long time now, but it showed this player in MC way back in the day, and he was a shaman, and he's like: Alright guys now I'm going to show you how you raid MC on a shaman, and there's a guy video taping him, and the camera zooms in on his computer screen, and all his hot bars are filled and binded with FROSTSHOCK. The raid starts and he like opens his spell book to drop a totem and he's like "well you gotta put down at least one totem" then proceeds to just literally roll his face on the keyboard, even though frost shock has a CD, it was funny stuff.
Shamans are the most dominate 19 1v1 class. Put a geared out shaman against any other class and have both players at equal skill level, the shaman will win.
what type of shamans are we talking about though ?

elemental are not good at 19, not until they got water shield to actually fuel their mana.

resto is nothing of an healer so its not so good either...

enhance though is something... it is the best shaman can be at that level and it doesn't need all its mana to go at people.

so basically it depends which spec you are talking about.
Hunters are the dominant 1 vs 1 class at 19 if you're talking allround, not duels/arena only. But I gotta give it to ya, shamans are the most versatile class there is. Huge dps, good healing, slows and dispels. If I hadn't been so stupid to make a mage, I would have made a shaman :(

Who assumes a shaman is weak, is retarded. If anything, a good geared and skilled shaman is one of the most powerful things you'll ever run into. A dumb/half assed shaman is not very impressive, though- shamans REALLY thrive on skill.
i think anyone who assumes that any char is noob or an easy kill 1v1 (unless they r seriously undergeared) should be lol'd at. Every class, if properly geared and skilled can at least present a challenge, and perhaps even win 1v1. Unfortunately there are very very few truly skilled shaman twinks around these days (maybe its just my battlegroup:( )
ArthurianKnight said:
what type of shamans are we talking about though ?

elemental are not good at 19, not until they got water shield to actually fuel their mana.

resto is nothing of an healer so its not so good either...

enhance though is something... it is the best shaman can be at that level and it doesn't need all its mana to go at people.

so basically it depends which spec you are talking about.

ele/healin is the best..silly

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